So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1248: Who is targeting?

Who is the first thousand two hundred and forty-eight chapters?

Yang Ming said this, Jing Xiaoyu listened carefully.

"So, that right elder thinks that you and Lan Ling will bring trouble to him, so he stole the jade and blamed it for Lan Ling. The purpose is to make you mistakenly think that it is Blue Ling. So far away from the blue Ling?" Jing Xiaoyu said that he felt that the possibility was not great. He shot his head and said: "No, at that time, you did not show that you are very powerful. How can the right elder beware of you? What? Does he have a deliberate function that predicts? Can you foresee that you are going to destroy his future plans?"

"Special function?" Yang Ming is dumb, there are so many special functions in the world: "If he has a special function, you can foresee me to destroy his plan, then he can prevent it, and wait for me to destroy ?"

"It’s also..." Jing Xiaoyu spit out her tongue. She just said that the right elder is powerful, but it is absolutely impossible to have a special function. Blue Ling is only a sixth strong feeling. Only.

"Of course, this is an enemy of the Ming Dynasty..." Yang Ming said: "In fact, the enemy you know is not terrible. The most fearful thing is that the invisible and invisible, and the enemy against you everywhere. But also to practice those martial arts, but just put some."

"Oh? Is it true that there is still an invisible enemy?" Jing Xiaoyi thought that the right elder was terrible enough. He did not expect to deal with Yang Ming and there was an invisible enemy!

Yang Ming is waiting for something to say, the phone rings, but in the movie theater with huge sound effects, he can't even hear it. If the phone is shaken and ringing, Yang Ming is hard to hear.

"Hey?" Yang Ming made a gesture to Jing Xiaoyu and picked up the phone.

"Mr. Yang, I am Victoria." Victoria also heard that Yang Ming was noisy, so he increased the volume of his speech. Anyway, she is now in the hotel room, the sound insulation of the room is very good after renovation, the outside can not hear the movement inside.

"Well, what?" Yang Ming asked after adjusting the volume of the phone to the maximum.

"Alice met two strange men and I have already photographed them." Victoria said: "Afterwards, I took a taxi to track the two strange men, but they were very embarrassed and actually entered a grocery store on the way. After that, I left the back door of the grocery store."

"Isn't it discovered?" Yang Ming didn't think it was strange. This is the simplest anti-tracking method. If Alice sees people who don't even have a sense of prevention, then there is nothing for Yang Ming. Threatening.

“No,” Victoria said affirmatively: “Alice has returned to the hotel.”

"Well, the camera is hidden, I will look for you tomorrow morning." Yang Ming said.

Victoria replied and hung up.

Jing Xiaoyu listened to the clouds, and when Yang Ming hung up the phone, he asked, "What happened?"

"I didn't tell you before, is there another person who is behind me behind the scenes?" Yang Ming said: "I have a clue that I have sent people to follow up, but the gains are not big."

"Oh, that's it..." Jing Xiaoyu nodded. "Are you in a hurry? Or, we don't watch movies?"

"Nothing." Yang Ming smiled: "Don't worry, let alone go early and walk for a while, it doesn't help."

"Then you continue to talk to me, the boss behind the scenes?" Jing Xiaoyan sees Yang Ming not to go, happy heart.

Yang Ming rationally followed the idea and continued: "I am going to tell you about the boss behind the scenes... In fact, the first time I heard the word behind the boss is in Macau..."

Yang Ming said, he said that he met Wang Xiaoyu in Macau and met Wang Xiaoyu. Of course, Yang Ming did not say the real name of Wang Xiaoying, but instead replaced it with a female killer.

"Ah? You are so enemies with the boss behind the scenes? That is to say, you still find trouble for you because of the plans that hinder others?" Jing Xiaoyu’s eyes widened, as if blaming Yang Ming’s nosy "Do you see if the parents look good?"

"It looks good to look good, but you are also very good-looking." Yang Ming took a look at Jing Xiaoying: "I helped her, mainly because I knew her before! This is the main reason."

Jing Xiaoyu listened to Yang Ming’s words and smiled. Yang Ming said that she’s “good-looking” in her heart is beautiful: “It’s like this, but you just saved the female killer, and the boss behind the scenes hates you? Then he is too unscrupulous?"

After listening to Jing Xiaoyu’s words, Yang Ming suddenly became ashamed: “Of course not because of this, I think that this behind-the-scenes boss seems to be more for me!”

