So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1329: Opening of the festival (on)

Opening of the first thousand three hundred and twenty-nine chapter art festival (on)

Liu Jifei did not urge him, but quietly waited for Xu Xiaobin to open.

Xu Xiaobin also saw that Liu Jifei had been waiting for him to speak. He was a little embarrassed to say: "Fei Ge, things are almost done, and the other side is very interested in this cooperation."

"Well, that's good." Liu Jifei is also expected. After all, this cooperation is very attractive. Unless the violent triad and money can't pass, otherwise it will agree to this proposal. "Right, is it that Sanli has personally gone?"

"Yes, it was the generals who went to the banquet in person, and they also took the company's Vice President Jing." Xu Xiaobin said: "I can see that people have paid enough attention to our cooperation."

"Jing Jing deputy?" Liu Jifei's eyelids jumped, and he heard the surname Jing was a bit uncomfortable. If it wasn’t Jing Xiaoyu, could he come up with such a whole lot of things? Can you be slapped by that Yang Ming?

"Yes, it is Jing Xiaoyu, who is not very old. It should be about twenty years old." Xu Xiaobin thought of Jing Xiaoyu's appearance and could not help but sigh: "It is really impossible for people to look at each other. When they are young, they will sit on the vice president's seat."

"What? Jing Xiaoying?" Liu Jifei heard the name, his face immediately became ugly, and both eyes must come out: "You said that blind... No, that girl is only twenty years old, and she is vice president?"

Liu Jifei sprinkled his mouth and spit out the words "Xunzi". He quickly changed his mouth. He still can't let Xu Xiaobin discover the festival between Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu. Otherwise, Xu Xiaobin will definitely not help this. Go ahead.

"Yeah, it's really young, but it's a very calm person. It's not as impetuous as a young man." This is Xu Xiaobin's first impression of Jing Xiaoyu. Jing Xiaoying's silence is a result of Xu Xiaobin's feelings that she is inscrutable. impression.

Calm? Liu Ye is so angry that she wants to swear. If she is calm, there will be no lively people in the world! Think about the situation when you deceive yourself. Liu Jifei’s lungs will smoke. He has been 100% certain that this Jing Xiaoyu is the Jing Xiaoyu. Although there are too many such coincidences in the world, Liu Jifei does not think this is a coincidence.

Around the age of twenty, and it is related to Yang Ming, then this vice president, is definitely the monk last night. However, she can actually sit on the vice president's position. It seems that the person named Yang Ming is not too small. At the very least, he can instruct the violent violence.

This also confirms the words of Yan Kechang. Is Yang Mingcai the big boss behind this famous security company?

"Right, the man named Yang Ming, what is his identity? Did you ask?" Liu Jifei asked.

"Inquired," Xu Xiaobin's face was silenced. "Yang Ming is the boss of the violent Sanli. He is called Yang Dong. The Songjiang International Hotel we eat is also the industry of Yang Dong."

"Yang Dong--" Liu Jifei listened to these two words. The whole person was like a hammer, and his face became horrible. How was the kid Yang Dong? Songjiang International Hotel is also his industry? It seems that he is very open in Songjiang?

Liu Jifei is not stupid. People who can afford such a big hotel can't have no background. It can't be a fool who doesn't understand business. The little tricks that he had expected before, want to scare them and let them take the initiative. It is unlikely that the company will be handed out.

This time, you have to use a little trick. Liu Jifei’s mood was heavy. Before he thought it was too simple. He wanted to use the name of Liu’s family to suppress the violent Sanli, and then Liu’s penny did not go out, and he became a famous security guard in Sanli. the company. But now it seems that this possibility is not too big, this Yang Ming behind the violent San Li, energy is not small!

"In addition to the accident at Songjiang International Hotel, what other industries does he have?" Liu Jifei asked with a sullen face. This time, he really underestimated the energy of his opponent.

"This, I don't know. These words are not easy to ask at the dinner table." Xu Xiaobin shook his head. "After all, this is our first contact. These things have to really reach a cooperation intention. Just ask after the consensus?"

Liu Jifei also knows that Xu Xiaobin is telling the truth. Now that cooperation has not started, you will ask the composition of the people's group at the end of the question. It is obvious that people have doubts about their motives and purposes.

However, Liu Jifei did not think of it, the strength of Yang Ming behind the storm three is not small. Originally thought that Yang Ming was a son who survived by the violent violent, but now this is not the case at all!

Yang Ming became the big boss behind the scenes, and the violent San Li just gave him a job. Moreover, Yang Ming is not only a security company, but also a Songjiang International Hotel, and maybe even some other companies.

In this way, it is much more difficult to move him. Liu Jifei is not the kind of ruthless person. He looked at Xu Xiaobin and said: "This meal, who spent the money?"

"There are people's sites, how can they ask me to spend money?" Xu Xiaobin shrugged.

After listening to Xu Xiaobin's words, Liu Jifei did not have any happy thoughts at all. Originally, he wanted to let the violent Sanli treat him, let him bleed, this meal is not cheap.

However, listening to Xu Xiaobin said that this Songjiang International Hotel is a violent establishment of their industry, there is no pleasure to ask people to bleed, the hotel is a family, people please have a meal, no big deal.

"Give me a check! Spend money to investigate the company and find out the companies that are behind Sanli and Yang Ming!" Liu Jifei thought about Xu Xiaobin: "Know yourself and know each other, you can win every battle."

Xu Xiaobin did not think much. Liu Jifei’s order was normal. Investigating the business materials of the collaborators was originally a matter of no doubt.

"Okay, let me handle it." Xu Xiaobin nodded.

Over there, the violent San Li will call and Yang Ming reported the results of the meal, Yang Ming heard that the other party really intends to cooperate, it is called violent San Li and Jing Xiaoyu to follow up.

Yang Ming couldn't do anything, so he wouldn't be exhausted. Moreover, the suspects do not need to use people, no doubt, since the power is put down, there is no need to interfere with them, only when they can't solve the trouble, they can come out again.

For example, the last time Liu Shou and Qu Daming betrayed these things, these things are not controlled by the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu, only Yang Ming came forward to solve.

"However, be careful, the mall is intrigued, the conditions of the dispute can not be less." Yang Ming said to the violence: "Don't just sacrifice your own interests just for cooperation."

"I understand that cooperation is for a win-win situation," said Li San. "If the conditions of the other party are really harsh, we will not be able to enter this market. What can the other party have to let them enter?"

"You can understand this. It will be handed over to you and Jing Xiaoyu. I will tell you the results." Yang Ming said.

In these two days, Yang Ming was very busy. On the one hand, he was busy with the festival, and on the other hand, he was busy with Fang Tian and went to Europe to remarriage. To be honest, Yang Ming really felt a little embarrassed, and he used his own hands. The local training for half a month, and now ran to retreat, this is a bit shameless feeling.

However, since the other party also has this meaning, Yang Ming does not have the psychological burden. It is a normal thing to talk about it together and talk about it.

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