So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1265: Not here? (under)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-five chapters are not there? (under)

Yang Ming and Wang Renping came to the villa in the suburb of Tianlong at eleven o'clock.

This is the land of a village near the East China Sea. Because it is an illegal building, there is no formal title certificate. That is to say, it is impossible to find out from the official means who the owner of the villa is.

Such a secret place, I want to come to Tianlong also spent a lot of thought.

Because Yang Ming is unfamiliar with the terrain of the East China Sea, he simply called Wang Renping to drive. Anyway, Wang Renping is also an old driver. Moreover, he does not dare to have any other ideas at this moment. Yang Ming can still trust him.

“It’s in front!” Wang Renping parked the car on the outdoor parking space in the community, then pointed to a luxurious villa that was not far away.

Yang Ming nodded. Although there is no property right in this land, the villas built are unusually luxurious. I want to come to people who have the right and power, and they have not taken the title certificate seriously.

With Tian Long’s position in the East China Sea, who wants to demolish his house, it’s really worth noting enough.

In the villa, there are lights, and people who want to come to the house have no rest.

Yang Ming needs to use the ability to observe the movements in the villa and then make a detailed action plan. Although Yang Ming also knows that sometimes it is not a good thing to rely too much on his own abilities. In case one day, this is different. Can disappear, or that this magical glasses have been taken back, then Yang Mingke can not rely on it.

However, in some cases, it cannot be used. For example, if Yang Ming does not use the ability to observe the terrain but directly enters the villa, although there is a description before Wang Renping, but the terrain is dead, but it is alive, who is also There is no guarantee what the person inside is doing.

Therefore, only 50% of the previous success can be achieved, but now it has become 100% successful!

"Mr. Yang, I don't need to go down first, listen to the movements, I know all the bodyguards outside." Wang Renping saw Yang Ming not talking, sitting there and wondering what he was thinking, so he asked himself bravely.

"No need." Yang Ming waved his hand and sighed: "Tian Long is not here."

After Wang Renping stopped the car, Yang Ming began to use the power to check the movement inside the Tianlong Villa. In the courtyard of the villa, there were two black bodyguards patrolling, revealing a vigilant look in his eyes.

In the hall on the first floor of the villa, there are four identical black bodyguards, and they are also very vigilant. It seems that Tian Long’s means of training people is very good.

Tian Long is not on the first floor of the villa. Looking at the second floor of the villa, after Yang Ming glanced around the circle, he also found four black bodyguards standing there, but there was still no figure in Tianlong.

Looking at the villa's attic, but it is empty, Yang Ming knows that Tian Long is not in the villa.

"Mr. Yang... Tian Long really lives here!" Wang Renping was shocked! Although he does not know how to judge Tian Long is not in the villa, but if Tian Long is not here, then Yang Ming will not think that he is cheating him?

"I didn't say that he is not here, but he is not here now." From the point of view of the security of the villa, Tian Long should have lived here, but I don't know why it is not here tonight.

When Wang Renping heard Yang Ming say this, he was relieved and said: "Mr. Yang, are you sure that Tian Long is not here?"

"I will kneel, naturally there will be something you don't understand." Yang Ming will not tell Wang Renping that he has an ability, but casually said a reason for his god: "I have released the locust to probe. After that, Tian Long is here."

"Oh..." After Wang Renping listened to Yang Ming's words, he was very surprised, but he did not doubt it. Before Yang Ming raised his hand, he dropped Li Baihu and Ma Qiang. What method Yang Ming used, Wang Renping did not see it. clear.

Afterwards, when he lifted Li Baihu and Ma Qiang to the partial house, he also carefully examined the two people's bodies, but did not find anything similar to the wound...

After Yang Ming’s flying needle is injected into the body, it will dissolve in the blood immediately, so Wang Renping naturally does not see any clues. Wang Renping thought subconsciously that two people were also poisoned by Yang Ming.

Isn’t that the case in the TV? As soon as the squatter raised his hand, the locust flew out and shot into the target's body, and the target was smashed.

"So late, where can Tian Long go?" Yang Ming was slightly disappointed. The action at night was much easier than during the day, but he did not expect Tian Long to be in the villa.

However, Yang Ming can't wait until tomorrow night to move again. Now that an inch of time is worth an inch of gold, Yang Ming can't wait for Sun Jie and Tian Donghua's safety for so long. Moreover, now everyone has been rebellious, if these people are If you show flaws, then you will lose all your efforts and you will find it difficult to start with Tian Long.

Therefore, Yang Ming must get Tian Long as soon as possible.

Wang Renping also frowned. "In normal times, Tian Long will stay in this villa at night and will not go out. Or, I will go in and ask?"

Yang Ming sank a bit, then nodded, Wang Renping is a person trusted by Tian Long. Now the villas that appear in Tian Long are not awkward. Those bodyguards will not doubt anything. When they think of it, Yang Ming agrees. .

Wang Renping pushed the door open and walked in the direction of the villa.

Just arrived at the door of the villa, the two guards who were responsible for the guards were wary, but when they saw that they were Wang Renping, they also let go of their hearts: "Wang Ge, you are here!"

"Well, I have nothing to do, come over and see if there is anything to tell the dragon brother." Wang Renping said naturally.

"Wang Ge, unfortunately, Long Ge just went out a little time!" said one of the black bodyguards. He did not have the need to hide Wang Renping at all. In his view, Wang Renping was the first red man around Tian Long. As long as Wang Renping had a phone call, he could also ask the whereabouts of Long Ge. It is better to say it and give him a diligent attitude. .

"Oh? Going out? Where's it?" Wang Renping asked casually.

"This...we don't know. Wang Ge, you still have to call Long Ge to ask for it. We don't dare to ask these things, nor do we know." The black bodyguards are embarrassed. Shrugging, apologetic.

"Oh, nothing, since then I will go first!" Wang Renping patted the shoulders of the black bodyguard: "Working hard! I will talk to Longge and give you some bonuses!"

"Thank you, Wang Ge!" The black bodyguards thanked him with gratitude.

The reason why Wang Renping said this is that he does not want to let these black bodyguards talk to him. He tells Tian Long what he is coming to. Although there is nothing, he is still careful.

In this way, they promised to tell Tian Long to give them a bonus. They have to say to Tian Long that they have come, so that is a bit of a reminder of the bonus, no one will be so stupid.

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