So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1247: Dr. Benjamin (below)

The first thousand two hundred and forty-seven chapters of Dr. Benjamin (below)

Originally, although Shuya and Suya were only one surname, they would not fall into the sight of black men. After all, one is a famous singer in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and the other is a little girl from Songjiang. How can a character be a person?

However, in the investigation, there is a major discovery, that is, Suya, actually Yang Ming’s younger girlfriend! This discovery has surprised some men in black.

However, he did not see Yang Ming contacted Suya again, and found Suya, which became a very difficult job. However, unfortunately, the big star Shuya actually came to Songjiang to open a concert!

This did not cause the attention of the man in black. What caught his attention was the frequent contact between Shuya and Yang Ming! This makes the black man doubtful! The two people who had no contact, but at the same time, had a relationship with Yang Ming, especially the names were very similar! This has to make the black man think more!

In particular, knowing the mask function developed by Sun Sikong, the more the black man thinks, the more he feels that this Shuya is probably the Suya of that year, just wearing the mask developed by Sun Sikong.

So, after this, the black man paid attention to Shu Yalai, but his identity restricted his actions and made him unable to conduct further investigations on Shuya. Therefore, the black man entrusted his sister Aili. Silk investigated the identity of Shuya.

After receiving the order from her brother, Alice disguised herself as a fan of Shuya and began to collect Shuya's materials by using her influence in the upper class of Europe.

The absolute concern of the man in black is Shuya, who met in Macau, Yang Ming and Shuya. A big star without any anecdote, who often meets with a stranger, can’t say anything about it. It’s okay to say that they don’t matter, the black man can’t believe it.

Therefore, the black man is even more skeptical, this Shuya is the Suya, until Yang Ming and Shuya met for the third time in Europe, the black man let Alice intervene, hoping to find some clues.

"If Sun Sikong can join the organization, it will definitely be a very powerful booster." The black man smiled: "At that time, I don't have to be afraid of that person!"

Alice didn't know much about these things, so when her brother said these things, she couldn't make an evaluation, and she could only nod silently.

"Keep good relations with Shuya, try to find some news about Shuya from Yang Ming." The black man said: "We don't have much time."

"I understand, I will try my best." Alice solemnly responded.

The sound of knocking on the door came from outside the door. The black man whispered and asked loudly: "Who?"

"It's me." The voice of Huang Youcai came from outside the door.

"Come in." The black man sighed and said.

Huang Youcai pushed the door in and smiled and sat in his position: "Did you brothers and sisters continue?"

"Oh, we haven't seen each other for a long time, say some homely, nothing." The black man waved his hand and said: "If nothing happens, we will let it go, keep in touch."

After Huang Youcai returned to the box, Victoria also quickly went out of the bathroom, returned to his box, continued to attach his ear to the door, listening to the movement outside the door.

When the door next door came again, Victoria noticed that Alice and the two strange men had left the box together, including the man I had met in the bathroom.

It’s definitely impossible to go out to take photos at this time. Not only is it easy to be discovered by these people, but it’s not worth the loss, especially when Alice knows herself, Victoria doesn’t have to take risks!

However, Victoria came to the window in the box, opened the window, carefully looked at the terrain outside the window, and then quickly jumped onto the window sill and jumped out to grab the iron shelf of the air conditioner under the window sill.

At this moment, the whole body of Victoria is suspended in the air, and this is on the second floor. With the iron frame buffer of the air conditioner, the ground level of Victoria is not high.

So Victoria loosened the hand holding the iron frame of the air conditioner and jumped easily to the ground below. At this time, the back of the cafe was sparsely populated, so Victoria was not seen when he jumped down. Especially Victoria's movements were very fast, and there was no pause in the middle. After arriving at the ground, he quickly went to the main entrance of the coffee shop. The direction is running.

Alice and the black man and Huang Youcai are the normal stairs to go downstairs, and they have to go to the bar on the first floor to check out, so the action is naturally not as fast as Victoria. After Victoria came to the main entrance of the coffee shop, it was quickly hidden. Behind a station billboard.

After a while, Alice and the two men went out to the coffee shop. Alice stopped the taxi directly and left, and the man who was seen in the bathroom before, and another black man, It was on another taxi.

When Victoria went out with Huang Youcai and the black man, he took a few photos with the camera quickly. After Huang Youcai and the black man sat in the taxi, Victoria hesitated, and then stopped a taxi to follow.

The man in black has a strong anti-tracking ability. He will not take a taxi directly to his destination, no matter who is behind him.

At the door of a grocery store, the black man said to the taxi driver: "Stop the car, let's go buy a packet of cigarettes."

The taxi driver listened to the black man who said "we". Naturally, it was clear that the black man and Huang Youcai had to get off the bus together and immediately did not do it: "How can it be! If you all got out of the car and ran away, Who am I looking for?”

"Don't worry, this is a hundred dollars, and I am here." The black man took out a hundred dollars and threw it on the taxi's bridge. Then he said, "You are waiting for us for a while." !"

The driver saw the black man who threw a hundred deposits and naturally would not say anything. He nodded and let them get off the bus.

Victoria saw the black man and Huang Youcai parked far away, and quickly stopped the driver of his car, let him park the car not far away.

When Victoria saw that Huang Youcai and the black man entered a grocery store, and their taxis were waiting outside the grocery store, Victoria was relieved to think that the two people must be shopping at the grocery store. went.

So Victoria waited patiently in the car.

I didn't know how long it took. The driver in front of the black man and the driver of Huang Youcai took the taxi. Maybe he waited a little impatient, so he entered the grocery store.

Not long after, the taxi driver came out again, and the mouth was awkward. Although there was a distance from Victoria, the taxi driver was a big voice and shouted loudly: "His mother, these two people are really weird, I didn’t want a hundred bucks. I actually walked away from the back door of the grocery store. I really don’t know what to think. The fare to the place is only over ten yuan!”

When the taxi driver finished, he jumped on his car and then started the car. And Victoria, listening to the taxi driver's words, suddenly shocked his heart, secretly concealed his own care.

However, if you think about it, what can you do if you don't care? Can you still follow these two people into the grocery store? That's a bit too obvious! At the same time, are the grocery stores that come by taxi?

Thinking of this, Victoria was relieved, and said to the driver of his car: "Let's go, return to Songjiang International Hotel."

The waiting time is also the price meter, so the taxi driver will naturally not complain about how long it has been, and when he heard Victoria’s instructions, he quickly responded and launched the car to the direction of Songjiang International Hotel.

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