So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1256: Abilities

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-six chapters of the power to solve the case

The reason why Xia Xue is accompanied is because Yang Ming’s identity is special, and it is not disclosed to everyone. If Yang Ming goes to the East China Sea Police Station, I am afraid it is difficult to see the top of the police station before signing the identity. It is much easier to be accompanied by Xia Xue. Actually because Yang Ming is not familiar with the East China Sea.

Xia Xue leaned a little lazily on the back of the seat and stretched out: "Exhausted, and opened a morning meeting."

"You study the case and it is inevitable that the meeting will be held." Yang Ming knows the nature of Xia Xue's work. They meet almost every day to discuss the direction of criminal cases.

"Many times, I always feel that my ability is not enough. Although I have broken several major cases in this position, it is not my credit..." Xia Xue said with some sadness: "In the final analysis, these credits are all You gave it to me, I didn't do anything &..."

Yang Ming was a little surprised after listening to Xia Xue’s words. Xia Xue actually began to think about these things? This shows that Xia Xue is mature. It is no longer the little girl who used to think about meritorious deeds. Now she has her own ideas.

"You can't say that, Wang Xifan's case, if you are not assisting me in the side, I may not be able to wipe them all out, and if you don't help me to look after Zhou Jiajia's injury..." Yang Ming said that there is something awkward: "So you don't have to feel that you haven't done anything. Moreover, Chen Afu's case is also a day and night." Is this your credit?"

"But, it seems that every time you are leading, I am the same as ..." Xia Xue has participated in two cases, but always feel that she did not have as much Yang Ming.

"You are with me, naturally I am more powerful." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Why would your brother recruit me to go to him?"

"Smelly beauty!" Although Xia Xue said so, but it is true that this is the case, if Yang Ming really does not have any ability, then how can his brother recruit him?

The car is driving on the Dongsong Expressway. Yang Ming has been very familiar with this road. All the plans have been smooth until now, but it is only in the East China Sea. Tian Donghua has never heard of it. Even a text message has never been sent.

At present, there is only one possibility, that is, Tian Donghua has been under house arrest by Tian Long. But Yang Ming is not very worried. Tiger poison is not a child. Tian Long is crazy again. It is impossible to kill his son. Otherwise, what is the use of the industry that he is still fighting for Sun’s family? When I arrived at Tian Long’s age, there was really not much to do for myself. His madness can only explain one problem, that is, he wants to lay a foundation for his children and grandchildren.

Although Tian Jia still has a younger son, Tian Dongguang, Tian Dongguang is obviously not a material for inheriting the business. It is simply a martial art to study martial arts all the time. In contrast, Tian Donghua is a material that can be made. Regardless of ability or character, they are the only ones who inherit the family business.

Yang Ming can see it, and Tian Long is even more unlikely to see it! In fact, Tian Long has always used Tian Donghua as a successor to cultivate.

Therefore, as a result, unless Tian Long is crazy, otherwise he will not have any unfavorable actions against Tian Donghua. His son is gone, not to mention the grandson.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming has some peace of mind. Anyway, this time Tian Long’s ending, Yang Ming will not be involved in Tian Donghua’s body! At least Tian Donghua did his best, and Yang Ming accepted his feelings. As for how to deal with Tian Long in the end, it depends on Tian Long’s attitude.

The car was driving at high speed, gradually slowing down the speed, because the front is already close to the East Sea toll station, and all high-speed cars are parked here to accept payment.

Yang Ming took the high-speed IC card and slowly waited behind the back of a row of vehicles.

However, after two or three cars, obviously, the team was stagnant, and at the high-speed toll booth in front, a black Poussin seemed to have a dispute with the person at the toll booth.

"What happened in front?" Xia Xue also felt that the car did not go, so he looked up and asked.

"I don't know, it seems that the person in front of a Poussin has a dispute with the person at the toll booth." Yang Ming said.

Yang Ming took a look at the lively mentality and looked forward with his power. Sure enough, the driver of Poussin was frowning and said to the person at the toll booth: "My ic card was lost, how much money was lost, you said The words are finished, so the ink is dry?"

"It's not a question of losing money. We checked the records in the computer. During this time, there is no record of your license plate number. We can't determine which highway from which your car was coming in." The toll collector said.