"How do you say this?" Jing Xiaoyu asked in confusion.

"Although in Macau, I was mistakenly hitting the boss with the behind-the-scenes boss. However, all the signs later showed a problem, that is, the target of the boss behind the scenes should be me!" Yang Ming said, I told Jing Xiaoyu about the murder of the man who was later attacked at Wang Xiaoyu’s home and at the jewelry fair.

Of course, Yang Ming did not mention the murderer who committed suicide in Wang Xiaoyu's house. She only said that she escaped afterwards.

"The thief caught at the jewellery fair, actually went to Macau to rely on Zheng Shaopeng?" Jing Xiaoyu fell into meditation after listening: "So, they are really ordered by the same boss! But strangely, he actually For you?"

"This is also my strange place." Yang Ming nodded. "I have never understood, I have offended these people in the end, they will always target me."

"You must have a place that hinders their interests, of course not only because you blocked them in Macau to kill the female killer." Jing Xiaoyu listened to Yang Ming's words and then sighed and analyzed: "Perhaps, you have What is unintentional, blocking the interests of the other party or the place of financial resources, may not be a matter for you, but for them, you have become a nail in the eye, this is the most likely, except Besides, I really can’t think of anything else that came..."

"I inadvertently hindered the interests of others?" Yang Ming frowned, seemingly recalling whether he had blocked the interests of others. However, since it was unintentional, there must be few impressions. Jing Xiaoyu said that it is correct. Perhaps it seems that it is ordinary or even a matter of course, but it may stop others' financial roads.

This is the least easy to detect. I didn't pay attention to it. I accidentally offended others. Even if I wanted to find the reason, I couldn't start.

"Now I can only guess this way." Jing Xiaoyu nodded. "The stolen treasure is still missing? Since he is a master of theft, then I suddenly thought that your jade disappeared again, whether Is it related to him? Listening to your story, jade disappears and disappears without knowing it. That is to say, the person who operates this thing is definitely a master of theft, so one Come, will there be any connection?"

After listening to Jing Xiaoyu’s analysis, Yang Ming’s eyes suddenly became bright. Indeed, he only thought that the stolen thing in Yunnan Yushi must be related to the right elders. The purpose is to blame Lan Ling and let himself and the blue Ling produced a gap, but did not think of a deeper level of things! That is, the person who steals jade must also be a master. Since it is a master, will this person who steals the treasure be the same person?

It is a pity that the person who has stolen the treasure has committed suicide. Yang Ming has no way to let a dead person speak. The only clue is that the encrypted mobile phone can only expect any clues inside.

Seeing that Yang Ming’s face was first and foremost, and then it was dark, Jing Xiaoying understood that Yang Ming must have thought of something, but the Pirates may not be there anymore.

"The boss behind the scenes exchanged the stolen jewels in exchange for the stolen treasure to go back." Yang Ming sighed helplessly.

"It turned out to be like this, it is no wonder that you, so precious jewelry, really lost, can not afford to lose." Jing Xiaoyu does not know how much money Yang Ming has, but Yang Mingkou is the treasure of hundreds of millions of dollars. Even if the company such as Ming Yang Entertainment is Yang Ming, it is not worth the price of that piece of jewelry!

Compensation, Yang Ming must be compensated, but there is no way to tell Jing Xiaoyu that the Pirates are dead, and before Jing Xiaoyu has not touched more, Yang Ming will tell her about killing people and dead people.

"However, according to what you said, these two things seem to have some relationship, maybe!" Yang Ming frowned. "So, it seems that the right elder and the mysterious boss were cooperative at first. There is also this possibility."

Yang Ming thinks that things are a bit messy. If the boss is working with the right elders in the first place, then it is really a bit unclear who is going to target himself.

Is the right elder to help with the co-owners behind the scenes, or is the boss behind the scenes to help the United States right elders? Or do both of them have to target themselves, and then hit it off?

"What are you thinking about?" Jing Xiaoyu looked at Yang Mingyin's uncertain expression and asked: "Are you thinking about it? In this way, you can't tell who is targeting you?"

Yang Ming listened to Jing Xiaoying’s words and nodded subconsciously.

"Awkward, do you have to be so clear about what to do?" Jing Xiaoyu suddenly covered his mouth and smiled: "Whether they are against you, now that they are united, then it is your enemy, you are so clear doing what?"

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