So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1269: Unexpectedly (on)

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-nine chapters are unexpected (on)

Zhang Jinguo would like to ask Yang Ming, who is playing this game, but Tian Long is watching it behind. He can’t express himself too close to Yang Ming. In desperation, he has to pretend that he doesn’t know Yang Ming. Yang Ming was sent to the garbage dump.

However, after entering the room, Zhang Jinguo looked back and found that Tian Long did not follow up. This could not help but ask: "Mr. Yang, you are this..."

Yang Ming was a decadent expression. He blinked at Zhang Jinguo and smiled a little, but it was only very short. After a while, Yang Ming restored his normal expression.

Zhang Jinguo’s glimpse, but immediately will mean Yang Ming’s meaning. Yang Ming is to make him feel at ease. Think of it here, Zhang Jinguo let go of his heart, although I don’t know what Yang Ming is doing, but what is important to think about it. planned.

Seeing that there were other people coming over, Zhang Jinguo quickly restored the previous expression of indifference, and took Yang Ming to the door of the big room where he was detained. He said to the man who came over behind him: "Go and open the door!"

"Yes!" The man rushed to the channel and found the key to open the door.

Sun Hongjun is angry with Tian Long’s words yesterday, including Sun Jie’s helplessness. Yesterday, his father’s mood was better. Tian Long came to add a block, so that Sun Hongjun, who was already very melancholy, made a sigh.

"Xiao Jie, you said Tian Long said, he wants to catch Yang Ming together, what can I do?" Sun Hongjun sighed.

"Dad, don't think so much, Yang Ming is so easy to be caught?" Sun Jie also felt that Yang Ming could not be caught by Tian Long so easily.

"Oh, the world is unpredictable. Although Yang Ming is smart, he is very safe in doing things, but in the end, Jiang is still old and spicy. How could he be the opponent of Tianlong, the old river and lake?" Sun Hongjun sighed: "Original I also think that Yang Ming may be able to save us, but after listening to the words of Tian Long yesterday... this possibility is not big!"

Sun Jie is also clever and intelligent. He immediately heard the words in his father's words: "What do you mean by saying that Tian Long's next goal to be dealt with is Yang Ming?"

"Tian Long, this person, from his current ambitions, he is not allowed to destroy anyone's plan!" Sun Hongjun nodded: "Now, Yang Ming is his potential opponent, he can not let it Yang Ming has always been a dangerous existence, he will definitely start with a strong one!"

"Yeah... If yesterday our discussion was not heard by Tian Long &..." Sun Jie blamed Tian Long for Yang Ming’s actions and thoughts. Yesterday, their chat was heard by Tian Long. Therefore, if Tian Long did not hear it, he should not think of this!

"I blame me for talking..." Sun San’s heart was also uncomfortable, because he wanted to persuade Sun Hongjun yesterday, and casually mentioned Yang Ming, but did not expect Tian Long to be alert, to deal with Yang Ming, he can It’s a sinner.

"Three uncles, this can't blame you..." Sun Jie shook his head, but he expected Yang Ming not to be easily dealt with by Tian Long. If it was so easy to be dealt with by Tian Long, then it would not be worth her Sun Jie. The man does not need to look at him at all.

Sun Jie thinks so, in fact, she still has expectations for Yang Ming. It is impossible to say that Sun Jie has no feelings for Yang Ming. It is just that Sun Jie is a rational person. He has never given Yang Ming a clear answer. It is also because Sun Jie himself is not sure whether Yang Ming is the one or not. A man who is capable of protecting her life.

I have almost made a wrong choice before. Sun Jie is naturally careful and careful now, and as I grow older, my mind is much more mature than before.

Therefore, the man in her ideal is to have enough ability, at least it is better than her Sun Jieqiang! If Yang Ming is so easily caught by Tian Long, then he has nothing to say.

However, everyone in the Sun family did not think that Tian Long had to deal with Yang Ming, not because of their words. Tian Long had to deal with Yang Ming as premeditated! It can be said that there is nothing to do with the Sun family! Even without this relationship between Yang Ming and Sun Jia, the boss behind the scenes has asked for it, and Tian Long has tried his best to deal with Yang Ming.

