So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1449: Who is it?

The first thousand four hundred and forty-nine chapters are smashing who is

Wang Qishan and Fang Tian were smashed by Wang Weakwater. The old man was red, and indeed, as an elder, it was really impossible to say this joke with the younger generation.

In particular, Fang Tian, ​​after being stunned by the king, did not dare to swear, bowed his head, and looked like a suffocating one. Wang Qishan had no way to hate Fang Tianwo. The plan for the two people to discuss together, at this moment, only Wang Qishan’s own person’s top tank: “Low water, you should not be angry, I am old, and because these two juniors do not know how to be good, they have given them a happy Marriage contract, they do not cherish, so give them a lesson! Weak water, you also saw, Yang Ming Xiaoyou had to retreat anyway!"

Wang Qishan’s heart is dark, Yang Ming’s little friend is sorry. I can only transfer the contradiction to your side, otherwise I will be embarrassed, and the dead friends will die.

Sure enough, Wang Qishan’s move was greatly shifted, and the contradiction was transferred to Yang Ming’s body without leaving any traces! After listening to the weak water, Wang suddenly remembered Yang Ming’s various retiring behaviors. Suddenly, an angry anger rushed into his heart. Indeed, this kid is too ignorant to raise his good intentions to marry a prostitute. He refused to give up, and he did not hesitate to put forward a ridiculous idea of ​​the struggle to achieve his purpose. Then, he helped the butterfly family to survive the most difficult difficulties. In the case of love, Wang Weichui still thanked Yang Ming, but thought of Yang. Ming's purpose, but a little bit grateful, because it is very simple, Yang Ming's purpose is not pure, he helped the butterfly family's purpose is completely because of the retirement!

"Yang Ming, where is my niece not worthy of you?" Wang Weishui thought of this, and immediately set up Yang Ming's eyebrows: "Do you want to get rid of your marriage? Now seeing my niece is your sweetheart, then again If you don’t retire, what is your reason for this? What do you want to make us feel good about the family? Do you think that our butterfly family is so bullied? Just let you want to retire, you want to squat? You too don’t take me the butterfly family, too Don't put my king's weak water in my eyes? Who are you borrowing, dare to be so arrogant?"

Wang Qishan did not expect that, in one sentence, he actually caused such a big grievance of Wang Weishui. He looked at Yang Ming, and he was embarrassed. I didn’t expect my sister’s temper to be so hot. Bless!

The last sentence of Wang Weanshui, "Which person you borrowed, dare to be so arrogant" is obviously directed at Fang Tian’s saying that Wang Weizhui’s words are coming out. Fang Tian quickly bowed his head and did not dare to speak out.

Yang Ming secretly swears, Wang weak water this woman, the grievances of the other old man are on me, I am recruiting who is provoked? How is it so bad? It’s the back of his mother.

It seems that if you want to speed up the battle with thunder, this weak water is always a big problem! As long as she thinks about this matter in the future, she will lose her own head by the head, so how can I suffer? If one does not take advantage of it, then he will compete with her and he will not live. For such an old lover of Fangtian. Wang Xiaoyu’s aunt and aunt, Yang Ming really can’t change her!

Originally, Yang Ming’s scruples were very big. Now there is another layer of Wang’s aunt’s identity, which is his aunt. Yang Ming’s shot, in addition to being beaten as a sandbag, is still counting on being able to fight back?

Therefore, Yang Ming must solve the big trouble in front of him once and for all, otherwise the days will be over.

Of course, once and for all, it does not mean that the King is weakly convinced, because it is impossible. Yang Ming’s idea is that Wang Xiaoshui’s conviction should be taken orally and silently, and he will not be able to pick it up.

This is somewhat difficult. Yang Ming is best at fighting and killing. At this moment, it is still not available. It is a bit of a headache for Yang Ming. Since the fight is not good, then think about it.

