So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1445: Magical dress

The first thousand four hundred and forty-five chapters magical dress

"Where? Who are you?" Fang Tian handed Yang Ming away and looked inside the room, but found that there was no one in the room. Then he turned his head and looked at Yang Ming. The more he saw it, the more he looked. Familiar, confused and blinked: "You -"

"I am Yang Ming!" Yang Ming rolled his eyes, but through the sunglasses, Fang Tian could not see it. He did not have the power of Yang Ming's perspective.

"Hey--" Fang Tian listened to Yang Ming's voice, and suddenly almost never fell, wide-eyed and looked at Yang Ming's vulgarity to the extreme dress: "You really Yang Ming?"

"If the fake exchange..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly. He also knows that anyone who is familiar with himself will have such an incredible reaction when he sees himself at the moment.

"How did you get this look?" Fang Tian was amazed for a long while, he still had a relatively good psychological quality, killer, and the ability to accept is relatively strong, but it is also really not shocked by Yang Ming.

"Not because it was too hot before, the performance is too strong, and the butterfly family will solve the problem. I am really afraid that the little princess in their family will look at me. I will dress like this." Ming shrugged a little helplessly said: "In this way, any girl who sees me can not fall in love, it would be nice not to hate me."

"You can be really high... oh!" Fang Tian listened to Yang Ming's explanation, laughing like an old duck, how wretched and wretched.

"I said the old guy, what are you laughing at?" Yang Ming had some pockets about his image. He was also handsome and handsome. When did he become a big hooligan? Moreover, it is still such a rogue dress, and a label on the face is written "I am a bad guy."

"Nothing, nothing..." Fang Tian is now fascinated by Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoying will have a look after seeing it. When I think of this, I feel so much fun!

"Nothing?" Yang Ming snorted: "I want to laugh and laugh, now I laugh enough, don't laugh for a while, lest I ask the other person to doubt something."

Yang Ming knows that he can't help but laugh at this debut, so he will endure it, let him laugh at this time, and save a bit to remove the mistake.

"Don't laugh, you kid, I haven't asked you, how did you and the Buffon family know?" Fang Tian took a look at Yang Ming, in the end is the king of the killer, very controllable to his own anger Divided, from the previous laughter to the current calm, only used the momentary effort.

"Hey, I have collected a grandson for your old man... After a few days, I went to visit, and you will know." Yang Mingxiao smiled.

"Don't be a grandson? Isn't it?!" Fang Tian was shocked: "The king of the killer of each generation only decides to collect his disciples to cultivate his own descendants when he wants to retreat to the rivers and lakes. Your kid is not a disciple yet, why? Recruited?"

Yang Ming turned his eyes: "I just received an apprentice. Who said that he would let him succeed in the clothes? Just a peripheral disciple. You have not received a Dongjun?"

"It turns out that I am scared to death." Fang Tian is concerned about chaos. He heard that Yang Ming received only an ordinary disciple, and he did not mind: "Are you an apprentice who is a Buffon family?"

"Yes, and it is still the core figure." Yang Ming smiled and said: "You will know when you get there."

Fang Tian laughed, and did not say anything more, he took Yang Ming to the restaurant where he met...

"Hey, are you not finished?" Wang Haoshan’s eyes were green, and it was less than twenty minutes before he met. How did Wang Xiaoyu still not come out? Even if you want to dress up as a fairy, can you not use it for so long?

"Oh, Dad, what are you worried about?" Wang Xiaoying is now wearing a shadow on the mirror, well, this is not bad, more and more like Xiaotaimei!

Wang Xiaoying looked at the tattoo sticker on his hand. When it was almost time, he tore it off. Well, it was not bad, and it was really like.

"How can you not be anxious? You open the door soon, let Dad go in, you are too tempered?" Wang Haoshan rushed.

"Okay, I will be fine soon!" Wang Xiaoyan draped a bright leather coat and replied quickly. This dress, a little girl who is already full, Wang Xiaoying, the whole person has become very enchanting, it is estimated that a serious man will not like this.

Wang Xiaoyu’s plan is to meet for a while, and his fiancé can’t look at himself. When he’s stalking, it’s hard to do it. This time, he directly dislikes himself and saves a lot of trouble.

"Hey..." Wang Xiaoying opened his door and wore a pair of high heels, and walked out with a twist. If it was not the balance of the body of the killer, Wang Xiaoyu estimated himself. I can't control this pair of high heels.

"Where! Who are you?" Wang Qishan saw the glamorous girl who was higher than herself in front of her. She suddenly lost her eyes and was overwhelmed: "My family? You are the makeup artist she invited?"

"What makeup artist?" Wang Xiaoyu heard some of his father's words and suddenly laughed and said: "Dad, it is me!"

"Hey? Hey?" Wang Yishan's nephew, like the old duck, suddenly "squeaked" and stunned and looked at the glamorous girl who was calling Dad.

"What's wrong? I am dressed up, isn't it handsome?" Wang Xiaoyu is very proud of his masterpiece.

"Cough cough - cough -" Wang Qishan stayed for a long while, and finally coughed up sharply: "Hey, what are you doing? How do you dress like this? Like a female hooligan?"

"Oh? Do you think that I am like a little girl?" Wang Xiaoyu was more proud after hearing his father's words. It seems that his dress is still very successful!

"You... is deliberate?" Wang Qishan finally saw the prototype of a little daughter from the girl in front of her eyes.

"Yes, it is deliberate." Wang Xiaoying admitted it very calmly.

"You... why do you do this?" Wang Qishan did not understand Wang Xiaoyu's approach: "Are you grinding, dressed up for so long, dressed up like this?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Wang Xiaoxuan said, in fact, I have already finished dressing up. The rest of the time is all being modified. It is early, I am afraid that you will let me go back and dress up. Now it is because Time will not be overwhelmed, even if you don't want to, there is no way.

"You--" Wang Qishan suddenly became extremely angry: "How do you look like this? Let others see it, not the face of our butterfly family?"

"What's wrong with shame?" Wang Xiaoxuan did not agree: "I am afraid that after the fiancé saw me, I would not want to retire. If it is as stalking as Gude, it will be difficult. I am not giving this. Are you saving trouble?"

"You made such a ghost painting soul, is this for this?" Wang Yishan listened to Wang Xiaoyu's so-called reasons, suddenly there is a kind of expression that does not know whether to cry or laugh.

"Yeah, the other party has a marriage contract with me. His master is your old friend... and with my aunt... So, when they really want to disagree with the marriage, the butterfly family unilaterally proposes a retirement." Isn’t it asking for trouble?” Wang Xiaoyu said: “So when he looks at me, he hates it, but it saves a lot of trouble. The man who is just a little bit will not like my dress, as for my own reputation, but It doesn't matter, anyway, I have a boyfriend, and I don't care about it."

"..." Wang Qishan was speechless. I didn't expect Wang Xiaoyu to be this idea, but let her go. If Wang Xiaoyu’s meeting today is not Yang Ming, then Wang Qishan would rather be late, saying that Wang Xiaoyan should go back and dress up again, but today’s meeting is Yang Ming, how can she toss it?

Waiting for a while, this gimmick saw that the object of the meeting was actually Yang Ming, then there was fun, oh... Wang Qishan began to count his daughter.

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