So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1268: Yang Ming was captured (below)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-eight chapters Yang Ming was captured (below)

Originally, Tian Long was also planning to do so. It is absolutely impossible to show his own Shaolin school in front of outsiders. This is something to keep his life.

But now, at this moment, it has to be used. Shenmiao maps himself with a gun. Wang Renping and Yang Minghu see it. Although at the beginning, Tian Long wanted to shock Yang Ming and others. Tian Long admits that he wants to The mentality to be displayed clearly exists, but then Tian Long knows how wise his decision is!

Yang Ming actually throws the hidden weapon, and the direction and position of the hidden weapon makes Tian Long’s forehead and the back of his face cool! The acupuncture points at the neck are the most dense, and the accuracy of the acupuncture points shot by Yang Ming makes Tian Long scream!

Although the flying needle can't be injected into Tian Long's body, Tian Long is not an unconscious person. Where is the flying needle shot? Tian Long still feels it! When the flying needle touched Tian Long’s neck, Tian Long’s heart was shocked!

Tian Long is also a man who has been practicing martial arts since childhood. How can he not know the location of the human acupuncture points? With Yang Ming as the head, if the needle is really stabbed in, then Tian Long knows that the loser who is lying down now is himself!

Once he is stabbed into the acupuncture point, he will temporarily lose his mobility and will be controlled by Yang Ming. At that time, even if he has the power of King Kong, he will not be able to return to heaven.

Thinking of this, Tian Long is lucky! It seems that Yang Ming dares to come to find himself, and it is not a special self-sufficient force. It must be held. Yang Ming’s effort to shoot acupuncture points should not be underestimated!

Therefore, Tian Long only tied Yang Ming’s hands behind him, so that Yang Ming could not have any adverse action on himself.

Tian Long took Yang Ming out of the office, entered the elevator room, and pressed the button on the basement floor. Tian Long intends to put Yang Ming together in an abandoned garbage dump and put it under house arrest. Isn't he good with Sun's family? Well, let him be with the Sun family!

Tian Long can lift Yang Ming with his left hand alone, and does not seem to have any laborious points. This shows that Tian Long’s muscles and muscles have been trained to a top level, and Yang Ming cannot guarantee that he has raised it. Individuals will not be physically weak for so long.

Even if he entered the elevator, Tian Long still carried Yang Ming, and the performance was very relaxed. It can be seen that Tian Long’s physical strength is very good! Yang Ming has to admit that he is much stronger than himself.

When I arrived at the underground parking lot, Tian Long opened the door of a commercial vehicle with a remote control, dropped Yang Ming into the trunk, then closed the trunk door and jumped onto the driver's seat. .

Although there are security guards patrolling in the underground parking lot, but for Tian Long to carry a personal down the car, it is simply turning a blind eye! One is because Tian Long is the biggest here. Everyone is eating and drinking with him. Who dares to ask Tian Long?

The second point is that some people who play in nightclubs have to drink more to make trouble or not to give money. Such people naturally have to drag out to repair a meal, so these security guards see that they are dragging out of the individual and they are not surprised. It’s strange, it’s not a rare thing at all!

Yang Ming was thrown into the trunk of the car, and did not say anything. Tian Long was a bit strange. This Yang Ming does not look like a person with such a bag. How can he not resist at all?

I think that the only explanation is that Yang Ming knows that he is not an opponent of Tian Long. The resistance is also in vain, so it is better not to take the effort.

This kind of possibility is the most appropriate. When I think of this, Tian Long will let go of his heart, drive the car, drive out of the nightclub, and drive toward the abandoned garbage dump.

For Yang Ming to be able to buy Wang Renping and Shen Temple, Tian Long is still very admired. He can make such a big event in his eyelids and quietly, and also shows that Yang Ming’s person is not simple.

It is no wonder that Songjiang’s violent Sanli and Hou Zhenduo are all looking at his horse, and in a short period of time, Yang Ming established his own economic empire in Songjiang.

However, what about it? Still not caught by myself? Tian Long snorted, this kid is still too tender! But unfortunately, such a talent should be used by yourself.

Tian Long also knows that it is impossible. He and Yang Ming are now incapable of fighting, and there is no need to expect Yang Ming to be able to rely on himself.

This time, Tian Long simply did not find a driver to drive, but he personally escorted Yang Ming to the garbage dump. It was also because he felt that Yang Ming’s kid was terrible and could buy people around him, so his other drivers might also Was bought, so Tian Long was in person to drive with Yang Ming.

Seeing Tian Long and returning, Zhang Jinguo was puzzled, but the surface kung fu still had to do enough, so he rushed out to meet Tian Long, but he saw Tian Long mentioning a person from the trunk of the car!

Zhang Jinpan didn't feel anything at first. Tian Long used this place as a place where he was under house arrest. It was no big deal to send a person. But when Zhang Jinguo saw the appearance of the person in Tian Long's hand, he suddenly felt awkward!

The person mentioned in Tian Long’s hands is actually Yang Ming? Yang Ming’s plan failed? how can that be possible? Zhang Jinguo did not believe it, so the powerful Yang Ming, Yang Ming, who could kill two people when he raised his hand, actually became the prisoner of Tian Long?

However, the facts are in front of us, and I can't help but Zhang Jinguo doesn't believe it! Yang clearly was bound by the back of his hands with the cowhide ribs behind him, and was lifted by Tian Long!

After confirming that the person in Tian Long’s hands was Yang Ming, Zhang Jin’s heart suddenly wows cool and cool! Yang Ming was arrested, what should they do? Yang Ming forced the swallowing of scorpion venom. If Yang Ming had an accident, wouldn’t they also die?

Thinking of this, Zhang Jinguo was crying out, but in the face of Tian Long, but had to pretend to smile, no way, if Tian Long knows that he has already invested in Yang Ming, then there is no better fruit to eat!

Perhaps it will be executed by Tian Long now! Therefore, Zhang Jinguo can only smile and greet him: "Dragon brother, how come you are back? Is this?"

Zhang Jinguo certainly has to pretend that he does not know Yang Ming, because before yesterday, he did not know who Yang Ming was. At this time, if there was a flaw, then he would die.

"This is Yang Ming, which I mentioned, and he is going to be with him and the family of Sun Jia!" Tian Long said, and Yang Ming went to the ground and told Zhang Jinguo.

"Yes, Long Ge!" Zhang Jinguo pulled Yang Ming up from the ground, and he was too busy to answer, but his heart could only smile. After waiting for Tian Long to leave, he asked Yang Ming how this is going on. , which is the singer!

However, no matter what, he will get the moon in the near water, Yang Ming will be under his own hands, and he can get the antidote first. As for others, it is not Zhang Jinguo’s concern, so Zhang Jinguo can only Take care of yourself first.

"Let's go!" Zhang Jinguo pushed Yang Ming and entered the door of the garbage dump. He didn't dare to speak too hard, so he offended Yang Ming and dared not to be too gentle, which would cause Tian Long's doubt. Zhang Jinguo is a bit of a dilemma!

Fortunately, Yang Ming did not seem to know him at all. He did not respond to his swearing. He stood up very obediently and went into the garbage dump with Zhang Jinguo.

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