So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1261: Reunion in **** (below)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-one chapters reunion in **** (below)

However, can it be that Tian Long let the two bodyguards transfer their grandparents to a place? Wang Renping has fallen into meditation. These days are the crucial days for Tian Long to achieve great things. He is also one of the most important people. Can it be that Tian Long wants to achieve his own purpose?

At first thought, Wang Renping felt that this possibility was very good. Therefore, Wang Renping wanted to call Tian Long to ask about it... However, he was afraid that this was not done by Tian Long. If he asked this question, it would seem like Tian Long has some doubts...

Thinking of this, Wang Renping is somewhat hesitant.

Just as Wang Renping hesitated, there was a big drink outside the door: "Wang Renping!"

Wang Renping was shocked and quickly looked up and looked at the doorway, but saw a man in his twenties standing at the door and staring at himself!

When Yang Ming saw Wang Renping really in the second old residence, he rushed upstairs quickly and quickly, used his fastest speed, and played the explosive power of the killer to the extreme, and quickly rushed, finally in Wang Renping. I took out the phone and prepared to call him before I drove!

However, this also benefits from Wang Renping's hesitation. If he decides decisively, then Yang Ming will lose the opportunity, which can be described as a win!

"Who are you!" Wang Renping immediately became alert! The two bodyguards sent by their grandparents and Tian Long disappeared, and here suddenly a young man who knew himself and did not know him, how could Wang Renping not be suspicious?

"Are you looking for someone?" Yang Ming saw that he had caught up, and he was no longer anxious. The situation is already in the grip, so Yang Ming also resumed his usual indifferent expression, faintly asked.

Yang Ming naturally knows Wang Renping. The information on Xiao Ma has Wang Renping's photo, so Yang Ming can determine that the person in front of him is Wang Renping.

"What the **** are you? How are you here?" After Wang Renping listened to Yang Ming's sentence, he was a glimpse: "How did you know me?"

"Don't ask so much useless." Yang Ming frowned. "My patience is limited. I only ask you the last time, are you looking for someone?"

Wang Renping’s hand shook and shook his waist, and he moved away instantly. He wants to pull the gun, but he doesn't dare to listen to Yang Ming's tone. His grandparents seem to be in his hands. If he really hurts his gun, then his grandparents are not dangerous. What?

Thinking of this, Wang Renping gave up the idea of ​​pulling a gun. What he has to do now is to first find out the whereabouts of his grandparents and the identity of the people in front of him.

Wang Renping’s move also fell into the eyes of Yang Ming. However, Yang Ming was not afraid of pulling his gun, because the flying needle was pinched in the hands of Yang Ming. Once Wang Renping had anything to do, the flying needle of Yang Ming would Shoot out in the first time.

"Yes, have you taken my grandparents away?" Wang Renping asked straightforwardly. Since the other party does not like to circle, then he simply does not say anything meaningless. The most serious thing at present is the safety of grandparents. I don’t even think about the benefits of myself. Obviously, Wang Renping is also very aware of this.

"I thought you didn't care about them. Pull out the gun from your waist and throw it at me." Yang Ming smiled and said. Although Yang Ming is not afraid of Wang Renping with a gun, Yang Ming does not want to support the big, it is a natural matter to pay off the enemy's weapons. Sometimes it is not afraid of local resistance, but it can only show its own side. The strength comes.

Wang Renping’s gun was on his waist. Now everyone in the winter wears thick winter clothes, so Wang Renping’s waist gun can’t be seen outside, and Yang Ming asked him to throw his gun at his waist. This is the reason why Wang Renping was surprised. How did Yang Ming find that he had a gun at his waist?

Yang Ming also saw Wang Renping's surprise, but Yang Ming certainly wouldn't tell him that he had the power. Yang Ming just smiled and said: "Your hand just shook his waist and wanted something to come out. But then it stopped. You are so far away, you want to pull out and attack my weapon, not a gun. What do you throw a flying knife?"

When Yang Ming said this, Wang Renping was stunned. It turned out that Yang Ming guessed that he had a pistol at his waist. Since Wang Renping has already determined that the person in front of him is the one who grabbed his grandparents, he also knows that resistance does not mean anything. It will only be more unfavorable to his grandparents. So Wang Renping has almost no hesitation, he will waist. The gun was pulled down and directly thrown to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming is not afraid that he will shoot at himself while pulling the gun. Once he has a slight change, Yang Ming’s flying needle will be shot, and Yang Ming has already decided to Wang Renping, knowing that he is a dutiful son, since Already know that his grandparents are in their own hands, then he will certainly not have the idea of ​​swaying and swaying. Otherwise, he would not want to pull the gun before giving up immediately.

After taking the pistol thrown by Wang Renping, Yang Ming put it into the pocket of the coat and said: "All rumors that Wang Renping is a big dutiful son, there is nothing wrong with it, and for the grandparents, anything can be done."

"I have done what you said. What do you want to do? Please say something!" Wang Renping knew that Yang Ming had kidnapped his grandparents, and there were bound to be conditions, so he asked directly. : "Please tell me, how is my grandparents doing now?"

"Very good, very refreshing, I like to deal with people who are refreshing." Yang Ming is quite satisfied with Wang Renping's attitude at the moment: "If you have been so refreshed, then your grandparents will be safe."

Wang Renping’s face changed slightly. He knew that Yang Ming said that he must have wanted him to do something. As long as he did something he was satisfied with, he would guarantee that his grandparents had nothing, and he What I said in the previous words is that if you don’t cooperate, your grandparents will not be safe...

There is something in Yang Ming’s words. How could Wang Renping not hear it?

"What do you want me to do?" Wang Renping heard that his grandparents had nothing to do now, and they settled down.

"Although you have the handle in my hands, I am still not at ease with you." Yang Ming said, he took a small box out of his pocket and walked to Wang Renping's body.

"What are you doing?" Wang Renping is somewhat inexplicable.

"Open your mouth!" Yang Ming said, his hand had already stretched out, grabbed Wang Renping's gangster, pinched his mouth, and then poured out a piece of scorpion venom, and fed it into Wang Renping's mouth. in.

Because the scorpion was pinched by Yang Ming, the scorpion pill was very light and went into Wang Renping’s throat and fell into the stomach.

Wang Renping did not expect Yang Ming's speed to be so fast, the whole movement was done in one go, and after he reacted, how the matter happened, the pill has entered his stomach! Wang Renping was shocked and shocked: "What did you give me?"

"Nothing." Yang Ming smiled slightly: "Isn't you heard about scorpion venom? I haven't heard of it. It's okay to know the three corpse brain gods in Jin Yong's novels? I am similar to that, and it is a twenty-four hour attack, not timely. Take antidote and suppress, then you will not see your grandparents."

After Wang Renping listened to Yang Ming’s words, his face changed dramatically and he looked at Yang Ming with anger. But the next moment, he recovered his calmness. At this moment, how angry he is to no avail, has been caught by Yang Ming and controlled his life. Grandpa and Grandma, Wang Renping has no other choice!

"I want you to do things, no accidents, you should be able to finish it within 24 hours. At that time, I will give you the antidote, and will let you and your grandparents reunite, but if things happen Oh, I will let you reunite..." When it came to this, Yang Ming paused.

Wang Renping was surprised by the expression of amazement.

"I will let you get together in hell." Yang Ming said coldly.

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