So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1444: who are you?

The first thousand four hundred forty-four chapters Who are you?

Looking at Yang Ming who fell to the ground, Fang Tian strangely touched his chin and said to himself: "No, this stuff is quite common. Now it’s been a long time since the cancer scorpion died. It’s all old things. You won’t have seen this before?”

Cancer cockroaches die? Mp4? Yang Ming wiped the sweat on his forehead, and the old man was too strong.

"I talked to you before, you didn't hear it?" Yang Ming took the mp3 in Fang Tian's hand and put it aside and asked.

"Hear it." Fang Tian nodded.

"Have you heard why you didn't answer me?" Yang Ming looked at Fang Tian with a smile.

"I answered, I said oh." Fang Tian said seriously.

"What does that mean?" Yang Ming almost turned his eyes: "I think it's just a cut-off, it's a form, it's so grand, I'm afraid it's something wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong with it," Fang Tian shook his head. "You can't use it. I can use it with weak water."

Yang Ming suddenly fell, dare to love this guy is the idea to fight?

Looking at Yang Ming’s weird expression, Fang Tianyi smiled and said: “Well, let’s be honest, this time, I’m only married to Wang Laoshan’s two old guys, and the maids and disciples of the butterfly family don’t know the inside story. If everyone is aware of the situation, what is the significance of doing this form?"

"This is also true." Yang Ming nodded. This secret thing will not be known to some outsiders. If it is spread out, the form of this meeting will be done in white: "I thought I was Helping Wang Qishan solve the big troubles of their family, he didn't want to get married."

"Oh, there is also this possibility, such a capable son-in-law, he certainly does not want to give up." Fang Tian suddenly smiled: "If I, I will not give up easily, this time, Wang Qishan may really want to leave you In the butterfly family!"

"I rely, I have a lot of things!" Yang Ming shrugged: "I knew that I wouldn't help them solve the problem, love it, this help is still wrong!"

"That is your own business, you decide to put it." Fang Tian waved his hand impatiently: "Well, I continue to listen to the storytelling, you can play it yourself."

What is it for me to play? Yang Ming saw that Fang Tian actually ignored himself. He wore his headphones and continued to listen to his "cancer wood cream". Yang Ming had to push the door out of the room.

The psychological aspect is still embarrassing. From the tone of Wang Haoshan’s speech to himself today, he is very likely to repent! Wouldn't you really think of turning yourself into the son-in-law of their butterfly family? It’s not that Yang Ming is arrogant. He feels that his charm is infinite. The main reason is that his own strength is too strong. He directly puts the biggest trouble of the butterfly family on the phone. This strength is impossible to prevent Wang Qishan from moving. In this way, if you can become the son-in-law of the butterfly family, then it will become a big helper for the butterfly family, and let the current butterfly family's strength take it to the next level.

Yang Ming asked himself if he was in the position of Wang Qishan, naturally he would have such an idea. This is not Yang Ming's overconfidence.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming felt that when she met the little princess of the butterfly family at night, don't be blind to her! Before Yang Ming still had an indifferent attitude, but it was just a form, but now, since Wang Qishan is not allowed to move his mind, if the little princess of the butterfly family also looks at himself, the father and the daughter are united. In addition, the weak water of the king is forced by the other day, and the possibility of being forced to marry is too great! Yang Ming has to guard against it!

I figured out the various joints in the middle. Yang Ming couldn't help but burst out with a cold sweat. It seems that he has to do something, otherwise he can be considered handsome and handsome. It is very likely to be seen!

If you can't say it, you can only install one, and turn yourself into the most annoying image of a girl. Let the little princess of the butterfly family see the other side and don't want to see the second side, so that it can last forever!

Hey, for the sake of justice, my handsome and powerful Yang Da killer, there is also a day of self-destruction!

What Wang Xiaoxuan didn't think was that Yang Ming actually had the same thoughts as her! It’s really a lover’s heart, and the idea coincides.

In the evening, the entire butterfly castle was in a festive and joyful atmosphere. Wang Qishan saw that time was almost up. Wang Xiaoyu had not come out of the room, and was in a hurry. He knocked on the door and knocked on the door: "Hey, I will go to both sides immediately. It’s time to meet, why haven’t you come out yet?”

"Dad, don't you tell me to dress up? I am not dressing up?" Wang Xiaoyu looked at his wrist watch. Isn't this still half an hour? No hurries? If I go out now, I will not let my father come back and dress up again. After the last moment, even if the father does not agree, there is no way.

"Oh... then you are going to hurry..." Hearing that his daughter was wearing makeup, Wang Qishan had no choice but to stand at the door and wait anxiously.

On the other side, Yang Ming is also preparing in an orderly manner. The voice of the old man is also coming in from the door: "Yang Ming, what are you doing with a little rabbit? Time is coming, you will not give me a missing." ?"

"No, no, I don't know which dress to wear is right, choose it!" Where is Yang Ming choosing clothes? He is clearly transforming clothes at the moment!

The clothes in the room are all sent by the servants of the butterfly family for their choice. How Yang Ming sees that each piece of clothing can only bring out his handsome and handsome clothes, which is not useful for destroying his image. Yang Ming can only start to make major changes to his clothes.

"How do you still lock the door? Quickly open the door, I will give you the staff of the staff!" Fang Tian heard Yang Ming's voice, and he was relieved in the heart. This kid did not run away.

"Wait a minute, just fine!" Yang Ming shook his own robes, and put them on his body. After looking at the mirror and looking at the right, he finally nodded with satisfaction.

After getting dressed, Yang Ming picked up a finger and put it on his hand. This finger was stolen from Wang Qishan’s antique showroom. With Yang Ming’s hand, stealing these things is just a matter of raising his hand.

I picked up a pair of sunglasses and put it on my face. Yang Ming smiled at the mirror twice, perfect, and he was a genius! Touching the bald head that he had just smashed into his heart, Yang Ming said that his current image is no different from Huang Shiren’s big bully in the TV series. It’s just too image!

I did not expect that I still have such a disguised talent! This is the first time that Yang Ming has become a killer. It is obviously very successful. Even I don’t even know myself! If it is not for fear of exposing the ability to directly change the appearance, Yang Ming will not be so struggling, and it is not difficult to directly transform into an image of a man who is guilty.

Look at the time, almost, Yang Ming picked up a cigar and pushed the door out of the room.

"Where? Who are you?" Fang Tian was waiting for Yang Ming at the door. When he saw the door open, he was about to smash this kid. How was the clothes so inked? But before I opened my mouth, I saw a bald-headed sunglasses cigar man, wearing a vulgar robes and wearing a nouveau riche in his hand. Who is this fucking?

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