So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1266: Abandoned child (on)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-six chapters abandoned (on)

Wang Renping did not ask any valuable clues. In desperation, he had to go back, but he was very careful when he left. In order to fear that the two bodyguards saw their whereabouts, Wang Renping walked around the community deliberately. Finally, I came to the place where Yang Ming stopped, and opened the front passenger's door and got on the bus.

"How is it?" In fact, before Yang Ming used abilities and lip reading, he already knew the content of Wang Renping and the several bodyguards, but in order not to express himself too magical, Yang Ming pretended not to know. .

"Tian Long is indeed out, but I don't know where to go. The two bodyguards at the door don't know," Wang Renping shrugged helplessly and said: "With their status, Tian Long is naturally unlikely to go out. Ask Dong to ask West."

"I expected this result early." Yang Ming smiled: "How could Tian Long say his plan to these people?" Yang Ming smiled faintly: "Now it seems that Tian Long can't come back at night. However, in order to be on the safe side, we can wait here, but we must pull the curtains in the window to prevent us from being accidentally seen.

Although Yang Ming’s car has a reflective film on the glass, there are some special instruments that can penetrate the film and see the inside of the car, so Yang Ming is going to pull the curtains in the car. Curtains are made of metal fibers, and those x-ray or infrared instruments cannot penetrate.

Pulling the curtains on the BMW car is like a small tent, but it won't attract too many people's attention. Many small couples like to love in the car, causing events such as car shock doors, so pull up the curtains. It doesn't look awkward.

Although the curtains are pulled up, as long as the reversing system monitoring in the car is started, the camera on the road behind the car can be seen through the camera outside the car body, and the passing vehicles are clearly seen, so that Tian Long’s If the car passes here, Wang Renping can see it at a glance.

Yang Ming does not need this, Yang Ming's eyes can easily penetrate anything, this metal curtain is natural. Turning on the reversing monitoring inside the car is just for Wang Renping.


In the waste dump, Tian Long walked into the room of the house arrested Tian Donghua.

In the afternoon, Tian Long received a phone call from Zhang Jinguo, saying that Tian Donghua didn’t eat anything, and he was worried in the room. At that time, Tian Long was also on the head, and he ignored him. He told Zhang Jinguo that Tian Donghua would like to eat or not. Eat and pull down.

But no matter what, Tian Donghua is the son of his Tian Long. After Tian Long’s own dinner, he thought it was not a taste. He thought that Tian Donghua hadn’t eaten yet, and he was worried about it. He finally couldn’t help but decide to go see it. Son, talk to his son, hope that he can understand his own practice and support himself.

Because Wang Renping had just finished his speech, Tian Long did not want to bother and toss him. In the past few days, Wang Renping was appointed to do everything. Wang Renping was too tired, and it was not necessary to look at Tian Donghua’s little things. Let Wang Renping come back and drive him.

So Tian Long casually called four bodyguards, one of them driving, going to the direction of the waste dump.

Tian Donghua had some numbness at this time. When he saw Tian Long coming, he just looked up at him and then looked down and took care of him.

"Donghua, have you had dinner?" Tian Long sat next to Tian Donghua and reached out to touch Tian Donghua's hair.

Tian Donghua hated some disgustingly: "I don't have anything to do with you. I don't agree with each other. You don't agree with what you do, so I don't bother you, don't bother me. I can't eat now, and when I am hungry, I will eat it naturally."

Tian Donghua didn't want to hunger to scare Tian Long, because he knew that this trick was a bit too low-natured. If he was really hunger strike, Tian Long could forcibly inject nutrient solution and glucose for himself, as long as he didn't die.

Therefore, Tian Donghua will not go on a hunger strike. He does not eat anything now, just because his heart is blocked and he does not want to eat. One is his father, the other is his friend, his father is wrong, Tian Donghua does not want to protect, but he I can't change anything, so I feel unusually uncomfortable.

The reason why Tian Donghua did not sue Tian Long again was because he knew that Tian Long would not listen to anything. At this moment, he was persuaded that it was equal to Bai Quan. There was no meaning at all. It was better to save some tongue and effort.

"Donghua, why don't you understand his father's painstaking efforts?" Tian Long looked at his son with hateful iron: "Do you think, I am not doing it for you, I am doing so many things? How big are I? How old is it? Can I still work for a few years? Isn’t it for you and Dongguang? Do you want to continue to work for Sun’s family like your father after graduating from college?”

"Is there anything wrong?" Tian Donghua frowned. He felt that his father had a problem with his thoughts. It was already unreasonable: "How many college students did not work after graduation? The job of finding a toilet is very happy." I have at least something to do after graduation, and I will be reused. Is there anything wrong with it?"

"You will be reused again, but also look at the face of Sun's family! Because people are always the boss, you are the cow again, and then call the rain, your status is also given to you by the Sun family. Don't look at you as a person." On the top, everyone in the group respects you like the uncle, but when the grandson's family sees you is not pleasing to the eye, one sentence will make you nothing, let you have nothing, from the high, suddenly fell down!" Tian Long snorted and said: "Have you thought about it?"

"I can do it myself, and I can't pick the fault. How can the Sun family find us trouble?" Tian Donghua naturally does not agree with Tian Long's theory. Although it cannot be said that Tian Long's theory is wrong, according to Tian Long's meaning, all The people around the boss are all afraid of the boss to dismiss them, but first to replace the boss to replace it? Then the world is not in a mess?

"That said, but there are accidents, but who can guarantee that you will not make a mistake?" Tian Longdao: "And your brother's character, the offender does not know, I heard that he has already Sun Zhiwei of Sun Jia To offend, after Sun Zhiwei is in power, can he still have his good fruit to eat? Say no to be involved in you!"

This is what Tian Long said. It is not only Tian Dongguang, but even Tian Long himself and Sun Zhiwei have set up Liang Zi, but in his opinion, Sun Zhiwei is unable to help Adou, Sun Hongjun is impossible to hand over his family business. To him, the most likely player is Sun Jie. Sun Jie is a well-informed person. He can't wear his own shoes because he and Sun Zhiwei have hatred.

What's more, with Sun Jie and Yang Ming's relationship, isn't Sun Ming said that Yang Ming said? Who is Yang Ming? That is my good brother, can Yang Ming treat himself?

Therefore, if you change someone, you may have been persuaded by Tian Long, but Tian Donghua did not feel tempted, nor did he think that Tian Long’s words would come true, but he felt that he was alarmist.

"Then after I graduated, it would be fine to not do things for the Sun family, and there is no big deal," Tian Donghua said.

Tian Long listened to Tian Donghua’s words, and suddenly he was speechless. The two people’s views were different. It’s impossible to unify them together. If you want to come to Tianlong, you can say that you have broken your voice. Tian Donghua will not have any movements. When I think of it, Tian Long’s disappointment sighs. A tone.

Zhang Jinguo was afraid of Tian Long to see what was coming, and he did not dare to speak more. He stood on the side with sincerity and fear, and listened to Tian Long’s words and could not help but smile. At this time, he still advised his son to go with him to the grandson’s house, or he The son is eye-catching, and he does not mix with his father, or he will not know how to die.

Zhang Jinguo smiled in his heart. In his opinion, Tian Long and Yang Ming were not a grade. Yang Ming could raise two hands and did not see how Yang Ming shot. The two people would be ass, but Tian Long’s means is nothing more than shouting and killing, threatening it. In contrast, there is no horror at all.

But this can't be said, although Zhang Jinguo believes that Yang Ming will win, but the night before dawn still has to be pretending.

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