"Yang Ming, are you talking? You are the one who has smashed the power, dare to deceive people so much?. Wang Weishui sees Yang Ming not talking, his expression is unpredictable, so he snorted and asked. From the point of view of weak water, Yang Ming’s so-called borrowing power is only Fang Tian, ​​as long as Yang Ming said the name Fang Tian, ​​so well, he even packed up with the old guy Fang Tian!

Wang Weishui has deep grievances for Fang Tian. Although these two days have changed, but where is the resentment in my heart? Fang Tian is still compliant with her, so that she can not find the head of the fire! Wang Weishui is hoping that Fang Tian can be hard-pressed, and he will do a good job with him crying, so it is refreshing. However, Fang Tian did not let himself do it!

Therefore, when Wang Weichui taught Yang Ming, he deliberately directed the fire to Fang Tian’s body. As long as Yang Ming cooperated, then his anger was successfully transferred to Fang Tian. As for Yang Ming, Just an innocent victim?

What is Yang Ming's complicated thoughts about Wang Weishui? Seeing her staring at herself, Yang Ming is really a bit timid! Hearing that she intended to lead her anger to Fang Tian, ​​Yang Ming thought she wanted to even marry her own master and apprentice! Thinking of this, Yang Mingxin said, Fang Tian said that he is his own master. He is usually not big or small with him. At the crucial moment, he can’t be so loyal, but he can’t sell Fang Tian directly!

Moreover, the relationship between Fang Laotou and Wang Weichui is complicated. The two people can finally come together and have become an established fact. Therefore, it is difficult to protect themselves from the seller’s day. In a few days, Fang Tian and Wang Weishui The man turned his head and partnered himself.

correct! Thinking of the relationship between Fang Tian and Wang Weishui, Yang Ming was a flash of light and thought of a solution.

Immediately, Yang Ming’s mouth crossed a beautiful arc: “To say who I am smashing – isn’t that good to say?”

"What's hard to say?. Wang weakly snorted and said: "You have something to say! ”

"That" I really said? "Yang Ming's pretense asked: "But, this is not so good!" ”

"Yang Ming, you hurry to say, quite a big man, what is the ink?" Wang Weishui listened to Yang Ming's repeated words, some impatient, and glared at him with a look of anger.

"Well, then I said it." Yang Ming sighed and shrugged.

When Yang Ming opened his mouth, Fang Tian’s face immediately became green. Dark, your boy is too loyal, right? You don't know what to expect for Master? You actually want to transfer the anger of the weak water to me? Are you too wicked? What is the use of your apprentice?

"Do you say it? You have to say it quickly." The king is weak and the road is urgent.

"Actually, the reason why I am not afraid now, and I do not worry about anything, is that the person behind me is simply too strong, and the entire butterfly family does not dare to provoke him! Even Wang Uncle, who is the owner of the family, you No, yeah!" Yang Ming said here, shook his head: "If you meet him, you have to shun it!"

Yang Ming’s words came out, so that all the people present were a glimpse. However, immediately after Wang Qishan and Wang Weichui’s face showed anger, they also vaguely guessed who Yang Ming’s backer was!

Is it the people of the Buffon family? Only the people of the Buffon family, Wang Qishan, who is the owner of the butterfly family, dare not provoke it? However, even so, you are speaking in front of so many people, where do you let me face the owner of this butterfly family? Where do you put the entire butterfly family?

Before Wang Weishui, he tried to ask Yang Mingqi, but he didn’t have any malicious intentions. He just wanted to clean up Fang Tian. The so-called borrowing of the potential, the discerning person can see it. day!

But what I didn't expect was that Yang Ming actually pulled out a few people. Isn't this obvious obvious deception? Even if the butterfly family really can't afford the Buffon family, can't you say that?

"Yang Ming, who is the person you said?" The face of Wang Weishui suddenly fell cold, and his tone became strange.

Fang Tian’s forehead also rushed a little cold sweat, and Yang Ming was too young. On such an occasion, how can he raise some external forces? How does this make the butterfly family feel?

The most anxious thing is that Wang Xiaoxiao! If, because of Yang Ming’s sentence, he would offend his father and aunt, how can he be with Yang Ming in the future? How do you face your family?

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