Outside, there was a voice that opened the door with a key. This time, the people of the Sun family learned to be smart, and closed their mouths in a timely manner. They don't want Tian Long to listen to anything.

"You go in!" In front of outsiders, Zhang Jinguo still has to show his bluntness and strength. He can't let outsiders see his relationship with Yang Ming, including the Sun family!

Although the Sun family and Yang Ming are a group of people, but people are mixed, who knows when it will be exposed?

When the door was opened, the Sun family thought that Tian Long would go back and say something ugly, but he did not expect that the person who was escorted in was actually Yang Ming!

"Yang Ming?" Sun Jieyan's eyes widened. She couldn't believe the facts at hand. Is this Yang Ming too embarrassed? I just said that last night, he was caught by Tian Long today!

Even if you fight Tian Long, you have to hold on for a while and then get caught? How can this be caught directly? Thinking of this, Sun Jiedun felt a disappointment, and Yang Ming and the man in his mind were far apart.

At the very least, if Yang Ming insisted for a few more days, Sun Jie would reluctantly fool himself and say that he and his father and three uncles were all caught by Tian Long. Yang Ming was arrested and could not say that his ability was not good. Said Tian Long is too embarrassing.

However, this moment was caught, and the meaning is different.

Sun Hongjun and Sun San did not have as much Sun Jie thought, but disappointment is inevitable. It’s just that they are not disappointed with Yang Ming, but are disappointed that they cannot be rescued.

Yang Ming smiled bitterly. He didn't say much. He had ears in the wall. He didn't understand this truth.

"Xiao Jie, Sun Shu, San Shu, are you okay?" Yang Ming can only be a cold greeting at this moment.

Sun Jie did not speak. She did have some slight disappointment with Yang Ming. In her impression, Yang Ming was not so weak, but the facts were in front of him, but Sun Jie had to believe.

Therefore, it is inevitable that she is disappointed. The feelings of Yang Ming in her heart have also re-emerged. It is not a taste... I don’t know how to decide.

This is the difference between a sensible woman and an ordinary woman, but we can't blame Sun Jie for being too careful, just because of her position and her own character.

"Fortunately..." Sun Hongjun smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect a few words yesterday, I was tired of you..."

"What a few words? What do you mean?" Yang Ming was stunned by Sun Hongjun.

Sun San is also very helpless. He repeated the words that he said yesterday and Yang Ming. Yang Ming’s heart is even more dazed. What is the inevitable relationship with himself? But he can't tell the truth with the Sun family now!

Because of victory or defeat, it is time for Tian Long to come! There can be no factors of failure to be mixed inside! Therefore, in order to be hit in a while, he must first take the Sun family and let them not reveal the flaws at the crucial moment.

Yang Mingzheng thought, and suddenly heard the footsteps coming from outside the door. He knew that Tian Long was coming.

With Tian Long’s character, after he caught himself and put it with the Sun family, he is sure to come back and humiliate him to meet his arrogant heart.

Therefore, Yang Ming has seized this point, and there is no fear! When I was caught by Tian Long, I was obedient, and there was no rebellion! In other words, even if Tian Long does not come, the guardian Zhang Jinpan here is also a person of Yang Ming. Yang Ming can let him release himself at any time. As long as he is free, he can make a long-term decision.

The door of the room was opened again. This time it was still Tian Long, Tian Long’s arrogant laughter, and Yang Ming could hear it all at once, without looking up.

"Sun, this time, do you still have any expectations? You are not looking for Yang Ming? I brought you!" Tian Long pointed to Yang Ming, haha ​​laughed.

Sun Hongjun’s face changed slightly, but he knew that Tian Long was interested in angering him, so Sun Hongjun was not willing to anger with him at this moment, and he snorted, so don’t go too far.

He didn't have Sun Jie's thoughts about suffering and losing. He just killed Yang Ming when he and Sun San yesterday's words, and Yang Ming was very incomprehensible.

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