So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1329: Opening of the festival (below)

Opening of the first thousand three hundred and twenty-nine chapter art festival (below)

The annual school art festival finally opened. In the university, like the sports meeting, it is one of the major activities in the whole campus life, and also the moment when students show their talents.

Many handsome men and women have found the other half of their lives through the stage of the festival. This is a precedent in all previous years, so everyone's enthusiasm for the school festival is still very high!

Who said that college students are not willing to participate in group activities? That is because there is a lack of handsome guys and prostitutes at the event. With this, isn’t it rushing to see?

Of course, this year's handsome guy is Yang Ming. It is not how handsome Yang Ming is. Although Yang Ming is not ugly, he is not the kind of sneakers that make a woman look at the yy.

The reason why Yang Ming’s voice is so high is entirely because of the contest between him and the school’s Taekwondo president Ren Jianren when he first started school last semester! People are inclined to have sympathy for the weak. If Ren Jianren wins in that game, they will definitely not have a good impression of Ren Jianren. Instead, they feel that the president of Taekwondo Club is playing an ordinary student. It is simply normal to win. There is no big deal. Moreover, everyone will think that Ren Jianren is deceiving. You are the president of a Taekwondo club. You are going to compete with an ordinary classmate. If you win, what can you do?

However, Yang Ming’s words of Ren Jianren were different. Yang Ming won the martial arts director Ren Jianren as an ordinary student and suddenly became a hero in everyone’s mind.

The way Yang Ming played was quite special, and it was quite popular. So, Yang Ming became an idol-level figure. This time, everyone still wants to see Yang Ming’s painful teachings of Ren Jianren’s scene!

A few days before the opening of the festival, some people have posted on the campus online. "Yu Jianren, the president of Taekwondo, once again challenged the new popularity of Wang Yangming, is he wanting revenge or asking for trouble?"

This post quickly became a hot post in the campus forum, and the number of clicks went up straight, becoming the top of the forum click list. After the post, there is a big "hot post" logo to prove this post. The attention is very high.

Of course, from the number of replies alone, this can also be proved. Almost every second has the latest replies, and the replies of the critics are unprecedented, and many problems are sharp!

"I see that 80% of the last time Jianren lost, this time to find a place?"

"He is not too shameful? The president of a martial arts club, after losing one, actually wants to lose face again?"

"It’s not a shame that he can challenge him again, indicating that he is well prepared, but it won’t win!”

Outside the number, it is said that this time, Ren Jianren took the initiative to challenge him. Yang Ming was not willing to take care of him! He almost nodded on Yang Ming’s appearance, and Yang Ming was reluctant to agree! I am Yang Ming’s classmate, I swear to me. It’s all true.”

Looking at the one-sided post on the Internet, Ren Jianren must be discouraged. Are these students right or wrong? The Taekwondo Society is also the official club of the school. These people are actually biased towards an ordinary classmate?

However, during the last semester and when Yang Ming challenged, Ren Jianren already knew what these people were on the Internet, and public opinion fell to the weak. This is no way. Ren Jianren can't register 10,000 vests, go up and rehabilitate himself? There is no such time, and even if it is registered, everyone will look at the newly registered id. No one is stupid. This is obviously what he did for Ren Ren himself. Who would believe it? When it was time to be poked on the face, it was even more unsightly. It was better to pretend that I didn’t see it.

At 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, the school art festival party was opened at the 10,000-person auditorium of Songjiang University of Engineering. The audience was full of seats, and the black pressure was all human. At this time, several student union staff shuttled through the auditorium, holding light sticks, laser flashlights, mineral water snacks and the like to the students who were seated.

These are the extra income of the student union, and the funds of the student union treasury come from these extra income. The general student union has two sets of accounts, two treasury, one is funded by the school. The money here cannot be arbitrarily moved. It can only be used after the approval of the school committee, and it is used to organize regular activities.

Of course, the Student Union also has a private vault, which is the internal accounts of the Students' Union. The usual sponsorships, the introduction of tutoring fees for students, and the income from selling some items to students fall into this category.

The chairman of the student council, Xu Qianxing, is free to control, such as Yang Ming to eat and so on. Of course, in order to have more funds to control, Xu Qianxing naturally will not let go of every opportunity to make money.

For example, now selling these light sticks, small foods, etc. to students, it is a bit of a concert scene. However, most students are also very willing to buy. After all, sitting there and watching the show is boring. Of course, you have to buy some food and drink. As for the light sticks and laser pointers, these things must be bought, of course, to see the wonderful show. How handsome is it?

The most important thing is that these things are not expensive, and students can afford them. Otherwise, no one will buy these useless things.

Of course, Xu Qianxing has his own ideas. These kinds of light sticks, laser pens and the like are basically sold at cost price wholesale prices. Students will certainly feel cheap! His profit point is those drinks and small foods. These things are sold at the same price as supermarkets, and the profits are good.

There is also a reason why the light sticks and laser pens are sold at a cost price. Things are cheap, basically all students can buy, so that the atmosphere is active, everyone is waving a light stick and a laser pointer, how busy is that scene?

This is the first large-scale event he has been responsible for since he was the president of the Student Union. He wants to make a big hit and establish his position in the school. Originally, he also wanted to attract the girl's gaze and find a future partner for himself, but now he feels that he no longer needs it. He has already determined the goal, that is, Lin Yiyun.

After the school leaders stepped down in the front row, Xu Qianxing made a gesture under the opponent, indicating that the party could be started.

The lights in the auditorium gradually went out, and the male and female hostes in black suits and red evening gowns walked behind the slowly rising curtain to the front end of the stage. This male and female host is also considered to be the school flower school grass level in the school. Although the women are not as famous as the few people on the school flower list, the males did not have such a wind, but the appearance of the school still caused warm applause and Cheers.

Yang Ming and those beautiful school flowers are too illusory. For the masses of students, they are not seeing the end of their lives. It is difficult to see each other in peacetime, or the present men and women in front of them are closer to their lives.

"Respected leaders, teachers, classmates, good evening everyone." The male host screamed: "I am the host, Lai Mingxu."

Lai Mingxu's words caused a burst of screams. It seems that this Lai Mingxu is also a celebrity in college.

"I am the host Ning Yu." The hostess followed the male host and bowed: "I hope everyone will have an unforgettable and enjoyable evening together."

"The 28th Campus Art Festival Gala of Songjiang University of Engineering is now starting!" Lai Mingxu and Ning Yu announced together loudly.

The audience also gave a warm applause, and the program that was saved was officially started. The first dance was a group dance brought by the school dance community, which belonged to the national dance. Of course, this dance is not much for the young people nowadays. Attractive, but for those school leaders is very appetizing, the first row of leaders and guests have nodded, praised this opening is good.

However, it doesn't matter if young people don't understand dance, you can read beautiful women. The girls in the dance club, which are all top-notch and look good, so the wolves and wolves began to straighten their eyes.

Xu Qianxing stood behind the stage and was satisfied with the start. He was able to win the leadership's favor and keep the students bored. This made him pay a lot of thoughts.

When screening the program, Xu Qianxing did not dare to brush off all the orthodox songs and dances. After all, he had to take care of some of the leadership's emotions, and it was impossible to fully satisfy the students' tastes. However, while Xu Qianxing retained the orthodox program, he also found some programs that would meet the appetite of modern students.

For example, this dance, although it is a national dance, but from the lighting effects and the dress of the dancers, there is a **** beauty, which allows students who can't understand the dance to appreciate the other side of the show.

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