So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1457: Promise down

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-seven chapters promised down

On all the pages, there are Jing Xiaoyan, violent Sanli, Liu Routing and Xu Xiaobin, as well as the fingerprints of several staff members on both sides. There is only one page above, but there is a fingerprint of Xu Xiaobin and several staff members. What does this mean? ?

Explain that there are no problems with other pages. Only one page has a problem. This page has not passed the hand of Xu Xiaobin. In theory, Xu Xiaobin could not miss this page and read the other pages of the contract.

“What is this content on this page?” Liu Meimei asked at the questionable page number on the identification report, but then he smiled and shook his head: “I know, it must be the most important page, The exact number of investment and benefit distribution, right?"

"Nothing wrong." Jing Xiaoyu nodded, not surprised in Liu Yumei's words. After all, if it is not this page, this fingerprint identification report is useless.

For the authenticity of this fingerprint identification report, Liu Meimei did not doubt it. First of all, the above is the seal of the authoritative organization. The key question is: If it is not stealing the pillars, the heads of Jing Xiaoyan and Violent Sanli are all in the water? Can I sign such a contract that hurts my own people?

So the only possibility is that a certain page in the middle of the contract has been replaced by Liu Jifei’s person. As for how to change it, is it used for incense, this can only be guessed, and there is no evidence, and this fingerprint identification report But it can be regarded as a favorable evidence.

Of course, from the fingerprint development on the report, there is no hand or foot on the problematic page, and it is impossible to wipe out the fingerprint of Xu Xiaobin alone. However, I am afraid that Liu Jifei will strongly deny it and claim that it will be denied. This identification report has been done.

Slightly sighed, Liu Tsou said: "The authority of this report, I can believe, but it is not enough for me to be a very favorable evidence to face Liu Duanan, after all, you also know that famous security The company is a company affiliated to the Songjiang Police Bureau. This report is also done by the judicial department of Songjiang. Therefore, if Liu Biannan seizes this point... After all, the current means of fraud is also very high."

There is something in Liu’s thrush. Although it is not clear, it is actually reminding Jing Xiaoyu that this appraisal report, if it is changed to Jiangyan City, may be counterfeited under the intervention of Liu Diannan’s powerful network.

"Oh," Jing Xiaoyu did not care about the smile, his finger tapped on the appraisal report: "On the page of our contract, there is no fingerprint of Xu Xiaobin, and the contract in the hands of Liu Jifei is also not Xu’s fingerprint, and, most importantly, his copy, not only does not have the total fingerprints, but also the fingerprints of our total!”

Liu Mei's eyebrows are gently raised, and the beauty of the eye has crossed a trace of color. This point, I actually did not think of it! That's right, since Xu Xiaobin is standing on the side of the famous security company, it means that he didn't know this thing beforehand, and he was also a victim. Then he must have not touched Liu Jifei's hand, the problematic contract! As for whether the violence has been touched, Liu’s thrush is not unclear.

Thinking of this, Liu’s eyebrows have a little appreciative look: “Jing Jing’s deliberation is very thorough, I didn’t think of it.”

Through a short touch, Liu Mei has already briefly understood the two people in front of him. The information of the violent Sanli, Liu Yumei had been seen before the news of the company's cooperation with the famous security company. Violent Sanli is a small gangster with a low level of education, and from today's contact, it is indeed a rough person.

This Jing Xiaoyan, from the past to the present, has always been talking about her, can be seen, in the middle of the battle with the violence, she is the dominant position. Therefore, the evidence of this fingerprint must be thought of by Jing Xiaoyu, not by Liu Sanli.

"Oh, although I thought of it, it was only afterwards." Jing Xiaoying’s face was red: "This time, trouble Liu Director."

Liu Meimei nodded. This matter, regardless of whether it is public or private, she will have a tube. This kind of contractual relationship, it is a joke to expect the two parties to cooperate sincerely. For the future development of the company, this contract must also be changed to a fair and both sides are beneficial.

