So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1328: Kaijo Yanagiya (above)

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-eighth chapter Haicheng Liujia (on)

This meal is still very harmonious. I learned that Xu Xiaobin’s real purpose was not to fight the autumn wind, and let the violent San Li unconsciously have a good impression on him.

Those who really come to cooperate, the three are naturally polite. It can be seen from Xu Xiaobin's expression and tone that he is very sincere and wants to promote this cooperation.

"I am going to pay the bill..." Xu Xiaobin stood up and called the waiter. Although Liu Jifei smashed him before, let him find an opportunity to let the violent Sanli pay the bill, but Xu Xiaobin felt that he was too unreasonable to do so, if he could What kind of meal is it for this cooperation? Besides, the office also has hospitality expenses. Xu Xiaobin can still spend a meal.

"No need." The storm swayed and waved: "Wu always come to my site to eat, how can you still pay for it?"

"Although I represent the Jiangyan Group of Haicheng, I have been in Songjiang for a long time. It is not a foreigner." Xu Xiaobin, he apparently misunderstood the meaning of the violent Sanli. He thought that the violent San Li said that he was the landlord of the Songjiang native, so he quickly explained.

"Oh, Xu always misunderstood, I mean, this hotel is an industry affiliated to our company. I can't let Xu always pay for it when I eat here." Violently explained with a smile.

"Ah? Is this the industry of the tyrant?" Xu Xiaobin was shocked. He didn't know this because the famous security company is an independent legal company. Songjiang International Hotel is also a company with another independent legal entity. Yang Entertainment Culture Development Co., Ltd. The legal persons of the two companies are different. Violent Sanli is the legal representative of the famous security company. The legal representative of Mingyang Entertainment Culture Development Co., Ltd. is Hou Zhenyu, so if you don’t understand the shareholding configuration of the two companies, I don’t know what this Songjiang International Hotel has to do with the violent Sanli.

Because the legal person of Songjiang International Hotel is Guo Jianchao! These three people are subordinates of Yang Ming, but people who don't know can't understand this. It is no wonder that Xu Xiaobin will be so surprised.

"Oh, not my industry, but they are brother companies, belonging to our Yang Dong." Violently, Sanli will not be arrogant to say that this is his own industry.

"It turns out that." Xu Xiaobin said in the heart of the dark, it seems that the background of the storm is not weak! This Songjiang International Hotel can be so large in Songjiang, and it has become a government-appointed hotel. If Yang Ming has nothing to do, it will definitely not work.

It seems that this Yang Ming is a very important person. After going back, he should inquire about his background. I don't know how Liu Jifei knows this person, but Liu Jifei did not elaborate. Xu Xiaobin didn't know Yang Ming's identity at the time, so he didn't ask carefully. It seems that after going back this time, I have to ask carefully.

The three people came out of the hotel together, and Jing Xiao opened the new BMW x5. Originally, Sanli was planning to drive, but when she saw Jing Xiaoyu's enthusiasm, she also became a driver.

"Xiao Xiao, do you think this Xu Xiaobin, is there any sincerity to cooperate with us?" The violent trinity will make Jing Xiaoyu a spokesperson for Yang Ming, so these things must be discussed with her first.

"Xu Xiaobin, he must come with sincerity. I can be sure of this." I have to say that Jing Xiaoying’s eyes are still very accurate. Otherwise, he can’t lie to the Kay’s money repeatedly: “But he There is much sincerity in the Jiangyan Group represented by the back. I have no way to be sure of this."

"Oh? Isn't Xu Xiaobin on behalf of Jiangyan Group to talk about cooperation with us?" After the triathlon listened to Jing Xiaoyu's words, he gave a slight glimpse.

"Xu Xiaobin represents the Jiangyan Group. This is affirmative. There is nothing wrong with this." Jing Xiaoyu said: "However, Jiangyan Group is also like him. He has a positive attitude towards this cooperation. It is hard to say. This riverside I have also heard of the group, which is the largest private group in our north. Our industry is still too small in the eyes of others."

"Oh? You mean, Xu Xiaobin's enthusiasm does not mean Jiangyan Group?" Storm Sanli looked at Jing Xiaoyu with some surprise.

"I am just telling the truth, speculation, not sure." Jing Xiao said: "Xu Xiaobin is the manager of the Jiangyan Group in Songjiang Office. Therefore, the business developed after Songjiang will be counted in his merits. He will naturally perform. Very positive! But the big ones behind him, whether people really value this business, it is hard to say."

"I understand what you mean," violently nodded. "The attitude of Jiangyan Group is directly related to the benefits that both sides have gained in the follow-up of our two negotiations. If Xu Xiaobin is only enthusiastic, the attitude of Jiangbian Group can be If you have nothing, then we will definitely not get much benefit. After all, Xu Xiaobin can't be the last master. But if Jiangyan Group also attaches great importance to this cooperation, we can have more benefits in the negotiations. Is that true?"

"Yes! I mean this." Jing Xiaoyu appreciated the violent three-eye look, did not expect this big old can actually think of this. She didn't think so before, but now the position has been taken by Yang Ming to the position of vice president, then she must consider these things.

"It seems that we must figure this out and we must explore the tone of Xu Xiaobin." Liu Sanli said: "Otherwise, in the negotiations, we will suffer."

"After going back, I will investigate the background of this Jiangyan Group. We will have a meeting with Hou and discuss it." Jing Xiaoyu has quickly integrated into his role.

Unexpectedly, at noon, I encountered a traffic jam. Under the overpass, I actually had a long queue, and I didn’t move for a long time. Although Jing Xiaoyu likes to drive, he hates the ink when he is stuck in traffic.

Violent Sanli was not a person who had no eyesight to see. He saw Jing Xiaoyu’s expression a little uncomfortable, so he took the initiative to say: "Small, don’t you change me for a while, do you take a break?"

Jing Xiaoyu had the heart to let the violent three open for a while, but I was embarrassed to open it. Now, the violent Sanli took the initiative to propose that she naturally did not refuse the truth. She got off the car and violently adjusted the position, lying comfortably on the first officer.

In the three hearts of the violent smile, this grandmother is a woman of Yang Ge. Who will say that it is not necessarily in the company in the future? Don’t look at the general manager now, but I don’t want to listen to her in the future, so I don’t feel condescended. Treating Jing Xiaoyu is as respectful as Yang Ming.

Now I talk about the cooperation of Jiangyan Group in the car and I can't talk about anything. Everything has to wait until I return to the company, and then investigate the information of Jiangyan Group.

Jing Xiaoyu was a little bored. He took out his mobile phone and landed on the “Mobile Phone Reading Base”, which looked at the novel. In the past few days, she was reading a very interesting urban romance novel called "Rebirth and Beauty", which she loved after she took it.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Jing Xiaoyu on the side of the smile for a while, his expression was fickle, and the violent trinity was shocked. What did she do?

"Look at the novel." Jing Xiaoyu looked up at the phone in his hand.

"Look at the novel? The mobile phone can also read the novel?" The violent San Li is a bit strange. He is a big old man, the mobile phone only calls, and other functions don't know.

"Of course, mobile has a mobile phone reading base, there are many novels on it." Jing Xiaoyu said: "I just knew, I sent a text message to me a few days ago, recommended a book, I will go and see Look, it looks good."

"What novel?" The violent San Liyi listened to interest. Sometimes, when a person has nothing to do, he can use a mobile phone to read the novel.

"Rebirth and Beauty" is a romance novel. It is quite interesting. There are several wives in the protagonist..." Jing Xiaoyu explained to the violent trio.

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