So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1260: Breakthrough

The first thousand two hundred and sixty chapter breakthrough

From the data, it is not difficult to see that Wang Renping played a role in the role of the outside world. If there is no Wang Renping, perhaps Sun Hongjun will not be so easily arrested by Tian Long.

A person who has followed you for ten years and is loyal, no one will be wary of him, and there will be no doubts. Tian Long, it is because of this trust that he successfully undertook the Sun’s family. people.

However, this Tianlong's mentality is also deep enough, and it can be forbearing for ten years. This endurance is also very popular. Perhaps, Tian Long had inserted a confidant before Sun Hongjun's side not to want to betray in the future.

Some of the following people, who buy some people around the upper class, are always ventilating for themselves, which has always existed since ancient times. In ancient times, some ministers of the princes would buy the eunuchs around the emperor, so that they could always understand the meaning and movement of the emperor, and avoid the disaster to temporarily spread to themselves.

Tian Long’s original purpose may be probably because of this. However, later, because of the expansion of self-confidence, and a strong behind-the-scenes boss, I began to make a fuss, using Wang Renping's inner and outer, and achieved his good deeds.

Li Baihu is not a native of the East China Sea. Instead, he has committed something in the south. He just used a watermelon knife to hurt a person. He ran to a relative in the north to take refuge. Because the prosecution period has passed, and the victim has no alarm, there is nothing wrong with losing some money. However, after Li Baihu came to the north, he felt that this place is more suitable for his own development, so he started from the bottom of the society and was spotted by Tian Long and became the spokesperson of Tian Long.

Wang Renping was born and raised in the East China Sea, but his parents divorced in his early years and abandoned him. He lived with his grandparents. He was raised by his grandparents from childhood, so Wang Renping grew up with extraordinary filial piety.

Yang Ming saw the information here and suddenly felt that this seemed to be something that could be used. After Wang Renping was trained by Tian Long, after another ten years of lurking, he remained loyal to Tian Long, which shows that Tian Long’s character is still very loyal.

If he took him poison, he was afraid that he was really strong. He would rather not betray Tian Long if he died. The situation would be stiff and he would have a dilemma.

However, Wang Renping’s grandparents are the soft underbelly of Wang Renping! I believe that as long as I control Wang Renping's grandparents, then Wang Renping can't rely on himself and deal with Tian Long with himself.

This information is very detailed, with the detailed address of Wang Renping's grandparents. Yang Ming has already decided to change his mind, taking advantage of the twilight, out of the hotel, and going to the direction of Wang Renping’s grandparents’ house.

At the time of the East China Sea Police Department, the front face of the BMW car had been simply handled. Although it was not painted, it was already able to drive normally. There were no problems with the headlights and bumpers.

I want to come to the maintenance master of the 4s shop that Captain Yang commanded to go down and did a quick emergency repair on the spot.

Wang Renping can do the current position, and he will not lack money when he wants to come, but Wang Renping’s grandparents live in an old community. The building should have been built in the 1970s, and you can see the red bricks outside. Such a building is extremely rare in a metropolis like the East China Sea.

This should be the old house of Wang Renping's family. It has been inhabited for decades. When the old man reaches a certain age, he has a different kind of feelings for the former residence, and he is not willing to move away. Therefore, Wang Renping’s grandparents should It also belongs to such a situation.

Yang Ming parked the car at the door of the community. This old-fashioned community did not design a parking lot. It seems that the age is really long. When Yang Ming got out of the car, he found that the street at the entrance of the community was a forbidden road. He just got on the train and moved the car away from the place. But he found that he didn’t know when his car was under the windshield and placed a Donghai. The temporary transit permit for the official car is next to your own Songjiang Engineering University Pass.

It seems that this is also the commander Yang’s commander to help himself. Perhaps he also considers that there may be some inconvenience in doing things here. Yang Ming is very grateful to President Yang for his thoughtful consideration.

With this document, Yang Ming did not need to remove the car. Yang Ming had seen similar things on Sun Hongjun’s car before. He wanted to come to Sun Hongjun’s social status, and he certainly had his political identity to match it. He may have a position in the NPC or the CPPCC, so he has such documents. odd.

This document can be used on restricted roads and can be temporarily parked on the no-stop section, which is quite useful. Yang Ming did not think that his identity on the other floor was so easy to use. Many things did not need to be opened by himself. Some people did it for themselves.

Into the community, Yang Ming found the residence of Wang Renping's grandparents according to the address on the information. This is a residential area outside the stairs. Yang Ming went upstairs and was stopped by two black people.

“What are you doing? Looking for someone?” one of the black men asked.

Yang Ming has a slight glimpse, this old-fashioned community has security? Maybe not even the property? However, Yang Ming still said: "Looking for the third floor, the old king's family."

"Well?" After listening to the two black men, there was a glimmer of light in their eyes: "What are you looking for at his home? Who are you?"