"If you can't find it, don't check it. Can you charge the longest route?" The driver blinked a little impatiently. "I still have something to do. Don't delay my time, how much, you say Words, buddy is not bad money!"

- "How can this girl be so inked? Don't give more money! No, you have to get rid of her as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you have a long night dream, the time will be delayed for a long time. Maybe something will happen! This is a brain-moving job! ”

Yang Ming suddenly heard a voice! Yes, this voice is from the driver who opened the black Poussin, Yang Ming can be sure.

The driver of Cape Sang, at this moment, must be in a very flustered situation. Looking at what he thinks, he can also conclude this point. There must be something ulterior in him.

Yang Ming’s unintentional discovery made his spirit slightly shocked. Yang Ming is not the kind of person who is nosy, but he is not the kind of thing that does not hang high, even sees harm to society. The bad guys are also indifferent.

When the old man who sold glasses was bullied, Yang Ming came forward and explained that Yang Ming is a very ethical and just-minded person.

So when Yang Ming discovered that this Poussin driver was very suspicious, Yang Ming knew that things were not simple! This person is so anxious to escape, and is very afraid of staying here, then it means that there may be secrets in him that can't be discovered by others!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming used his power to start searching around the Poussin driver. Yang Ming first looked at the trunk, because the place where the car can put things, that is, the trunk.

However, although Yang Ming found some suspicious things in the trunk, it is not a suspicious thing.

A pair of southern car licenses, as well as a military license plate, are obviously fake, but these things were found by the traffic police, but at most it was confiscated, fined, and couldn’t talk about what’s going on?

Therefore, Yang Ming feels subconsciously that this person must have other problems. It's not just that there are two fake brands in the trunk! This fake brand is not going to let him lose his head!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming continued to search for Poussin with his abilities. If it's really something that can turn off your head, then it's unlikely to be in the obvious place in the trunk! So Yang Ming began to look at the corners of the car. These places that are more easily overlooked are a good place to hide things.

Suddenly, Yang Ming’s gaze stayed under the cushion of the back seat of the Poussin car!

It was a pack of things wrapped in a black plastic bag, flat on the underside of the rear seat cushion. Although there are not many things, Yang Ming only took a look and understood what it was!

White powder! These two words jumped into Yang Ming’s mind. Although Yang Ming has not been exposed to these things, he also insisted that the illegal business should not be contaminated by the illegal business, so Yang Ming has not seen what the real white powder looks like. However, this thing does not need to be truly seen. Some things only look at one glance and know what it is.

"In this way, give you a thousand pieces, I am really in a hurry, you let me go." Poussin driver took out a stack of money from the co-pilot's handcuffs and handed it to the toll collector.

"Sir, we can't collect this money. You still have to park the car aside, wait for the traffic police to investigate and say it." The toll collector has no enthusiasm for the money handed over by the Poussin driver. It is no wonder that the toll booth has surveillance video. Who dares to collect money casually?

"Fucking, this girl is really hard and hard to eat, the things in the back seat of the car have to be searched by the police, then it is dead!"

"What do you want to do? Do you lead? Who can be the master?" Poussin driver hurried.

"I'm sorry, please go to the police room in front to investigate." The toll collector pointed to a traffic police duty room not far from the right side, and repeated the words that had been said before the driver of Poussin.

"Mom! It seems that it is too late!"

The traffic police on duty there is obviously a policeman. Obviously, he also saw the disputes that occurred here. He also came out from the duty room and walked toward Poussin.

"How is this trouble!" Poussin's department got on the door, complained a word, and started the car, but when everyone thought he wanted to drive the car to the duty room for inspection, the accident happened!

Because there was a fence interception in front, the unpaid vehicle could not pass, so Poussin could only turn right to the police room next to the investigation, but Poussin turned right but there was nothing wrong, but he turned a big bend. Directly turned the front of the car, then increased the throttle, and flew on the highway.

This one accident happened between the fire and the stone. Everyone was stunned, including the toll collectors there, and the traffic police who came out of the police room.

However, when Poussin turned around, Yang Ming had probably guessed his intentions. Because Yang Ming just saw the idea of ​​Poussin driver!

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