So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1441: Go back

The first thousand four hundred forty-one chapters

When Chen Fei first saw Jing Xiaoyu, she thought that she was just a relative of the violent Sanli family or a character like Xiaomi. The vice president was nothing but a virtual position. However, after listening to the words of the violent San Li, Chen Fei knew that he had underestimated the girl and had such a clever mind. It is not a rare thing to be promoted to the vice president of the company when he is young.

Appreciate the look of Jing Xiaoyu, said a "good", and continue to listen to the violent San Li's narrative, but this sentence has been so good that Jing Xiaoyi is very proud, can get Chen Fei's affirmation, it shows that he is really capable Think of this, Jing Xiaoyan is not easy to detect the slight smile, this time the matter has come to this step, it is solved most of the time, at least not to lose face in front of Yang Ming.

"Overwhelming General, Vice President Jing, you are waiting in the lounge. I have nothing else to do with you, but I will not be with you, but I will hand over the contract to the appraisal department for fingerprint identification as soon as possible. Get it back as soon as possible." Chen Fei led the violent San Li and Jing Xiaoyu into a lounge, and then said to the two.

Since I learned that the loophole in this contract was discovered by Jing Xiaoyu, Chen Fei looked at Jing Xiaoyan, so naturally, the tone was respected.

"Okay, Chen Bureau, you are busy first, we are waiting here, just don't care about us." Chen Fei, as the head of a game, must have a lot of work every day, so he will not ask Chen Fei to accompany himself.

After Chen Fei nodded, he left the lounge. The violent San Li and Jing Xiaoyu did not have the heart to visit the police station and chat. They were anxiously waiting for the identification results.


The Lancer family's industry has been attacked to varying degrees within a day. Since the news that the Buffon family and the Lancer family broke off business, almost all of the Lanser family's partners have followed suit and announced directly. The Lancer family was cut off from future business dealings. For a time, several of the Lancer family's arms dealerships have become a must!

Originally, Thomas, Kevitan and others were still not able to enter the market after the arms were sold out. They were also prepared to supply limited quantities. They kept these stocks in their hands for a while, and waited until Keweitan contacted the center. Jeter cousin took out a new money-making project and ended all arms business!

But now, I am still preparing for a limited supply for a period of time. Those businessmen who used to have arms trade with the Lancer family simply did not come to the door, but I was afraid to avoid it!

You must know that except for the special arms that were supplied to the butterfly family of Wang Qishan, it is hard to find. Other arms are on the market, and the dealers are not only the Lancer family. Which of the Lancer family’s clients dare to offend The risk of the Buffon family, continue to go to the Lancer family to buy things? Directly transferred to the door of other dealers!

This is not counting, the arms dealers that have been fully licensed, but ushered in the most severe surprise inspection! The Lanser family has done such a big business, and it is inevitable that there will be tax evasion and tax evasion. This is not a secret in the major families of the upper class, but at this time, some people came to find the Lancer family. trouble!

After the inspection, not only the Lancer family's shop was temporarily seized, but also a large amount of fines were issued, which made the Lanser family, which was originally overwhelmed, even worse!

The most unacceptable thing is that every member of the Lancer family, every time they go out to buy necessities for life, to manage the store, they will be attacked by unidentified mysterious people, although they will not be killed, but each time The nose and face that have been beaten are swollen!

At this point, the Lancer family understood that Thomas had offended the butterfly family before, which was the biggest mistake in his life! Moreover, the troubles that followed, also caused the good mood of Kvetan, who had just taken over as the owner, to disappear.

I haven’t enjoyed the fun of the homeowner’s power, and I’ve been tempted by these things. I’ve just remedy this, there’s a problem there, and all the troubles come together on the head of the Lancer family, let Keweitan I can't breathe.

The Lancer family had to rush to hold the second family meeting of the day! This meeting, sitting in the main position has become Kwetan, but his face is no more relaxed than the previous Thomas!

Because, now, it seems that the butterfly family does not want to break the Lancer family’s arms business. From the current posture, no matter what career the Lanser family is doing in the future, it will inevitably be subject to the butterfly family. Revenge!

The arms shops were shocked, the partners were betrayed, and the children of the family were arrogant by the mysterious people. All of this showed the determination of the butterfly family to retaliate!

"Nobody thought that the revenge of the butterfly family would be so fast, so quickly shaken the roots of the Lancer family!" Keweitan sighed. He suddenly found out that he had promised Thomas to keep Gud’s life. A wrong decision!

It seems now that the butterfly family is not reaching for no purpose. Even if the Lancer family wants to keep the ancients from the idea of ​​losing the arms business, I am afraid that it is impossible. The other party’s current practice is to announce that as long as one day does not Hand over Goode, the other side will not stop!

This is the most troublesome place for Keweitan. Originally, his wishful thinking was very good. The Lanser family gave up the arms business. After wanting to eat such a loss, the butterfly family will not be aggressive again, so that it can be saved. Goode has a life, and the Lancer family, with the help of Jetson’s cousin, can engage in other industries, and will not be much worse than the current distribution of arms!

However, he never imagined that the other party is a must for Goode, and it can be seen from the current fierce means of the other party, and this is just the beginning.

One day, the other party can make such a big move. In the future, there is not necessarily any means to wait for the Lancer family!

When Thomas opened his mouth in Kwetan, he felt secretly in his heart. For the purpose of doing this for the butterfly family, Thomas would not understand? It seems that if you don’t hand over the old virtues, the other party will never give up.

"The butterfly family was wronged before. It is normal for me to see him venting. When he vents, everything will be calm." Thomas had to smack his head for the old man: "This time, we forbear, If you can't bear it, you can make a mess!"

"Hey, Thomas, are you wrong with this?" Rook’s cold voice sounded. The current situation, Ke Weitan can see, Thomas can see, can you not see Laukoff? "Is it still calm after venting? Do you think that the butterfly family is venting? To vent, it is enough to cancel the Lancer family’s arms quota before, and what do you do with these three indiscriminate means? If you don’t stop, you won’t give up, and you won’t give up the old virtues.

The words of Laukoff made Kwitan's face very unsightly! If you agree with Laukoff's point of view, you can't keep Goude. If you become a family owner's promise, you can't hold it. At that time, Thomas or Laucoff used this as an excuse to attack yourself. I really can't cope with it. !

But if you don't agree, the current situation is unfortunately your own owner! Because the current situation has reached an uncontrollable level, even if there is a new project new business, with the butterfly family's posture, it will certainly not be better than yourself!

Long sighed, Kwetan can only tell the truth: "The situation is such a situation, how to do it, I see everyone still vote to decide whether to continue to endure, or surrender Gude..."

"Kwetan, what do you mean by this?" Thomas did not wait for Kwetan to finish, and he interrupted his words: "You have to understand that I gave you the position of the owner, yes. Because you promised that I will protect Gud, and now I have to surrender him. Do you want to go back?"

"I--" Keweitan paused for a moment, his face was reddish and he couldn't speak. Indeed, in the morning, he still vowed to promise to keep Gud’s life. Now it’s time to meet and study to hand over Goode. It’s true that some of them can’t be said, but the key is that the situation is different now!

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