The reaction of the two black men at this moment fell into the eyes of Yang Ming. Yang Ming was slightly indulged, and he understood the identity of these two people and what happened here.

As Yang Ming had expected, the community was built in the 1970s and even the 1960s. It is impossible to have a residential property or even a community security, so the identity of these two individuals becomes suspicious.

When Yang Ming said that he was looking for the Lao Wang family on the third floor, the expressions of the two men were obviously abnormal, so this also confirmed Yang Ming’s guess that these two people should be Tian Long’s to protect Wang Renping’s grandparents. However, it is not so much protection, it is better to say that it is a guard. In this very period, Tian Long is also afraid that Wang Renping will turn his back, so he controls Wang Renping’s grandparents, so that he is not afraid that Wang Renping will have other thoughts.

"The two are sent by Long Ge to protect Wang Ge's family?" Thinking of this, Yang Ming's heart also had a decision, and asked with a smile.

"Oh?" The two black men immediately listened to Yang Ming's words.

What Yang Ming wants is this effect. Taking advantage of the moment when the two of them are slightly stunned, they will slap the two people one by one and shoot them in their necks, let them directly faint.

Whether or not the two were sent by Tian Long or Wang Renping himself sent to protect his grandparents, Yang Ming asked them, they would have a short-term horror, so Yang Ming took this opportunity, so he started.

Of course, even if they are confrontational, the two are not opponents of Yang Ming, but Yang Ming is afraid that there are any signal transmitters that can be used for warning on these two people, which can be activated in an instant, so Yang Mingcai started when they were distracted.

Yang Mingyi left the right and left the two black men and quickly walked to the door of the community. It is now evening, it is winter, so there is no one in the community, Yang Mingfei quickly came to the side of the car, throwing two people into the trunk.

Yang Ming cut into the neck of his neck is not a force, want to wake up, at least an hour or two, but in order to avoid the two people quickly wake up, Yang Ming also point to each of their fainting points Then, in this way, they want to wake up at least one day and one night.

Locking the car, Yang Ming once again returned to the old building where Wang Renping’s grandparents were.

On the third floor, knocking on the door, there was an old voice: "Who?"

"Grandma, I was sent by Wang Renping, Wang." Yang Ming had already thought about it.

"Oh? It’s Renping who called you!" The door "Oh," opened, and an old lady stood in the door: "Come on!"

"Grandma, Grandpa? You have to follow me quickly. Wang Ge is offending people outside. Someone is going to be against you! Wang Ge told me to pick you up!" Yang Ming said in a hurry.

Although, Yang Ming can use the violence to force the two old people, but Yang Ming did not do that. Yang Ming has not been so mad, the two old people are innocent, Yang Ming uses them, and only I want Wang Renping to abandon the dark cast, and Yang Ming will not treat these two old people, it is also a good lie of Yang Ming!

"Ah! Ren Ping is in trouble?" The old lady was shocked and quickly shouted to the inner room: "The old man, come out soon, Ren Ping has a problem, his friend came to report!"

The old lady called, a white-haired old man ran out of the back room, holding a rolling pin in his hand, apparently the two old people were making pasta before.

"What's wrong? What happened to Ren Ping?" The old man was also anxious.

"Wang brother is fine now, very safe, but he is afraid that the enemy will find you, so send me to pick you up and send you to a safe place!" Yang Ming said.

"Ah! Then I call Ren Ping?" The old man was also anxious, and turned around in the same place.

"Wang brother's phone did not turn on, he was afraid that the cell phone signal was detected by the enemy, so he did not dare to boot." Yang Ming explained.

"Ah, this way... What should I do now?" The old man naturally didn't understand this. He was said by Yang Mingyi, and he believed it, and asked quickly.

"You go with me, I will arrange a safe place for you to stay, I will go to Wang Ge." Yang Ming said.

"Well... well..." The second old man saw Yang Ming saying that he really did not doubt it, and Yang Ming went out of the house.

With two old people on the bus, Yang Ming started the car and said to the two old people: "There have been sent by the enemy to monitor you. I have seen it near your unit. I am now playing. Dizzy, behind the car! After a while, it is handled by Wang Ge!"

Yang Ming said, referring to the trunk behind the back seat of the car.

The second old man heard that there were two people who were stunned in the car. Suddenly, he quickly turned back and looked at the trunk behind the seat. He saw that the two black men were behind.

"Well?" The old man said: "I said how these two guys have been wandering around the neighborhood in recent days. Sometimes when I buy food, it seems to follow me. I was surprised at the time, but not much. I thought, I didn’t think that these two people were Ren Ping’s enemies to monitor us...”

"It's okay now, you follow me, I will take you to a safe place." Yang Ming said.

Er Lao is now more convinced that Yang Ming is the person sent by their grandson Wang Renping, so they have more confidence in Yang Ming’s words, so he quickly thanked him: "Young man, then trouble you!"

"It doesn't matter, I am a good friend with Wang Ge." Yang Ming smiled.

