So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1328: Kaijo Yanagiya (below)

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-eighth chapter Haicheng Liujia (below)

The violent San Liyi suddenly sweated, this Jing Xiaoyan is too strong, a girl actually looks at this male-oriented novel... But think about it, it is somewhat consistent with Jing Xiaoyu's current situation, no wonder she likes to watch.

"Who wrote it? Introduce it to me..." asked the violent San Li.

"A guy named the second generation of the fisherman, you searched for this book in the mobile phone reading base and found it." Jing Xiaoyu said.

"The second generation of the fisherman? Did he write a book that is "very pure and very awkward"? I have read that book!" The violent San Liyi listened to his own impressions and quickly said: "But his update speed makes me very resentful, I have changed from a little punk to a big boss. He is not over yet..."

"Oh, I have read that book." Jing Xiao said: "I am updating, waiting for the update is a very tough thing. This "rebirth and beauty" has been fully booked, you can rest assured."

"Is it? I seem to have a vest, so the fisherman is very inked and paradise." After the storm, he nodded and said, "I will go back and look."

After grinding and smashing back to the company, Jing Xiaoyu also read several chapters, broke the mobile phone into the bag, and got off the bus with the violent Sanli.

"Overwhelming General, Vice President Jing."

The two entered the company, and the past employees all greeted the two, Jing Xiaoyu has been promoted, and then not the original assistant, people have become awe in her.

Back to the company, Violentari told the secretary to investigate the information of Jiangyan Group, and he took out his mobile phone to search for the book "Rebirth and Beauty".

The information of the Jiangyan Group is not a secret thing, but the secret thing, the violent Sanli did not think about investigating. As long as you see some large-scale information, you can understand this Jiangyan Group.

The two sides are only a cooperative relationship, not the relationship between the acquisition and the acquisition. For cooperation, you don't need to know too much about the privacy of their group. Just look at how their reputation among those partners has been.

The acquisition is different. If it is necessary to inject capital into the Jiangyan Group, it is the same as that of the Sanli Group. It is necessary to dig three feet to investigate the ancestors of the 18th generation of the ancestral ancestors, and plan to see if he exists. What loans, arrears, and hidden debts, etc. But cooperation does not need to know this.

The two sides contribute money, set up a new company, how is the parent company, there is no need to understand too detailed, as long as the structure of the new company and the rights of both parties are clearly written.

Soon, the information of Jiangyan Group was printed in two copies, which were placed in front of the violent Sanli and Jing Xiaoyu.

Jiangyan Group is a business empire created by Liu Jiang, a legendary legend. He resigned from a small state-owned store accountant and then started his contracting department store. In a few years, he created an invincible business empire and involved in the industry. It is even more varied.

However, the industry that allowed him to truly stand in the north, or the bank **** business, opened up the relationship with the bank in order to remain unbeaten in repeated commercial battles. The opponents fell one by one, and only the Jiangyan Group came over, and it became more and more powerful and became a behemoth! Become the largest private group in the North.

At that time, there was a saying called Nan Yan Bei Liu, which said that the Yan family in the south and the Liu family in the north. These two top families now control the economic lifeline of the North and the South.

However, nearly 30 years later, Liu Jiangyan also lived from the age of 50 when he was a pioneer, and to the age of seventy years old, and his business was handed over to his children and grandchildren.

There are three sons along the Liujiang River, the eldest son Liu Heng, the second son Liu Yan, and the third son Liu Zhu. However, now the Jiangbian Group's helm is the third son Liu Zhu!

The eldest son, Liu Heng, had a car accident in his early years. He is still lying in the hospital. The whole person has been comatose. It is no different from death. However, Liu family is not bad for medical expenses.

Liu Heng has a daughter named Liu Meimei, who is in the high position of Jiangyan Group. Now sitting in the position of financial controller, controlling the group's financial power is equivalent to controlling the economic lifeline of the group.

The second son, Liu Yan, got polio from a young age. Now he can only sit in a wheelchair. He has never been married. The affairs of the group can only be regulated behind the scenes. There is no way to go to the table.

