So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1443: Rich imagination

The first thousand four hundred forty-three chapters are rich in imagination

In the afternoon, all the disciples in the entire butterfly family began to get busy, because today is a special day, the first meeting of the family Miss Wang Xiaoying and the future aunt before the engagement!

However, because it is a meeting before the engagement, although the family's internal lights are busy, but the outside is particularly low-key. After all, this is a private meeting, not an engagement ceremony!

Looking at the outside of the door is very busy, the butterfly family disciples in a hurry, Yang Ming's heart can not help but be a little nervous. This is a retired marriage. The meeting at night is just a form. How can it be so formal? It looks like it is really like that.

It’s hard to imagine that after meeting with the big lady of their family, they would propose a retreat. After these disciples know the truth, will there be a kind of grievance that was previously busy! Now, they should not even know that this time the so-called meeting is actually doing it!

In their view, the family's young lady and the future grandfather first met, this is what is important, naturally can not be neglected, and the festive decorations arranged inside and outside the family are also understandable.

Yang Ming smiled a bit, and it was really hard for these people.

Wang Xiaoxiao, who is just as thoughtful as Yang Ming, looks at the people at home and is so busy for meeting him. Wang Xiaoyu’s heart is also somewhat uncomfortable. It seems that there is a feeling of deception. The people at home are still in the dark and can be seen. These people are really happy for themselves. After all, the butterfly family is a big thing that can't be bigger, but Wang Xiaoying himself is very clear. The meeting at night is nothing more than a cut-off. The final result is It is now foreseeable.

Thinking of this, my heart is even more annoyed at the unmarried fiancé. It’s really a waste of the butterfly family’s human resources to get married and make such a big fuss!

If Yang Ming knows the idea of ​​Wang Xiaoying, it is estimated that he will cry and laugh, and his heart, what does this have to do with himself? Do you think I want to retire? If it is not a last resort, I will not run so far! Come here to give you the face of the butterfly family, otherwise, the retreat is not a thing of a word, you don’t have to run so far. What's more, I also helped you with the butterfly family to solve such a big trouble in front of you. You are not grateful to me, but you are still screaming at me. It is really embarrassing!

Open the door and see that the faces of the disciples of each butterfly family are full of sincere smiles. Wang Xiaoyu’s heart is sour. This time, I am afraid that these family members will be disappointed. Sighing a little, I finally couldn't help but dial the phone in my father's study.

"Dad, I am jealous!" Wang Xiaoyu hesitated and said: "I have something to say to you -"

"What, even though, what are you doing, you are my daughter, what can't you say?" Wang Qishan's mood at the moment is just right. Yang Ming just put a big trouble for him, and he thought of seeing her daughter at night. After Yang Ming’s meeting, the heart was even more interesting, so Wang’s phone call was also very cheerful.

"Dad, I think, the disciples and the servants in our family seem to be a little too enthusiastic..." Wang Xiaoyu said: "The evening is just an ordinary meeting, and it is still a matter of negotiating the marriage. Happy, no need to..."

"Oh, hey, what did you want to say is this?" Wang Qishan’s heart, of course, must be arranged. After you meet Yang Ming, you will have to discuss the marriage. You really thought it was a retirement. What? However, this cannot be said now.

"Yeah, I looked at each of them with a happy face. If they let them know, we are just taking a form, they will be disappointed..." Wang Xiaoyan sighed.

"Stupid child, you meet your fiancé for the first time, but it's a big deal!" Wang Qishan said: "There is only a few of us who know about the retreat, and those servants and disciples still don't know. Before you meet your fiancé, this thing can't be revealed. Otherwise, what is the significance of your meeting? We just want to show it to outsiders. You are not married because it is not because of a single party. The reason, but after you meet each other, I feel that both sides are not suitable, so I retire."

"It’s also..." Wang Xiaoyu listened to his father’s explanation and knew the truth: "But my heart is a little uncomfortable!"

"It doesn't matter, now it's laid out, you should prepare for your engagement in advance. After the end of this matter, you will bring your little boyfriend home, just to save the layout!" Wang Xiaoshan laughs Road.

