So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1261: Reunion in **** (on)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-one chapters reunion in **** (on)

Came to the high-rise on the lakeside, Yang Ming parked the car on a parking space next to it, used his power to observe the information given by the pony on Wang Renping's residence.

Wang Renping’s residence is located on the 16th floor of the upper level. It is a medium-sized location and is not bad. The apartment is a three-bedroom, one-bedroom apartment with good decoration and electrical appliances. Yang Ming simply used the ability to check it in the room. Wang Renping has not yet returned home.

However, it is no wonder that Tian Long was a lot of things in the past few days. It is normal for Wang Renping to live very late. Since he has come here to stay here, Yang Ming is not anxious, even if he is in a hurry, it will not help. Because of the limited time, Yang Ming could not go to other places to find Wang Renping. Now under this circumstance, Tian Long and Wang Renping will not appear in Sun’s company. Since they have already exposed their plans, then Tian Long It must be careful and careful.

Tian Long must be hiding from himself, so now this moment can't be more familiar with Yang Ming... No! Yang Ming suddenly shot his head! If you really think like this, then Wang Renping will not be able to return to his home! Wang Renping is also one of the important figures around Tian Long. Tian Long is so cautious, so there is no reason for Wang Renping to be careless!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming was a bit frustrated, and he thought he was clever, but he ignored such an important fact because of a small mistake.

After repentance, Yang Ming calmed down and looked at the information that the pony gave himself. After calming down, Yang Ming began to rethink the place where Wang Renping might go.

The home of this community is a place that can be returned. Wang Renping does not come back to live in a few days, and he has no influence at all. He can live in hotels and other places.

Where is the place where Wang Renping must go? Now Wang Renping is sure that he is as uncertain as Tian Long. It is difficult to find him. Is there a place where Wang Renping must go or have to go? In other words, it is the so-called must!

Yang Ming was immersed in meditation. He did not understand Wang Renping's living habits. His understanding of him was entirely based on the information recorded by the pony on this thin page of a4 paper.

If you are Wang Renping, then where do you go now at this moment? Yang Ming decided to change the angle to think about the problem and assume himself as Wang Renping, so that!

Empathy often leads to unexpected effects.

In terms of information, Wang Renping had no parents since he was a child. He relied on his grandparents to raise him. That is to say, Wang Renping’s relationship with his grandparents was exceptionally good.

According to Wang Renping's character, the most important person in his life is no more than grandparents. That is to say, no matter when, he can't give up his grandparents, so now Wang Renping can't go anywhere else, but his grandparents' home, Wang Renping is absolutely impossible not to go!

Especially at this very moment, Wang Renping is definitely more sensitive, or he may go to visit his grandparents every day, maybe he just didn't enter the house, but he must also make sure they are safe.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming suddenly came out with a cold sweat, and he cleverly deceived Wang Renping’s grandparents into the hotel, but in case Wang Renping went to his grandparents’ home and found that the two old men were missing, the consequences...

If Wang Renping tells Tian Long about this, then Tian Long will be suspicious, so that his next action plan will be difficult to continue.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming did not dare to stay for a long time, quickly mobilized the car, and turned back the direction of the community where Wang Renping’s grandparents lived.

Yang Ming will drive the car fast, hope to catch up! Fortunately, there were not many cars on the road in the evening. Yang Ming even smashed a few red lights and finally arrived in the same district where Wang Renping’s grandparents were in the fastest time.

After stopping the car, Yang Ming rushed to the inside of the community. This is a time to race against time. Yang Ming did not dare to delay, and ran to use the power to explore the past in the old house of Wang Renping's grandparents.

At first glance, Yang Ming could not help but be surprised! I guessed it right, Wang Renping did come here! Seeing his anxious sweating, Yang Ming knew that he had found that the second old man was not at home!

At this moment, Wang Renping was looking for valuable clues in the house while going back and forth. He seemed to be hesitating to call and talk to Tian Long.

Indeed, as Yang Ming suspects, Wang Renping is most worried about his grandparents. Recently, the company has been turbulent internally, and he has offended many people because of Sun’s affairs, even though Tian Long’s strong money The offensive temporarily controlled the situation, but it is difficult to guarantee that there are still those who are loyal to Sun Jiazhong, and wait for the opportunity to retaliate!

And Wang Renping became the sinister and evil person in the eyes of these people. In their view, the Sun family fell down because of themselves. If they did not, Tian Long would not gain momentum. In other words, if these people are given the opportunity, their first possibility is to retaliate against themselves.

Everyone in the company knows their own life and knows that the person they care most about is grandparents, so if they are likely, they will madly retaliate against their grandparents.

Therefore, after leaving work every night, Wang Renping will come here. He knows that Tian Long sent two bodyguards to protect his grandparents. Of course, he also knows that there is surveillance in it. However, this does not matter, Wang Renping knows that the things he is doing involve major issues, and Tian Long’s monitoring of his grandparents is also excusable.

Moreover, Wang Renping is still a lot of peace of mind, so why not? However, every day, Wang Renping saw that the two bodyguards were there. They talked with them a few words, but after the grandparents were safe, Wang Renping would leave. Although he wanted to enter the house, he was afraid that his grandparents would ask him. What, Wang Renping never lie to his grandparents, so if grandparents really ask about the grandson’s affairs, their betrayal of Sun Jie’s actions will be known to his grandparents, and that’s how Grandpa Grandma will be mad at life even if she does not kill herself.

But today, Wang Renping, as usual, came to the residence of grandparents after work, but unlike usual, Wang Renping did not see the two bodyguards sent by Tian Long!

Is it going to eat? Wang Renping gave a slight glimpse, but then he thought about it, and it was unlikely. Because Tian Long had sent them when he had sent them, they had to rotate their posts to eat when they were eating, or they could buy a box lunch. Eat, so that you can always keep a person in the position, and not in the middle of no one to guard what is going on.

However, when Wang Renping came, there was no one here. Wang Renping looked around and found no two people nearby, so he was anxious.

I also refused a lot of things. I quickly went upstairs and went to the doorstep of my grandparents. I knocked on the door, but there was no one in it. Wang Renping’s subconscious mind was tight, and quickly took out the key and opened the door. !

Wang Renping walked quickly into the old man's house of grandparents. Here is where he grew up. Every inch of the place was unusually familiar. Wang Renping quickly turned around in the room. He didn't find the figure of his grandparents and turned around. When I arrived at the kitchen, I found that half of the dumplings were placed on the chopping board. There were stuffings and unused dumplings next to them. It was obviously making dinner and not eating.

Seeing the scene in front of Wang Renping almost did not stand firm! What does this mean, it goes without saying! Grandma and grandma are accidentally doing something because they left home...

The two bodyguards who were sent by Tian Long to protect their grandparents also disappeared together... What the **** is going on? Is it true that the loyalists of Sun’s family have come to the door to retaliate against themselves?

Thinking of this, Wang Renping immediately began to sweat.

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