So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1255: Go to the East China Sea

The first two hundred and fifty-five chapters went to the East China Sea

This old-fashioned breakfast is fried dough sticks, fried cakes, tofu brain, soy milk, but because it is cheap, it doesn't make much money. It's not as good as those that open the porridge, so people who have basically paved the way will not do it. However, this family has no idea of ​​making a fortune, and it is very satisfying to be able to live.

After they moved away, they told Yang Mingxin where to go, because the owner of the breakfast booth knew that a friend of Yang Ming liked to eat old-fashioned fried cakes.

These people know that the reason why the demolition can get so much compensation is because of Yang Ming’s relationship. If Yang Ming’s company took over Wei Jin’s company, they could not get so much money, so they Ming is grateful.

Yang Ming knows the address, but he has never been there. This time it happened to take Xia Xue with him.

This shop is called an old-fashioned breakfast shop. The location is not very good. It is not in the downtown area, but in a relatively remote community.

The car was parked at the door of the breakfast shop, which attracted some people's attention. The residents who come here to eat are all nearby residents. The income is not very high. Now it is surprising that there is a luxury car parked here.

Yang Ming and Xia Xue got out of the car and walked into the breakfast shop. The breakfast shop owner Lao Wu was busy frying the fritters. When he looked up and saw Yang Ming, he quickly threw his hands to the boss and went out personally: "Mr. Yang, You are finally here! We always wanted to thank you in person, but there was no chance..."

"Boss Wu, don't hesitate, my friend and I are here to have some breakfast, you are busy with you!" Yang Ming smiled.

“Sit quickly and sit down,” Wu Boss packed up a table, wiped the table, and said, “What to eat, I will get it for you.”

"Come on fried cakes and soy milk," Yang Ming said.

"Well!" Wu boss responded and went to work.

The guests in the store are a bit strange. When did Wu boss know such a rich man? But there is not much to ask.

The fried cake soon came up, and it was newly bombarded by Boss Wu. The soy milk was also hot.

When Xia Xue saw the fried cake, his eyes were bright, especially Wu Boss made it, and it tasted softer and sweeter. Xia Xue ate it.

After eating, Yang Ming had to pay, but Wu Bo said that he had to do anything. He said with a sigh of relief: "Mr. Yang, the demolition has already taken your love, what is this breakfast!"

Yang Ming saw Wu boss say that there is no way to know that he can no longer evade, so he also said: "Then I will not quit, this time you ask me to eat."

"It was supposed to be." Wu said, and took a bag of fried cakes that had been prepared before and handed it to Yang Ming: "This is what I specially prepared for you. Please accept it."

Yang Ming knows Wu’s intentions. This thing was not worth the money, so it was collected alongside Wu’s boss: “Thank you!”

Out of the breakfast shop, Xia Xue smiled and said: "You are quite open, even the boss here is so good to you!"

"Not because of the demolition? The demolition of shantytowns was handed over to my company, so they got a lot of compensation, naturally grateful." Yang Ming said.

"It turned out to be like this." Xia Xue didn't know much about Yang Ming's company, but he didn't ask much if he listened to Yang Ming.

After sending Xia Xue to the police station, Yang Ming folded back to the residence of Zhang Huan in the Huashang Community.

Zhang Jianshen and Xiao Qi are eating porridge. When Yang Ming comes back, Zhang is busy saying hello: "Mr. Yang, have you had breakfast yet? Xiaoqi boiled porridge, very good, have some food together?"

"I have eaten it, you can eat it." Yang Ming waved his hand and said: "How is the poison?"

"I am training," Zhang said. "I have a meal for a while."

He made a phone call to violent San Li, and asked him to send a car to pick up Jing Xiaoyu to go to school, and the violent Sanli naturally agreed.

Although Yang Ming let the violent Sanli send a car, but the violent Sanli did not dare to neglect, personally drove to the downstairs of the Songjiang International Hotel, entered the lobby, the lobby manager was shocked, and quickly greeted him and said hello: "The storm, you are here. Is there anything?"

The lobby manager suddenly saw the sudden arrival of the violent Sanli in the hotel. Some of them were sincere and fearful. He also heard about the company’s accident. This time, the violent three came, I don’t know if I have to take the hotel.

"Nothing, I will come to Miss Jing to go to school."

The violent San Li called Jing Xiaojing Jing, rather than Jing assistant, which also highlights the identity of Jing Xiaoyu, not as simple as the assistant. The vice president of the group must personally pick up... Then Yang Ming’s identity can be imagined.

