So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1459: The shelf is big!

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-nine chapters are big!

"Breakfast... Let’s put it aside and let it go," Yang Ming said. "There is an important thing to say now. After a while, the people of the Buffon family will come to us as guests. They have already arrived in the town of Ai Luo. It will be an hour away."

"What! The people of the Buffon family are coming!" When Wang Haoshan heard Yang Ming's words, he suddenly got up and stood up: "Yang Ming, why don't you say that early? We are not prepared in advance. You must know that this is the most distinguished guest!"

Wang Qishan did not doubt the authenticity of Yang Ming’s words. If other people told Wang Qishan that the Buffon family had to be a guest in the butterfly family, then Wang Qishan would definitely not believe it! Because it is very simple, although the butterfly family is also a strong presence in the upper class of Europe, it is worse than the Buffon family.

Even if you want to be a guest, you are also a person to the Buffon family to be a guest. How can you make people feel at home? However, all this is said from Yang Mingkou. Wang Qishan is naturally believed to be one thousand and ten thousand. Because this time the family crisis, that is, Yang Ming found the people of the Buffon family to solve, and Yang Ming can drive the Buffon family, then the Buffon family to the butterfly family, what is impossible? ?

"Uncle Wang, I didn't say it early, but I got a call from them early in the morning..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "This old guy didn't say anything when he left yesterday, actually early in the morning. Wake me up and oh, **** it!"

"Yang Ming! How can you be so rude?" Wang Haoshan was shocked after listening to Yang Ming's words! Who can talk about the Buffon family? If you are listened to by others, then the trouble can be big: "Although you are familiar with them, perhaps what interests have been used to drive people to resolve the crisis for us, but you should not despise others and offend them, but you will lose more than you." In case they turn their faces, the consequence is that we can afford it!"

“Fill your face?” Yang Ming smiled lightly: “As long as he has the idea, he can turn his face at any time, I don’t care.”

The people present were surprised to see Yang Ming. I don’t understand how the people who were originally very divided suddenly became so arrogant. When faced with the Lancer family, Yang Ming was not so arrogant, and faced the Buffon family, which had more than one grade, but uttered madness!

However, one person knows that Yang Ming is telling the truth! This person is Wang Xiaoying. These old Buffon's words, not only Yang Ming dare to say, is that he counted him in the face of the old Buffon, it is estimated that he only faces himself with a smile.

Fang Tian, ​​who knew that Yang Ming had accepted the Buffon family as an apprentice, was not worried.

"Yeah, this person really hates it. When people sleep well, they will quarrel with me. When they meet, they will have to count and count!" Wang Xiaoyan naturally cooperated with Yang Ming, the face is tender. The expression does not seem to put the people of the Buffon family in the eye.

"The two children, will not wake up yet?" Wang Weishui looked at Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu with a smile, not understanding why the two men talked like this.

"It is estimated that..." Wang Qishan listened to the analysis of Wang Weishui, deeply thought it was! Only this reason can explain everything that happened in front of me, and I waved my hand at helplessly: "Let them both wake up and wake up here. Let's prepare for it, but we must slow down people, so good at home yesterday for Yan and Yang. The things of Ming have been refurbished, otherwise they are really unprepared.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu looked at each other and smiled. Sometimes, the truth is always not believed. Both of them just said the truth, but everyone did not believe it.

"How are they so active?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "It seems that the old guy of Lao Buffon wants to learn?"

"But they don't know..." Wang Xiaoyan also smiled bitterly: "Forget it, we eat, no matter what they are."

"Well, let's eat." Yang Ming looked at the table and didn't have breakfast for chopsticks. It was really cheap. Estimated, before Wang Qishan and others wanted to wait for themselves and Wang Xiaoxiao to go down and use breakfast together, but obviously, people waited, but the news they brought to them, let these old guys refuse to eat. .

Fang Tian is not a concept for these high-class families in Europe. Moreover, the old Buffon is more powerful in Europe, and it has nothing to do with Fang Tian, ​​but Wang Weishui is busy, can Fang Tian not help? Therefore, Fang Tian is behind the weak water of Wang, as busy as a follow-up.

With the preparations of yesterday, it is not difficult to arrange the inside of the Butterfly Fortress. Just remove the things that are obviously festive and replace them with the things that are welcome.

When they were busy, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu were also full. Two people didn’t think that Wang Qishan could return to eat when they were busy, so they didn’t even think about giving them food. They just picked their favorite food and left. A pile of leftovers.

"Huh--" Wang Qishan was too busy to work a lot of laps. When he returned to the restaurant again, he just saw Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoying just eating, drinking a drink there, and could not help but be angry and funny: "You guys Two, really not at all anxious?"

"What anxious?" Yang Ming said disapprovingly: "The people of the Buffon family, we have not seen it, is it so grand?"

"Yeah, when I went to the Buffon family with Yang Ming, they didn't have such a grand arrangement. Why should we arrange this?" Wang Xiaoyu also disagreed.

"This--" Wang Qishan glimpsed, but did not expect that her daughter also went to the Buffon family, no wonder so fearless, it seems that she and Yang Ming are very familiar with the Buffon family, and this time People may also be acquaintances of both of them. However, he still said: "How can it be the same? How is the Buffon family? And, people you know, although they may have a good position in the Buffon family, it is impossible for the whole family to warmly welcome the whole family. What?"

Wang Qishan takes it for granted that the people Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu know cannot be the patriarchs of the Buffon family! It’s not even possible to be a character like a big elder! Because the age of the two is too young, in the view of Wang Qishan, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu are most likely to be in contact with the descendants of the Buffon family, the second or third successor, even the first. Heirs are unlikely. It is impossible for him to think that the people Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu know are actually the current Buffon family's elders Buffon!

However, the old Buffon did not arrange the home so that the whole family did not warmly welcome Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu, but also because the old Buffon guessed that Yang Ming might not like this, because in the materials he consulted, those high-ranking people They don't like the noise, and they don't like the big show. They are all low-key, so the old Buffon chose to accept Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu.

"Forget it, since it has been arranged like this, then it is." Yang Ming shrugged and did not explain. At this time, it does not matter if the solution is not explained. Anyway, the old Buffon will come to the door soon, and everything will naturally understand.

Wang Qishan was waiting to say something again. At this time, a disciple ran in. Before these, the disciples had already got the shackles of Wang Qishan. Once a guest came to the door, they immediately came to report.

"What is it? Is there a guest?" Wang Qishan quickly turned to look at the disciple who ran in.

"The enlightenment of the family, the disciples at the foot of the mountain came to the letter, the guests of the Buffon family are already going to the Butterfly Fort!" The sprinting disciple quickly replied.

"Go, I will meet you personally!" Wang Qishan nodded quickly and then said to Yang Ming and Wang Xiao: "You two, don't you come out together?"

"That's it together..." Yang Ming shrugged and shrugged. The old Buffon's face was really big, and he had to meet him personally!

Wang Xiaoxuan probably thought of Yang Ming’s thoughts. He couldn’t help but smile. He got up and Yang Ming followed Wang Qishan to go outside the restaurant.

Over there, Wang Weichui and Fang Tian wanted to come to the news too, and some of the disciples who were mentioned by Mu Guan and the butterfly family were following behind Wang Qishan. The one-person Hao Hao Tang Tang came to the Butterfly Fort. The door to the door.

At this time, I just saw a luxury off-road vehicle that I don't know what brand to drive slowly.

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