So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1247: Dr. Benjamin (on)

The first thousand two hundred and forty-seven chapters of Dr. Benjamin (on)

And myself, and had no relationship with assassination of Yang Ming, so Huang Youcai also stood up in a timely manner, smiled and said to the black man and Alice: "just coffee has been drunk, I went to the bathroom, and smoked by the way. go with."

The man in black nodded with appreciation. Huang was very savvy and had nothing to do with him. He didn't want to know. This is also an important reason why the man in black is very happy to cooperate with him.

The cooperation between the black man and Huang Youcai is also limited to dealing with Yang Ming, and other plans of the black man will naturally not let Huang Youcai know, but Huang Youcai does not care, he thinks this has nothing to do with him, ask more. However, it seems that he has no plans.

Moreover, Huang Youcai did not think that the black man was only for the purpose of targeting Yang Ming. The financial strength and power of the man in black were shocked by Huang Youcai. If only for Yang Ming as the ultimate goal, then this The goal is a bit too short, so behind the black man, there must be a deeper hidden existence.

However, these things are not related to the talented things. Huang Youcai is not stupid. The more you know, the deeper you get stuck. However, he only wants to kill Yang Ming and then part ways with the black man.

As for the black man to do afterwards, Huang Youcai is too lazy to ask, and it is impossible to continue to make suggestions. He does not want to tie himself to the black man in the same chariot.

Victoria always listened to the movement of the side of the box, heard the opening of the door next door, Victoria suddenly felt a tight heart, but in order not to cause doubts from the side of the box, Victoria just opened a gap in his box door, just can I saw the scene in the corridor, but it did not attract the attention of others.

I saw the door of the side box opened, and a man of about 30 years old came out from the inside. The man was a little thin and left a board. The appearance was not too decent and somewhat cumbersome.

Seeing not Alice, Victoria breathed a sigh of relief, this person will not recognize himself, so Victoria does not need to be careful, it is doubtful.

Victoria and other 30-year-old men completely out of the box, and after closing the door of the box, Victoria also made a box out of the box, and followed the 30-year-old who came out of the next box. man.

The guests in the corridor are not only Huang Youcai and Victoria, but also the waiters and other guests in the box. So when people come and go, Huang Youcai does not doubt anything, and he does not think much.

Huang Youcai went to the bathroom, not even his head. Victoria, however, has stepped up, surpassing Huang Youcai and stepping into the bathroom.

The men's and women's restrooms in the coffee shop are distributed on the left and right sides, that is to say, the door to the door, the middle of the corridor is the sink at the end of the corridor. Victoria sees the direction of Huang Youcai, and naturally judges that he is going to the bathroom. Because the emergency stairs and the elevator are on the other side, there is nothing else besides the restroom, so it is inferred that Huang Youcai is heading for the bathroom.

Victoria stepped in the women's bathroom first, not bad, there is no one in the bathroom, otherwise Victoria will swing the camera inside, it is difficult to be misunderstood.

Huang Youcai naturally won't pay attention to Victoria, and he is a big man, and he can't go to the women's toilet to look inside. So, Victoria stands in the female toilet slightly in the inside position, adjust the camera's focal length, the flash is disabled, in When Huang Youcai came to the end of the corridor, he pressed the camera's camera button.

Victoria bought a card electronic digital camera, not a shutter sound like a SLR camera. After the camera was muted, it could not hear the camera sound, so Huang Youcai was photographed by Victoria without any notice. .

Huang Youcai walked into the bathroom, took a toilet, and lit a cigarette at the window. He has not appeared in public for a long time, but no one can recognize him now.

Once Wang Xifan and Wang Zhitao were avenged, Huang Youcai would leave the city and go to a remote place to start a new life. However, before revenge, Huang Youcai would not plan for himself. For the Wang family, he also had to start and end. .

The main purpose of Victoria is to take pictures. After the purpose is reached, there is no need to continue to stay. Especially when I see Huang Youcai just smoking at the window, Victoria will give up the plan to stay here.

Victoria took the camera into the cuff and walked out of the bathroom. However, in the moment when Victoria took the bathroom, Alice’s box door opened!

Victoria was shocked and quickly returned to half his body, passing the mirror on the sink at the end of the corridor, paying attention to the movement in the corridor.

After Huang Youcai went out, Alice wanted to say something, but the black man waved his hand: "Alice, you go to see the movement at the door..."

Alice took a glimpse of it and understood her brother's meaning. Let her check it out. Huang Youcai was eavesdropping on their conversation outside the door. However, this box is very soundproof. This possibility should be very small.

Alice got up, opened the door of the box, looked around, and quickly closed it. There was no yellow talent outside the door, and Alice did not notice Victoria.

If Alice's eyesight is good enough, she should be able to see Victoria from the mirror on the sink at the end of the corridor, but obviously Alice did not pay attention to those details. She mainly wanted to see if Huang Youcai stood at the door. As long as Huang has not stood at the door, the other has nothing to do with her.

What's more, Alice is also afraid that Huang has a long way to look at this side. If I see myself opening the door, then obviously I can guess my intention, and I will let Huang Youcai have the idea of ​​distrust.

When Alice saw no one in the corridor, she quickly closed the door and returned to her seat. "Brother, nothing, Mr. Huang is not at the door."

The man in black nodded and made a gesture that he could continue to say: "Alice, what did you say before?"

"Dr. Benjamin, have you contacted you recently?" Alice asked.

"Contacted," the black man nodded and pointed to his face: "My mask is Dr. Benjamin's latest improvement..."

“Dr. Benjamin determined that Shuya was the little girl who had seen Sun Sikong in the past?” Alice asked with some doubts: “But I did not see anything strange on her face by touching her. ”

"At the beginning, I thought it was not, but from her frequent contact with Yang Ming, it should be her and not wrong." The black man said: "This proves even more, Sun Sikong's mask has The more advanced technology content, even a few years ago, has far exceeded Dr. Benjamin!"

"If that's the case, it's true." Alice sighed: "Shuya's face is very real, far more real than your faceless mask."

"Nothing wrong, I have nothing to look at at first glance, but it will take a long time to contact, and there will be doubts." The black man nodded. "To find the whereabouts of Sun Sikong, you must start from Shuya. The relationship with Shuya should be kept good and not broken."

"Brother, don't worry, my personal relationship with Shuya is very good now," Alice said with some pride. Alice, as a **** fan of Shuya, is actually purposeful. Alice is not very clear about the things between Dr. Benjamin and her brother, but one thing is still very clear, that is, my brother has been helping Dr. Benjamin is doing things, and Dr. Benjamin asked him to look for someone called Sun Sikong. According to the survey, the red star Shuya on the music scene is now Suya, but she doesn’t know why, her face changes. It is.

After further investigation, I found that when Sun Sikong settled in Songjiang, he did have frequent contact with a girl named Suya. Only later, Sun Sikong disappeared, and the girl named Suya disappeared.

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