The lobby manager quickly went to the upper floor and asked Jing Xiao to come down. At this moment, Jing Xiaowei just received a call from Yang Ming. Yang Ming told her that she had already found someone to pick her up. Although Yang Ming did not personally come to Jing Xiaoyu slightly disappointed, but Jing Xiaoyi also knows that Yang Ming will be very busy these two days, she can not force anything.

When the lobby manager came up to find someone, Jing Xiaoyu had already washed and dressed. When the person came up, she went downstairs together.

Out of the elevator, Jing Xiaoyi saw the violent Sanli standing in the hotel lobby, and was a little excited. Yang Ming said that he sent someone, but he did not expect that it was the violent Sanli personally!

If you let him send himself to work in the company, how glorious it is, then his colleagues will definitely look at it. However, Jing Xiaoyu knew that Yang Ming did not like her style of showing off, so she stopped this idea.

Otherwise, even if Jing Xiaoyu asked for a violent triad, send her to school and pick her up to the company in the afternoon. I believe that Violent will not disagree.

Nothing in the morning, at noon, Zhang was a little excited and shouted: "Yang Ge! Yes, the poison has been refining successfully, you can use it!"

"Oh? That's great!" Yang Ming was still worried. When he went to the East China Sea in the afternoon, he couldn't refine the poison. If he couldn't refine it, he would have to go back to Songjiang to take poison. Now, it seems that there is no need to pay for this two more things.

"These anti-drugs can refine about 30 doses. I don't know if it's enough?" Zhang asked, "If it's not enough, I will hurry and refine some."

"Thirty copies? That should be enough!" Yang Ming said, he is going to punish the people around Tian Long and the high-level people of the company. The bottom people below are all seeing the wind, completely watching The meaning of the peak acts. Therefore, more than 30 of these are enough, and may not even be used.

"Well, how much do you need to prepare for the antidote?" Zhang asked and nodded.

"Antidote? Is it a suppressive or a complete antidote?" Yang Ming asked.

“How much do you need?” Zhang asked.

"There is more to suppress the poison, and the complete antidote is not needed." Yang Ming said. Since these people have betrayed once, it is also possible to betray the second time. In order to prevent a second occurrence, the only way to put an end to it is to put their life and death in their hands and let them not rebel.

When Jing Xiaoying was sometimes very clever, this was a once-and-for-all idea.

Zhang placed himself in the antidote to suppress scorpion venom, and then packaged it with scorpion venom and gave it to Yang Ming. Although the refining of scorpion venom is unusually simple, each person's refining method is different, and the proportion of poisons placed is also different, so the antidote is not universal. If taken indiscriminately, it may lead to death.

Therefore, even if these people find other people who will be guilty, then it is impossible to easily solve this scorpion, unless it is the sinister master of Lan Ling's grandmother or right elder, and of course, Ma Xiaoyao.

"In the past few days, I went out for a trip. You have to step up and prepare a drug that can delay the time of this poisoning episode. It is also about 30 or so." Yang Ming told Zhang Zhang.

"Okay, don't worry, Yang Ge, this is very refining." Zhang nodded and nodded.

The combination of interests is the most unreliable. Once the benefits of third parties increase, the combination of such interests will soon collapse. Yang Ming is very clear about this.

Since Tian Long can buy these people, Yang Ming can also buy these people, but there is no guarantee that there will be Tian Long’s confession in the face. In the past, he told Tian Long Yang Ming’s plan. As a result, Yang Ming will be in vain. It is.

Tian Long’s purchase was completed under the high pressure policy of carrots and sticks. Many people’s handles were pinched by Tian Long, and they had to betray Sun Hongjun.

Therefore, Yang Ming wants to counter these people, then there is only one possibility, that is, they have to reverse, if they continue to follow Tian Long, it is only a dead end.

Only when it comes to their own personal safety, they are likely to bite their teeth and follow Yang Ming to go against Tian Long.

Although Yang Ming will acupoint, you can make these lives worse than death, but this is only a temporary one. Yang Ming still needs them to do things for themselves, and they can't kill them.

The short-term threat, although Yang Ming is sure to let them have the fear of deep-rooted bone marrow, but the fact is not absolute, in case someone is lucky, continue to vote for Tian Long, it is bad.

Therefore, Yang Ming wants to give them actual threats. Only after they have been actually threatened will they dare not have the slightest disagreement.

More than one o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Ming received a call from Xia Xue. Xia Xue was already busy. He asked Yang Ming if he could leave. Yang Ming was also ready to go, so he drove to pick up Xia Xue and they went to the East China Sea together. .

The reason why Xia Xue was accompanied was because Yang Ming’s identity was special and was not revealed to everyone.

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