In private, Liu Meimei also wants to use this thing to beat Liu Yannan. If there is no shadow of Liu Duanan behind this thing, Liu Yemei does not believe it. Liu Jifei dared to make such a thing so boldly, to say that Liu Yannan did not know, it is impossible.

"This matter, I will raise it on the board of directors tomorrow, General Manager, Vice President Jing, you wait for my news, okay?" Liu Meimei did not make any guarantees on the spot, although she has full confidence to let Grandpa ask questions. This matter, but before the event, Liu Thrush does not want to make a promise.

"That's bothering you, Director Liu." Jing Xiaoyu also knows that since Liu Meimei takes things down, he will try his best to do it, and it is not so important to make promises.

"Liu director, bothered!" Storm Sanli also stood up and said the scene: "I will come to Songjiang for a visit, I will do my best!"

Liu Limei smiled slightly, and this violent three-legged, it really is a rough person, it seems that the Jing Xiaoyu around him is a think tank. Just don't know what is the relationship between Violence and Jing Xiaoyu?

Seeing the two people's words and demeanor, it is not like a lover relationship, even a violent three-to-Jing Xiaoyu, but also with a little respect, which makes Liu Meimei some do not understand, this does not seem to be a president's attitude towards the vice president.

Even if this vice president is quite talented, it is possible to be kind, but this respect seems to reverse the relationship between the superior and the subordinate.

However, this is a matter of people. Liu Meimei is only a little curious, but there is no question. After all, the two sides are not very familiar. After some things are familiar with each other, they can understand without asking.

Out of the Jiangyan Building, got on the bus, and the violent San Li asked: "Mr. Xu, you said this Liu director, will you help us?"

"I think, it should be, she and Liu Yannan are not happy, Liu Yannan wants to exclude her from the core of the group's power, this time has a clear relationship with Liu Yuannan, I think Liu Yemei also Can't you ignore it?" Xu Xiaobin thought about it.

“Not bad,” Jing Xiaoyan agreed. “But Xu always only said one.”

"There are two?" Storm San Li and Xu Xiaobin both asked curiously.

"Second, I have seen it in the information before. Liu Meimei is a person who is dedicated to the company. Her reputation among the middle leaders of the group is very high. This is not a secret. It can be seen in the forum of Jiangyan Group. Come." Jing Xiaoyu said: "To see you today, this rumor should be true!"

“Why is this so sure?” Xu Xiaobin was somewhat curious: “I am a person inside the company. I have heard about some of the directors of Liu. What she did is really good for the company. It’s not like a fold. Nan is so arrogant."

"Mr. Xu, if I tell the truth, don't be angry..." Jing Xiaoyu hesitated.

"I? Angry? How come? Vice President Jing, if you have something, just say it." Xu Xiaobin is somewhat inexplicable, and he has a heart, what does it matter to comment on Liu Meimei?

"Before, when I put the mobile phone recording, although Liu Jifei used the meter... Insulted Wang Lixia, after Liu Meimei listened, she only had disgust in her eyes, but she was not so angry." Jing Xiaoyu said: "This shows that Liu Yumei This person is just full of disdain for Liu Jifei's actions, but it is far from the level of anger, because this matter, it is not a big deal with her! Because it has no effect with the company's interests, so Willow's thrush will have such an expression."

"That's it, but this can't explain anything?" Xu Xiaobin is used to it. Since Wang Lixia was accepted, this knot has already been solved. He certainly will not evade this matter.

"Of course, I can explain what! If she wants to fight for power, she can use this thing to attack Liu Jifei, and Liu Jifei is a person of Liu Yuannan. Therefore, if you want to use this matter to make a fuss, you can With a blow to Liu Yannan." Jing Xiaoyu said: "However, Liu Thrush does not have such an idea, because in her eyes, there is no such excitement that can fight Liu Nanan!"

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