Therefore, the current power of Liu’s family fell on Liu’s body. Liu has two sons, the eldest son Liu Yannan, the younger son Liu Yanzhen, one is the company's executive vice president, and the other is the personnel department minister, which can be said to occupy two important positions of the company.

Liu Liu is the executive president of Jiangyan Group, which is also known as the “ceo” in the world. Of course, there are still a few brothers and sisters along the Liujiang River. Their children and grandchildren are worthy of the sideline of the Liu family. Liu Jifei and Xu Xiaobin are the same, but the information about them has not been investigated, because these are irrelevant. Critical person.

Looking at the information of the Liujia Group of the Jiangyan Group, Jing Xiaoyan felt a lot of emotions. It seems that this outsider seems to be a very famous family, and there are some unspeakable bitters inside.

Judging from some rumors, the two sons of Liu Hua have never given up their rights to fight with the daughter of the big house, Liu Yan, although Liu Heng is now a vegetative person lying in the hospital, but he is a veritable Liu parent and son, also along the Liujiang River. Originally the only son of his wife, Liu Jiang was the father of Liu Jiang as a successor. Now he has lived in the hospital, and the power has fallen to Liu Tu!

Although Liu Heng became a vegetative person without threats, his daughter is still there. The most important thing is that this little girl is actually a business equipment. She left school at the age of sixteen and entered the company. She got a tough wrist in the business field. Liu Jiang’s approval has placed her in the position of chief financial officer, and she is also responsible for the daily operations of several branches!

Liu stroke naturally feels the threat! When he was in office, there was nothing. He asked himself how much business is inferior to the old man. Otherwise, the Jiangyan Group was in his hands, and he could not help but retreat. The assets almost turned over in his five years in power. Some, of course, this also has the merits of Liu Meimei, but Liu Hua is shameless to count this credit on his own head.

However, although the qualifications of his two sons are considered to be good, but compared with Liu Meimei, it is a lot worse. This is what Liu Zhi really worried. He didn't want the group to finally fall into the hands of Liu Xiaoniu. A woman, after she got married, is she not someone else's home? When is the group going to dowry?

However, Liu Jiang did not think so. From time to time, he called Liu Tsao in the past, accompanied him to eat and chat, and secretly taught her some business reasons, which made Liu Huai sullen and angry.

My two sons are the grandsons of the Liu family. Is this Liu Jiang old-fashioned along the old man? Do not teach grandchildren to teach granddaughters?

These Liu family’s infighting struggles are not a secret in the outside world. They are commented everywhere on the Internet. Although they don’t know the truth, nothing will come to the fore. Jing Xiaoyu still believes in 80%.

Of course, this is only to be seen as a joke. These things do not help the specific details of the cooperation. The children of Liu family compete for power and fight for the sky. They also have no relationship with her Jing Xiaoyu.

Xu Xiaobin returned to the office. Liu Jifei was waiting for him anxiously. He saw Xu Xiaobin coming in and quickly greeted him and asked: "How? How about talking?"

"Fei Ge, you allow me to drink my mouth, wait for me to talk to you slowly." The violent three of them blocked the car, Xu Xiaobin naturally also traffic jams, the thirsty mouth on the way to smoke, did not see a sale of water, This early spring was quite cold, and there was no hawker who was standing on the street and selling water.

Liu Jifei nodded and gestured to Li to go to Xu Xiaobin to pour a glass of water. Li Zhan quickly took a disposable cup and gave Xu Xiaobin some mineral water and handed it to him.

Now Li Jian also understands his position very well. Although Xu Xiaobin is inferior to the fourth, he knows that Liu Jifei and Xu Xiaobin are doing a big thing together. Once things are done, he is one of the heroes, so Li Stick must serve now. Well, these two uncles will be able to get a piece of success in the future.

Xu Xiaobin took the disposable paper cup and poured his head into his throat. He took a sigh of relief: "Slow! I don't know what happened today. Actually, this traffic jam is a thirst." I am."

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