So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1458: Old Buffon is coming

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-eight chapters old Buffon is coming.

Jing Xiaoyu’s words, to Xu Xiaobin and violent Sanli, did not live nod, indeed, if Liu Meimei wants to use this matter as a means to attack Liu Yuannan, it is a good excuse and a point of strength.

However, this matter has nothing to do with the company's affairs. Liu Meimei is too lazy to manage, too lazy to reason. If this recording can be used as supporting evidence, I am afraid that Liu Mei has no patience to listen to.

"And after I showed the fingerprint identification package, Liu Meimei determined that the contract was stolen, and her eyes were filled with indignation at this time!" Jing Xiao said: "It is the kind of indignation that is deplorable because the contract was changed thoroughly. Enraged her, once the contract is implemented, it has nothing to do with the company! She is very clear that the partnership established under this unequal contract can not continue. So it will be extremely angry. Only affected The company's overall interests, Liu Meimei will be in charge! Online evaluation is not wrong, even if it is against Liu Yannan, it is also because of the company's business, but there is no personal grievances."

Xu Xiaobin and violent San Li could not help but move, Liu Meimei is such a person, it is indeed worthy of admiration! If Jiangyan Group has such a helm, why can't he go one step further? However, I am afraid that everyone who is sitting again knows that Liu Meimei wants to master the power core of Jiangyan Group, which is a difficult and difficult task.

"This is also the reason why I am so sure, Liu Meimei can help us." Jing Xiaoyu sighed with relief: "Now, my entire hanging heart has been released."

"If it weren't for you to explain this, I was still worried." The violent smile of the violent squad: "It's still a little stunned!"

Jing Xiaoyu smiled a bit. For the praise of the violent Sanli, there is not much excitement: "As long as Yang Ge comes back, know this thing, let's just be fine."

"Yeah, you are still okay to say that Yang Ge pity and cherish the jade, but I can't keep it..." violent San Li also smiled bitterly.

Yang Ge? This is the first time Xu Xiaobin heard the name. It seems that even the violent Sanli is very awe. Is it Yang Ming in the mouth of Liu Ji? It is very possible to think about it. However, this is a matter inside the company. Xu Xiaobin is not a person of a company now, so it is not good to ask anything.

"Xu Zong, here you are familiar, find a hotel, we live here now, although it is not very far from Songjiang, but it is not close, if you toss back and forth, it is still troublesome." Jing Xiaoyu while driving to the back seat of Xu Xiaobin Asked.

"Jie Jing, estimated that the manager of my office will soon be headed." Xu Xiaobin smiled and laughed at himself: "Call me Xiaoxu or Xiaobin, don't call Xu."

"Okay, then I will call you Xiaobin, and it seems to be close to me." Jing Xiao said: "Then you call me a small cockroach, privately, all friends, there are not so many rules."

"That listens to you." Xu Xiaobin did not refuse. In his opinion, Jing Xiaoying is a very sincere person. Such a person is worthy of being a friend.

Under the guidance of Xu Xiaobin, the group of people came to a well-preserved hotel in Jiangyan City and stayed quietly waiting for the news of Liu Meimei.


Airo Town, Butterfly Fort.

Early in the morning, Yang Ming received a call from Lao Buffeng, saying that he had arrived in Ai Luozhen and was heading towards the direction of Butterfly Fort. It is estimated that it will take another hour or so.

Yang Ming just remembered this. Old Buffon wanted to come here to see himself. Last night, he talked with Wang Qishan very speculatively. He couldn’t help but drink a few more cups. Although Yang Ming’s amount of wine is not small, it’s because after this one is an oolong. I was very happy with Wang Xiaoyu, and I was very happy, so I chatted on the table later.

This is also Yang Mingchang's happy, knowing that Wang Qishan can't be against himself, and there is no defense.

After drinking, Wang Qishan was so embarrassed that Wang Xiaoxiao helped Yang Ming to rest. As for who went to rest in the room, what happened after the break, Wang Qishan just asked.

Anyway, the news that the two live together is not a secret. It has already been passed back through the tombstone and Wang Kejin, and Wang Qishan is not an old-fashioned old man. He also hopes to be able to hug his grandson one day earlier. Naturally, he will not take care of those. Nothing.

"Hey--" Yang Ming pushed Wang Xiaoying, who is sleeping right.

Wang Xiaoying said, "Well," even the eyes are not open, continue to sleep. Yang Ming has some helplessness: "As far as your alertness is concerned, you still have to be a killer. You don't know if you kill."

"Hey--oh..." Wang Xiaoyu finally opened his sleepy eyes and looked at Yang Ming. He said, "Is there not you here? Come here, if you can't cope, I can't help but get up. It is better to sleep."

"-" Yang Ming is very speechless, what is this **** theory? Two dozen one always have more chances to win?

"Who is calling? Who is coming? Noisy, I wanted to sleep a little longer!" Wang Xiaoyan was awakened by Yang Ming, and it would be impossible to continue to sleep. He stretched out and slowly moved from bed. Climbing up to find clothes, no complaints said: "Going home these days, I have not slept, thinking about hurrying back to hurry and rushing back, I finally feel sleepy and woke up."

"Old Buffon is coming!" Yang Ming said helplessly: "Do you think that I don't want to sleep a little longer? The time difference has not been reversed yet, but this old guy has already arrived in the town of Ai Luo, and it is estimated that he will go to the Butterfly Fort in an hour. ”

"Ah, he is coming!" Wang smiled and immediately began to wear clothes. As the teacher of the old Buffon, how could Wang Xiaoyu not get up quickly? Otherwise, I was caught in bed, but it was a shameful thing: "My father knows he is coming?"

"Uncle Wang just knows that some people in the Buffon family are coming, but they don't know it is old Buffon." Yang Ming said: "I didn't tell him at the time, I was afraid to scare him."

"Oh, then don't tell, give him a surprise, who will let him put them together?" Wang Xiaoxuan did not agree, and some said awkwardly.

"Hehehe..." Yang Ming couldn't help but smile after listening to Wang Xiaoying's words: "That is estimated, I really want to surprise him!"

After Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu quickly washed and dressed, they went out of the room and went downstairs. Wang Qishan and Fang Tian and Wang Weishui had already got up, and now the three are sitting in the chairs of the restaurant talking about something.

However, the face of Wang Weishui is red, and I will know at a glance that something must have happened last night. What happened specifically, it is not difficult to imagine that Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoying looked at each other and saw each other's answers from the other's eyes. They couldn't help but smile, and Wang Xiaoyan's face could not help but be red.

In fact, she and Wang Weishui are only fifty steps and laughed. What happened to me last night, only she and Yang Ming knew.

"Yang Ming, hey, wake up?" Wang Qishan saw Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu walk into the restaurant. The name of Yang Ming also changed from the previous Yang Ming Xiaoyou to the current direct name.

"Well, Uncle Wang, good morning." Yang Ming smiled and greeted Wang Qishan, then turned to the other side of the heaven and the weak waterway: "Master, teacher, good morning! Look at each other's looks are good, yesterday It must be good to sleep late?"

"Oh..." Fang Tian, ​​an old ghost, smiled awkwardly. How could he not hear the meaning of Yang Ming’s words? However, it is also somewhat proud, don't look at your own age, but the glory does not diminish!

So the king is so weak, how can he be so old, so fierce? Don't look at the age of the weak water, but it is also the first time Huanghua's daughter, let her depressed, but also my heart is happy, it seems that Fang Tian's body is good.

Wang Weishui was stunned by Yang Ming, his face was redder, and he stunned Yang Ming, then coughed: "Yang Ming, hey, sit down and have breakfast!"

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