"Dad - you hate it!" Wang Xiaoxuan was embarrassed by Wang Qishan, and he blamed a few words, but he didn't bother with the arrangement. Anyway, Yang Minglai also had to arrange it, so it was early to arrange for himself.

"Okay, okay." Wang Qishan said: "I don't say it, you dress up beautifully. You have to be regular at night."

"I don't dress up." Wang Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth, and the woman was pleasing to himself. Why did he dress him a fiancé who had never met before to get married? What if he looks good on himself if he is dressed up? Wang Xiaoyan is not dressed up!

"At the very least, it must look like it!" Wang Qishan shook his head helplessly: "Don't lose face to the family. Maybe you, your fiancé will see you in the country, and you will regret it for his sloppy remarriage." It!"

"I don't care what he thinks! OK, I know!" Wang Xiaoyu coped with dissatisfaction, but his heart was pondering, how can he dress up in ugly, just as the father said, the other side repented What should I do?

If the other party suddenly changes his mind and does not agree to the remarriage, it will inevitably lead to a lot of troubles. Even if he wants to retire, the butterfly family will fall into a bad faith, so Wang Xiaoyan has already made a secret decision. Give you the opportunity to repent, I will make you feel that retiring is a very wise choice.

Hey, wait and see, I will let you see me as a nightmare for your life! I didn’t want to see it again once I saw it.

Yang Ming, who is far away from the guest room, naturally feels the different atmosphere of the butterfly family at the moment. They thought that they were just ordinary layouts and they could do it, but they did not expect that the details could not be meticulous, even The private tailor of the family came to the door and took advantage of Yang Ming’s body to make a suit for him!

This makes Yang Ming suddenly crying and laughing, is this necessary? Is it a meeting, also made a suit? Is this a retreat or an engagement?

In desperation, Yang Ming could only find Fang Tian in the room next door: "I said Fang Laotou, what does this butterfly family mean? How do you make it look like a model? This is a bit too big." ?"

"Oh--" Fang Tian looked up at Yang Ming and stopped talking.

"Oh what? Old man, I ask you?" Yang Ming saw Fang Tian "oh" after a sentence, there is no following, suddenly a little anxious, you guys look at my joke?

"Oh?" Fang Tian looked up and looked at Yang Ming. It was still an "oh" word exit, but unlike before, this "oh" became a questioning tone.

Yang Ming’s eyes widened and he carefully looked at Fang Tian’s eyes. He suddenly found some clues. The old boy’s ear was actually stuffed with two headphones! No wonder he can't hear him by talking to him!

Yang Ming suddenly got angry and vomited blood. Do you dare to talk to your nephew just now? No wonder he is "oh" except "Oh," and he didn't hear what he said!

Yang Ming stepped forward and smashed the earphones on Fang Tian’s ear. He frowned and listened to it in his ear. He wanted to hear what was so attractive at the end, and let Fang Tian listen with relish. .

"It is said that Zhang San picked up a big knife and cut it to Wang Er Mazi..."

storytelling? Yang Ming’s face suddenly appeared strange, and can also receive domestic commentary broadcasts in Europe? This is amazing, right?

"The signal is too strong across half of the earth?" Yang Ming’s eyes widened and he was shocked.

"This is cancer sputum cream, Dong Jun gave it to me." Fang Tian rolled his eyes: "Your imagination is really rich, more powerful than the second generation of the fisherman..."

"Cancer wood arsenic? Is that a sly thing?" Yang Ming was astonished, looking at Fang Tian strangely.

"I haven't heard this yet?" Fang Tian looked at Yang Ming's eyes and found a small square from his arms. He shook in front of Yang Ming's eyes: "Is it visible? You can download the storytelling into it and listen. When do you listen when you listen, and which one to listen to..."

Yang Ming looked at the things in Fang Tian’s hands, and suddenly he was black in the eyes and fell to the ground. Because of the things in Fang Tian’s hands, it was a mp3!

Cancer wood cream? Too powerful, too shocking, and Yang Ming’s heart, your old imagination is rich...

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