So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1262: My name is Yang Ming (on)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-two chapters, my name is Yang Ming (on)

Yang Ming used only a moment from the devil-like smile to the cold expression, and Wang Renping’s body suddenly burst into a chill. He has no doubt that Yang Ming will do this.

Wang Renping still doesn't know which side of Yang Ming is the power of the party. What is he asking him to do? However, Wang Renping is not stupid. He has already guessed it. Yang Ming’s intention should be between this Sun and Tian Long. The grudges are related.

Thinking of this, Wang Renping’s heart has calmed down. He thought of a word, came out to mix, and sooner or later to return.

From the day he betrayed the grandson, Wang Renping understood that one day, one day, he would be brought to the door by the power of the Sun family, but he had to do it!

On the one hand, he owes money to Tian Long. On the other hand, his grandparents are controlled in the hands of Tian Long. Of course, with the current economic strength of Wang Renping, it is a breeze to return the money owed to Tian Long. Sun Hongjun did not treat him at the beginning. Wang Renping, a large and small red envelope welfare, did not take much!

However, when Wang Renping and Tian Long mentioned that they had to pay back the money, Tian Long smiled and waved his hand and told Wang Renping not to worry. Tianlong does not, Wang Renping has no choice, he also understands that this is Tian Long let him always owe this person, but who made himself the most difficult moment, Tian Long extended a helping hand?

This reason is actually not the main one. If Wang Renping really wants to fall out with Tian Long, it is okay to forcibly return the money owed at the beginning, but Wang Renping cannot do this! Because his grandparents are still in the sphere of influence of Tian Long, Tian Long will definitely use this as a key point. In desperation, Wang Renping will do so many things for Tian Long.

But now, before I have waited for Tian Long’s success, some people have found their own heads.

"I can do it, I will try my best." Wang Renping said with a deep breath. My grandparents are in the hands of each other, how can Wang Renping not do it?

"Very good," Yang Ming did not expect Wang Renping to break through so easily. He thought that he had to pay a lot of troubles, but under the circumstance, it was normal.

I have stuck the lifeblood of Wang Renping, and this is the only thing that Wang Renping can't care about, that is family. Therefore, under this threat and pressure, Wang Renping has no choice but to compromise.

Yang Ming was very satisfied with Wang Renping's attitude. He turned his head to the door behind him and then said to Wang Renping: "I must have guessed it, why should I come to you?"

This is a very safe place, Yang Ming decided to implement his own plan here.

Without Yang Ming’s accident, Wang Renping nodded.

"How is the Sun family? Is it safe?" Yang Ming asked Wang Renping's eyes. At this time, Yang Ming was not afraid that Wang Renping would lie, but be careful not to make a big mistake.

"Dragon brother just put the Sun family's people under house arrest and did not hurt them." Wang Renping said truthfully.

Yang Ming nodded. This is exactly the same as Tian Donghua said before. At least Sun’s people are not in danger, and Yang Ming has let go of his heart. Thinking of Tian Donghua, Yang Ming quickly asked: "Tian Donghua? Do you know where he went?"

"The young master, he was also under the ban of Long Ge..." When he said this, Wang Renping suddenly realized that he was surprised and looked at Yang Ming: "I know! I know who you are!"

"Oh?" Yang Ming listened to Wang Renping, but he came to the interest, looked up and down him, and said: "Do you know who I am?"

"You are Yang Ming! The classmates of the young master!" Wang Renping nodded and said affirmatively.

"Oh, you are smart, how do you guess it?" Yang Ming asked Wang Renping with great interest.

"You asked me about the young master, which shows that you and the young master are familiar with each other, and you care about the Sun family. This shows that you and the Sun family also have a shallow relationship." Wang Renping analyzed: "In addition, your age should be Similar to the young master, the above points, I can speculate that you are Yang Ming!"

When Tian Donghua and Tian Long were quarreling with Yang Ming, Wang Renping was in the room next to him, so he also had some understanding of Yang Ming. This is why he can immediately guess the person in front of him is Yang Ming.

"Yes, I am Yang Ming." Yang Ming really appreciates Wang Renping's quick thinking. No wonder such a person can get Sun Hongjun's trust and appreciation, but he did not expect it to be Tian Long's person. Only after this time, I am afraid that he will never sell for Tian Long again.

"No wonder Long Ge said that you are a difficult character." Wang Renping sighed and sighed and said: "I thought that you are just a college student, can you have a provincial ability? I saw it today... I know that I am a little girl. You can find the place where my grandparents live, and the two bodyguards that can be leveled out will tie my grandparents away. This strength cannot be underestimated!"

"What you see is just the tip of the iceberg." Yang Ming said faintly: "After this, you have to die, but you have to thank your grandparents, and their words made me change my mind."

"What?" Wang Renping did not think that he could survive. He felt that Yang Ming would not let him go. All he prayed for was that Yang Ming would not be innocent and innocent. It would be good to let go of his grandparents.

But now, listening to the words of Yang Ming, it seems that he can still let him go, Wang Renping naturally came to the spirit.

"You just borrowed money from Tian Long to treat them. Then you have to do things for him. You are bent on it. It seems that you are a dutiful son, so all this, you are forced to do so, I will put You have a way to live." Yang Ming said this, but also to Wang Renping to eat a reassurance, tell him that as long as he is doing things for himself, then he has the hope of reuniting with his grandparents, he will not kill him. It is also a kind of psychological suggestion to people, and a strong desire to survive can make him die.

This is the only chance to overthrow Tian Long. Yang Ming does not allow for a slight loss in the middle, so he will only apply to Wang Renping Enwei. Although he is under duress, he also let him see hope, so that he is not afraid that Wang Renping will not work hard. .

Wang Renping took a deep breath. He still can't judge the true and false words of Yang Ming's words. He doesn't know if he can cash in afterwards, but hope is always good.

"Thank you." Wang Renping nodded. "Since things have developed to such a degree, let me do something, even if I open my mouth."

"How many people are there in the top management of Sun Jia Company when participating in the plan of Tian Longquan?" Yang Ming asked.

"About more than 30 people..." Wang Renping thought about it.

"How many people!" Yang Ming frowned. For this ambiguous answer, Yang Ming is very annoyed. This is a crucial event. If a person is missed, it may lead to the failure of the whole plan! Therefore, Yang Ming does not allow any omissions.

"Thirty-two people!" Wang Renping indulged, then said.

"Are you sure?" Yang Ming looked at Wang Renping and asked again.

"OK! Plus me, it is thirty-three!" Wang Renping said affirmatively.

"Well, you call them now, let him come here, how do you believe that I don't have to teach you." Yang Ming said faintly: "However, as long as the flaws are revealed, Tian Long is alert, and you are the consequence. Imagine it myself."

Wang Renping nodded. He naturally knew the power. He picked up the phone and dialed the phone in the order of the phone book.

"Hey? Zhang Zong? I am Wang Renping..." Wang Renping's tone is very dull. Even if he is a manager, he has no flattering tone.

On the other hand, Mr. Zhang heard that the other party was Wang Renping, but he immediately became enthusiastic: "Secretary Wang, hello! Is there anything?"

"You are coming to my old house now, a little bit of things to tell you." Wang Renping's tone is very natural, and there is no such thing as a slight fault.

"Oh? Ok, ok, I will pass right away!" Zhang always wouldn’t think too much. Wang Renping’s words represented Tian Long in most cases, so Zhang was naturally very respectful to Wang Renping. Wang Renping told him to talk about things. He is obviously very happy. He thinks this is a good opportunity to get close to Wang Renping.

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