So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1327: Cooperation negotiation (below)

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-seven chapters of cooperation negotiations (below)

Violent San Li and Xu Xiaobin drink alcohol, Jing Xiaoyu drinks juice. Her drink is not small, but she is basically drinking alcohol, she thinks that Yang Ming must not like a girl who drinks alcohol, so the girl is still better.

After three rounds of drinking, Xu Xiaobin began to reveal his purpose of finding a violent triad: "The security company of the tyrant is the first in Songjiang!"

"The first one did not dare to act, there are still some small-scale security companies." Indeed, in addition to the famous security company, Songjiang also has some small-scale private security companies. However, because the business targets different objects, there is no conflict. These small companies only provide the kind of private bodyguards for some rich families. A business storm has not been done.

Everyone knows that those young masters are not good candidates, where are their money so good? Violently, Sanli is not willing to make such money. However, some small security companies do not have the ability to do lists of hotels and communities, and can only do the business of these small orders.

"On the scale, it is the first one!" Xu Xiaobin laughed.

This is the truth, the violent Sanli did not deny it. If it is denied, it is not modest, but it is a swearing word: "On the scale, it is still too good. After all, it is cooperation with the Municipal Bureau. There is official guidance and supervision. More convenient than those small companies."

This sentence also points out his own background. He is the official company, not the kind of small private company, but also let the other party know his weight.

However, what Xiao Sanli said, Xu Xiaobin has already investigated it beforehand: "Yes, our bank **** business in Songjiang is a **** company that is affiliated with a postal system in the field?"

"This should be true." Violence said, and he began to talk about business, and he thought it was similar to the one he expected. The other party wanted to enter the bank **** market in Songjiang.

However, this market violent San Li did not engage in hunting, but it did not conflict with his own business. If the other party really intends to cooperate, it is not impossible to consider.

"Overall, the famous security company as the largest security company in Songjiang, did not even think about winning this market?" Xu Xiaobin ate a bite, asked with a smile.

"Our company was founded less than a year ago, and it has not been involved in similar industries. For the time being, there is no such consideration." Violence said that the truth is that it has not been long before the company was established. How can it be considered? Happening? The violent Sanli has not been concealed. Naturally, if he says that he has considered entering the market, the other party will not believe it.

The bank **** business is very different from the ordinary security business. First of all, from the training of the employees, they have no experience. Secondly, no matter whether it is deployment, equipment or emergency response, it is not a newly established security company. .

Therefore, the violent San Li will not even whimsical into the industry, do a good job, do not do well, it is simply smashing his own brand.

"We Jiangyan Group has the meaning of entering the Songjiang market. I don't know what the generals think?" Xu Xiaobin finally said his intentions. Since the violent Sanli has no intention to enter this market, he can open this mouth.

"Oh? As far as I know, Jiangyan Group has been doing this bank **** business. Not only the provinces, but even some cities outside the province have set up special **** companies." violent San Li said: "Why, you Interesting in the market in Songjiang?"

"There is a certainty." Xu Xiaobin did not deny it. He nodded and said: "However, there are already other companies in the market, and we are not good at it. After all, our Jiangyan Group is also a foreign household, and it is not good. Grab the market from the hands of others."

Having said that, the violent Sanli basically understands why Jiangyan Group will find itself to talk about cooperation. As Xu Xiaobin said, Songjiang’s **** business has been done by another company in the province, and people also have an official background, which is anchored under the postal system, so they are more powerful and not directly Under the hands of others, grab the market.

However, the violence is different! The company that is violent is the local company of Songjiang. It is also a company with official guidance and supervision. If the famous security company takes over the market, no one can say anything.

You say that local protectionism is good, and it is a natural person to support local enterprises. It is impossible to pick it out! So this is the real reason why Xu Xiaobin found the violent Sanli.

"Oh, the meaning of Mr. Xu is that I want to pull me into the market and join you in taking this market?" The violent San Li’s proposal for Xu Xiaobin is of course somewhat heart-warming! The reputation of the famous security company has grown to the present level, and there is basically no potential for further development. If you want to expand, you can only start from other industries.

This bank **** business is a good industry project. Of course, Violent Sanli will not be naive to believe that with the strength of his company, he can do this market well! It is not difficult to win this market, but the key question is whether this market can be done well! If you do your own brand, it is better not to get involved in this industry.

Therefore, if Jiangyan Group, a company with extensive experience in the bank **** market, cooperates with itself to carry out this business, there is no problem.

"The storm is always clever! We do have this idea. I don't know what the intention of the storm is?" Xu Xiaobin nodded. "Of course, you don't have to make a decision now. After all, we are meeting today, contact, and cooperation. It’s not too late to talk about it.”

"Of course, your proposal makes me very interested." Violence said: "But, will we blend in, this will go back and evaluate it carefully."

"That is for sure." Xu Xiaobin said without hesitation: "I am just a manager of the office below. The specific cooperation intention is also decided by the head office. Oh, unlike the tyrant... I have not decided Advise! Come, I am violent."

"Oh, we also have a board of directors. Although I am a member of the board of directors, things must be decided by the chairman of the board." The violent San Li did not realize that Xu Xiaobin’s sentence was the background behind him. Because the famous security company and Mingyang Entertainment Culture Co., Ltd. are not listed, it is not easy to investigate the company's structure and shareholding.

"But the total violence is also one person below 10,000 people, come, do one!" Xu Xiaobin raised the glass.

"Good!" Storm Sanli also raised the glass.

"Right, the tyrant, Mr. Yang Mingyang, he is...?" Xu Xiaobin asked in a casual look. This is the task that Liu Jifei gave him, but Xu Xiaobin did not think much. He thought that Liu Jifei wanted to set out some of the other trade secrets.

"Oh? Mr. Yang is the chairman of our group. How, Xu always knows?" The violent San Li did not deliberately conceal Yang Ming's identity. Today, Yang Ming’s high-profile appearance on the rostrum, Jing Xiaoying also said that his identity was broken, that is, Yang Ming took the front desk, and the news will soon be spread out. There is no need to hide anything from the violence.

"Knowing... I can't talk about it, I know Mr. Yang, and Mr. Yang doesn't know me!" Xu Xiaobin waved his hand and said with a smile: "The fate of one side, I can't remember if Mr. Yang can remember."

The violent three nodded and did not think much. The two men talked about the security industry and the status quo of the bank's escrow industry. Jing Xiaoyan rarely spoke. Although she is the vice president of the company, she only did one morning. In general, many businesses are unfamiliar. In order to avoid saying the wrong words, she tries to listen to the violent San Li and Xu Xiaobin. Only when there are occasions that I don’t understand, I ask.

However, this has given Xu Xiaobin more pressure. In his view, Jing Xiaoyu does not speak. It is a wise expression. If you don’t speak, the questions you ask are all the drawbacks and sensitive places of the escrow industry. Let Xu Xiaobin not dare to take a nap.

If Jing Xiaoyu knows that Xu Xiaobin thinks so, don’t know what he will do?

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