"Then ask my brother, how is Ren Ping doing now? Is there any danger?" The old lady worried about the safety of her grandson and couldn't help but ask.

"Wang brother is all right now, but his enemies are very powerful. He is chasing him very tightly. He is afraid to involve you and dare not contact you!" Yang Ming said: "But the place where he is now is very safe. ”

"That's good! That's good!" The old lady sighed with relief: "Hey, persuade him how many times, don't do dangerous things, but he just doesn't listen... Now, the enemy has found the door... ”

"You still said it!" The old man was not happy: "If it wasn't for Ren Ping to treat you, how could he borrow loan sharks? How could he owe them so much money? He is now paying off debts, giving you Pay off the debt! Otherwise, he has come back to be with us!"

"Hey!" The old lady listened to the old man and said it was a sigh, but she also knew that the old man was telling the truth. The grandson borrowed a lot of money in order to treat her, and later gave the boss a life.

"When this is the case, you can live with Wang Ge, and the money he owes outside can be paid off!" Yang Ming said.

Wang Renping owes Tian Long money, this news is an unexpected gain! Originally, it was because Wang Renping’s grandmother was treated. Wang Renping borrowed money from Tian Long and then sold his life to Tian Long. This is why it has been contained in Wang Renping.

Wang Renping owed Tian Long’s debt, and naturally he will work hard for Tian Long. Even if Tian Long asked him to do something contrary to the principle, Wang Renping could only do it.

The car returned to the hotel that Yang Ming had rented. After entering the hotel, Yang Ming opened a room for the second old man. The attitude of the two old people was normal, so the waiter at the hotel had no doubt at all.

After sending the second old man into the room, Yang Ming took out the mineral water prepared in advance, and handed it to the second old man one bottle. The old man was thirsty all the way, so everyone drank a lot of water.

Yang Ming is sitting on the side of the second old narration. The conversation is about Wang Renping. From the mouth of the second old man, Yang Ming also learned a lot about Wang Renping.

Not long after, the old lady said: "How can I be a little sleepy, will it be early today?"

The old lady said this, the old man said: "I am a little sleepy."

"It may be that this road is bumpy and somewhat tired." Yang Ming smiled and said: "If you want to rest and rest, I will go to Wang Ge, I will come back to you tomorrow morning."

"Also... Ren Ping can come tomorrow..." The old lady said something, she felt that it was wrong: "No, Ren Ping is in trouble now, can't let him move around, or wait until things settle down."

"Yeah, can't you call Ren Ping distracted at this time!" The old man nodded.

"Then I will go first, let's rest. Hungry, wait for the waiter to give you a meal, just fine, don't go out and walk around!" Yang Ming told.

"We know, rest assured!" the old man nodded.

Yang Ming went out of the room of the second old man and gave a slight relief. There are sleeping pills in the mineral water. Yang Ming has already prepared in advance. After drinking the water, the two old people will naturally develop sleepiness, and then naturally fall asleep.

Although Yang Ming can give the second old point to sleep, but the old man knows that he wants to be disadvantaged to them, which also fails the trust of the two old people, so Yang Ming still let them fall asleep naturally, although they are more difficult than usual, but After Yang Ming’s explanation, they would think that it was only because of the early start, and that the car was running around, causing fatigue, and they would not doubt anything after waking up.

Locking the old door, Yang Ming returned to his room. However, Yang Ming did not leave immediately, but used his ability to monitor the movement of the second old man in the room.

Although Yang Ming has said that he can't call Wang Renping now, it will bring trouble to him, but it is difficult to protect the old man or to call Wang Renping.

However, soon after Yang Ming left the room, the second old man slept in bed, but saved Yang Ming's worry. This kind of sleeping pills, after taking it, will sleep for at least twenty-four hours. During this time, it is enough for Yang Ming to act.

Like the two black men, Yang Ming still can't worry about whether the two old people can wake up in advance, so after the second old man went to sleep, he returned to the room where the second old man was, and gave the second old man a dim night.

In this way, the two old people could not detect anything different. When they woke up, they thought they were sleeping more.

After the door of the hotel, Yang Ming came to the front of the residential area of ​​a high-rise apartment according to the information provided by Xiaoma. This is the residence of Wang Renping. Wang Renping bought a high-rise apartment here, and he usually lives here.

However, the community here is very strict in management, the implementation of closed management, Yang Ming's car was intercepted at the door of the community. According to the regulations, door cards without a cell are not allowed to enter.

Yang Ming took the pass in front of the car to the security guard of the community. I did not expect the security of the community to be very serious and responsible: "Which department are you?"

Yang Ming had no choice but to take Xia Donghai's other military documents for ordinary people to be used during normal execution and handed them to the security guards of the community.

The security guard of the community looked at Yang Ming’s certificate, and this was the release of Yang Ming’s car.

The upper level is located at the end of the neighborhood near the lake. If you get off the bus, at least one hour is required, so Yang Ming can't help but drive in.

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