So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1440: Angry Wang Xiaoying

The first thousand four hundred and forty chapters of angry Wang Xiaoying

Wang Xiaoying knows very well about the style of the Buffon family. This big family is simply unprofitable, and things that are not good for the family will not be done at all, and the butterfly family has never cooperated with the Buffon family. After contact, why do people help their family?

Don't look at Lao Buffon's respect for Yang Ming and himself, but listen to it, but that is the respect for the teacher. It is absolutely impossible to say that the old Buffon is like this to others. Therefore, Wang Xiaoying was very surprised that the Buffon family could help at this moment.

"Oh, actually this time, it depends on your fiancé!" Wang Xiaoshan said with a smile: "I didn't expect him to have such a great ability. I can actually help the people of the Buffon family to help. This time, it depends on him. Our butterfly family has weathered the storm."

"The fiance?" Wang Xiaoyu frowned after listening to his father's words: "The apprentice of the king of the killer? He solved it?"

Wang Xiaoxuan was extremely upset about this news, and there was no reason for him. This thing can only be relied on by Yang Ming to see Wang Xiaoxuan. This also shows Yang Ming’s strength, showing his face in the butterfly family and letting his father look at Yang Ming. ! But what I didn't expect was that the limelight was snatched by the fiancé. How can this make Wang Xiaoyan not angry?

Wang Xiaoyan does not care that the fiancé is the hero of his family's troubles. The heart has already started to belch. This person is simply too annoying. If you come to retreat, you will retire? What do you care about? Have you taken care of it?

I knew that the supplier behind the Lanser family was the Buffon family. Wang Xiaoyu was even more sure that this matter could be solved. Where would the fiancé come in?

"He..." Wang Xiaoxiao’s tone was a bit bad: "He can actually solve it?"

"Yeah, so hey, Dad looks good to him, such a capable young man, it’s a pity to retire, or else, consider it?" Wang Qishan touched the beard on his chin and asked with a smile.

"Think about it!" Wang Xiaoying said unhappy: "Dad, I didn't say it, Yang Ming can solve it, how do you still find someone else? Unreasonable owe to others!"

Wang Qishan’s heart, I finally believe it at the moment. You can say that Yang Ming can solve the truth, because this thing is really solved by Yang Ming. Of course, this can only be thought of by Wang Qishan. There is no way to say it directly.

"After all, people are also kind!" Wang Qishan said a little embarrassed: "When you meet at night, your attitude is better, don't offend others."

"Hey!" Wang Xiaoyu snorted with some dissatisfaction: "If you know what your family can solve, you have to rely on the hands of outsiders. When you meet, don't you want to be jealous?"

"Hey... that Yang Ming is not a family member," Wang Xiaoshan said with a smile: "And, it has been solved, and it is necessary to thank everyone."

Wang Xiaoyan sighed, although some complained, but also knew that his father said it was the truth, someone helped solve the trouble, this is a good thing, if there is no Yang Ming card, then the butterfly family really wants to be grateful to Dade! Therefore, after I figured this out, Wang Xiaoyan had no choice but to thank him when he met at night.

Wang Xiaoying feels that this thank you is really a bit of a big head, he can clearly solve it, and it is a matter of raising his hand, but also thank others.

"Well, I thank him for it." Wang Xiaoyan nodded. "But, next time there is such a thing, you can find Yang Ming, and don't owe someone else's feelings."

"Okay, I know!" Wang Qishan said helplessly: "You, this child, haven't married someone yet, just speak for someone!"

Wang Xiaoyan’s face was red and said: “What, I just think that things that I can solve, I don’t have to bother others.”

Wang Qishan walked out of Wang Xiaoyu's room, and his two shoulders swayed up and down, and finally couldn't help but laugh out loud! This is obviously a person, so what do you know clearly? It is estimated that after meeting with Yang Ming at night, everything will be understood.


Early this morning, the violent San Li was carrying Jing Xiaoying and went straight to the police station. He had already made an appointment with Chen Fei and took the contract to do judicial fingerprint identification.

This matter, in love with reason, Chen Fei is doing what he wants, and he will do his best to help! This company, Chen Fei already knows that Yang Mingcai is the big boss behind the scenes, and the violent San Li is the general manager of the famous security company, his own name, so Chen Fei is in public, he must do things well.

"Chen Bureau! How to trouble you personally go downstairs to meet!" Storm Sanli did not expect the head of the Chen Feitang police station, will personally go downstairs to meet themselves, suddenly some flattered! Quickly reach out and shake hands with Chen Fei!

At the same time of excitement, my heart can't help feeling even again! Once upon a time, I was just a little punk, not to mention the director of the police station. Even if I saw a general police officer, I would scare me to turn around and run!

But now, not only do they have identity and status, but they often sit on the same level as many political figures in the Songjiang area. All of this is thanks to Yang Ming. If there is no Yang Ming, it is estimated that he has now entered the palace. It’s not sure if you hacked to Germany.

"Overall, you have paid a lot of management fees to our police station in one year. It is the **** of wealth of our police station. I am not too late to pick you up!" Chen Fei smiled. This is actually saying Listen to other people around you. Chen Fei belongs to the kind of more honest people. He does not like to use power for personal gain. Therefore, this time he helped the violent Sanli. In fact, he told his men that he is the boss of the affiliated enterprises of our city bureau, so we help people to be their own. thing.

Chen Fei did not make a mistake. The famous security company is indeed a company under the Municipal Bureau. It is guided and managed by the Municipal Bureau. It also pays a lot of management fees every year. This is what other people present know.

"Yeah, tyrants, you have solved the big problem of many welfare funds in our bureau!" A deputy director on the side also said with a smile. Of course, if it weren't for Chen Fei's sake, of course he would not give him a violent face. In his view, since the company of the violent trinity has been under the guidance of the city bureau, it is his own hand, and he still has to personally greet him?

However, these people are well aware that Chen Fei has been greeted by others. You are not greeted. This is simply not to give the face of Director Chen Fei, so these people are also very friendly to the performance of the violent San Li.

"This is the vice president of our company!" Storm Sanli introduced Jing Xiaoyu to Chen Fei.

"Hello, Director Chen." Jing Xiaoyu knows the identity of Chen Fei. This is the old man of Chen Mengying, the head of the harem. Naturally, he does not dare to neglect.

Chen Fei had never seen Jing Xiaoyu before, and she was not familiar with her. She just shook hands and nodded, so she didn’t say anything more. Jing Xiaoyu did not care.

"I heard that you are looking for me to do fingerprint identification?" Chen Fei and the violent Sanli side by side, asked on the side of the building: "What happened? What troubles have you encountered, tell me?"

The violent Sanli is not concealed at the moment, directly telling the truth, the cooperation of his company in the Jiangyan Group, how to be deceived, the 1510 to the Chen Fei listen, and then the flaw found by Jing Xiaoyu is the contract The fingerprint problem on it, said it.

When it came to Jing Xiaoyu’s discovery of a flaw in the fingerprint, Chen Fei was the first time to face the little girl in front of her daughter! Chen Fei is a criminal investigation. In combination with the narration of violent San Li, it is not surprising that one can think of the flaws. However, Jing Xiaoying, a small girl, can actually find this doubtful point and has to make Chen Fei secretly surprised!

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