So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1450: Monolingual crisis

The first thousand and four hundred and fifty chapters of the monolingual crisis

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyan could not help but worry about Yang Ming.

However, it just happened to meet Yang Ming's mysterious gaze, blinking at her, Wang Xiaoyan slightly stunned, but she was clever and she understood the meaning of Yang Ming, and could not help but grin. It turned out that Yang Ming had his plan!

"Hey, to say that my biggest reliance, in fact, is my teacher's mother, my teacher is out, who is fighting, even my master has become a soft egg in an instant, but the king of the killer, have to shun." Yang Ming shook his head and said.

"Your teacher?" The expression of Wang Weishui suddenly stopped, and looked at Yang Ming: "Who is your teacher?"

It is no wonder that Wang is weak in water, but Yang Ming’s master is Fang Tian, ​​but where did Yang Ming run out of a teacher? Fang Tian’s wife has been dead for a long time. One has been arrested for a long time. It seems that the one who was arrested later died. So where did Yang Ming’s teacher come from?

"噗嗤" Wang Weishui is a fan of the authorities, and Wang Qishan is a bystander, seeing Yang Ming’s smug look, and suddenly understands what Yang Ming’s so-called "Shi Niang" is! I couldn’t help but laughed: "Sure enough, it’s true that your teacher’s mother is out, even I have to shun the house! Sure enough, really!"

Fang Tian’s old wretchedness was originally inexplicable after listening to Yang Ming’s words. In the thought of Yang Ming, apart from his own master, how did he come up with a master? It’s no wonder that Fang Tian would think so, because Fang Tian’s own wife is of course very clear, so Yang Ming’s emergence of a teacher who does not know the existence of her is naturally shocking.

However, after Wang Xiaoshan laughed, Fang Tian also reacted at once. The two old guys had friends all their lives, and they shared their feelings with each other. So Wang Xiaoshan smiled and Fang Tian knew it. He also smiled with Wang Qishan. Up, I didn't care about Yang Mingqi's own soft egg before, because in front of this teacher, what about himself as a soft egg?

"What are the two of you laughing?" Wang Weishui was even more inexplicable by Wang Qishan and Fang Tian’s laughter. He couldn’t help but point to Wang Qishan and Fang Tian’s anger: “You, being defamed, you are this home. The Lord saw a woman who was retreating. Do you not feel embarrassed? You still have a heart laughing? And you, you see the woman, the soft egg, you still have a face? You two - really, really - Let me say something good?"

"I am being jealous of you now, I still can't retreat. Even if I am a family owner, how are you? Do you dare to teach me?" Wang Qishan smiled bitterly.

"I am also, you are stunned, even the mouth does not dare to go back, the head does not dare to lift, is not a soft egg?" Fang Tian also followed the smile.

"That's what you are in front of me! But what kind of teacher--" Wang Wei Shui said to the public, suddenly stopped, and then his face changed suddenly, finally understand who is Yang Mingkou's teacher!

No wonder Wang Qishan and Fang Tian suddenly laughed, no wonder they said the two weird words later. That teacher is actually herself?

Thinking of his relationship with Fang Tian, ​​Wang Weichui also understands that it is a matter of time for two people to be together, but Yang Ming is called a teacher in the public, and Rao is such a young man that he is so weak, and can’t help but make a big red face!

Although the weak water is no longer a young girl, but the mood between Fang Tian and Fang Tian is no different from that of a little girl in love. For a time, it is both joyful and annoyed!

Originally, although the relationship between myself and Fang Tian seems to have eased, there seems to be a gap in the middle. This is why Wang Wei Water took the opportunity to argue with Fang Tian!

However, Yang Ming’s face in front of his brother and prostitute broke the identity of each other. Wang Weishui only felt that he was suddenly open. The original resentment and uncomfortable feelings in the depths of his heart were all dissipated in a flash.

All of this, but it stems from the name of Yang Ming’s "Shi Niang!" Yeah, I am with Fang Tian, ​​is it the teacher of this kid? It is not an exaggeration to say that this kid has smashed his own power! In this butterfly family, even his own brother, the current owner. Don't you have to let yourself? As for his master Fang Tian, ​​hey, what about soft eggs in front of yourself? That is normal too!

The king is weak and watery, and the original anger is rushing, but it becomes gentle and watery. For Yang Ming, there is no previous disgust, now how to see how to love it! Because of the name of "Shi Niang", Wang Xinshi’s mentality and identity have changed a lot!

Yeah, I am the teacher of this kid, how can I still embarrass him? It should be that he should help him! Since he and his niece are very happy. Then it will be all right.

"Sister Niang, hey, this will be added after the teacher's ceremony, but you can't find an apprentice. I am the opponent of the teacher's wife? Xiao Yangming climbed up and smiled: "More, the teacher and me started. Isn't it a big bully? ”

"I----" Wang Weishui was confused by Yang Ming, and he refused to teach Yang Ming. His face turned like a fire. He turned and said: "You talk first, I will take a break."

After that, Wang Weishui did not care about what other people present, and turned around and walked quickly to the restaurant door.

"Master, don't hurry to seize the opportunity?" Yang Ming said to the wretched party's wretched smile.

"Well, I also go to rest for a while, you talk about it first." Fang Tian could not understand the meaning of Yang Ming, but also left a sentence, and a cigarette stalked in the direction of the weak water.

At this point, there are three people in the restaurant, Wang Qishan, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu. Three people, look at me, I see you, and finally Wang Shushan and Wang Xiaoyu's eyes are concentrated on Yang Ming's body, looking up and down.

"Cough - Wang Shushu, hey, why do you see me like this?" Yang Ming was a little hairy in the heart of two people.

"Yang Ming Xiaoyou, I didn't see it, you are quite anxious!" Wang Qishan smiled thoughtfully: "In a word, not only solve your problem, but also solve your master's problem, but also weak Water and the old man remember your good! You have this heart. I really sigh, it is a hero."

"Hey, Uncle Wang, you have won the prize." Yang Ming, Khan: "Actually, I am also anxious and wise. People are forced to come out. If there is no such environment, I can’t think of it."

"But in any case, you and the embarrassing thing, it is the dust settled!" Wang Qishan nodded: "Right, as for the previous things, you will not resent me and your master?"

"Wang Shushu, you are laughing, how can I resent you?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Forget it, this is also my self-satisfaction, lack of communication, resentment of others."

"Dad, are you still embarrassed to say?" Wang Xiaoying was somewhat dissatisfied: "Look at me, the tattoo on this hand is so hard to clean!"

"I told you to dress up pretty, you don't listen!" Wang Qishan said innocently.

"-" Wang Xiaoyu was speechless. Before, who would dare to dress up pretty?

The dinner of the butterfly family became three people. Only Yang Ming, Wang Qishan and Wang Xiaoyu were in the restaurant. As for Fang Tian and Wang Weishui, where did the three tacit understandings and too lazy to ask, the two naturally went. Love is said to love.

"Respond to the Lanser family?" Yang Ming asked.

"Not yet, but let them personally put the head of Goode, it seems that it is difficult for him to do." Wang Qishan shrugged: "Even if I am Thomas, I will not do this."

"Oh, no? It doesn't matter. If he doesn't give it, we will take it in a few days." Yang Ming smiled and said easily.

"Yeah, it is not very easy to kill a good old man?" Wang Qishan also did not doubt that he or Yang Ming had the ability to obtain the head of Goode. The Lancer family has now become a dog of funeral, Wang Qishan There is no such feeling of care in the past. The only elbow - the issue of arms supply has been resolved. In the view of Wang Qishan, the Lancer family is nothing.

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