So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1460: Horrified scene

The first thousand four hundred and sixty chapters of the horror scene

"Sister, I am not mistaken? Is it the Master and the teacher who are standing at the door, are they old?" Old Buffon climbed the rugged mountain road in the car and was about to arrive at the butterfly castle. He suddenly saw the butterfly castle gate. People who greet themselves.

"It’s just that Master and Shi Niang are right!" Mrs. Buffon fixed her eyes and immediately confirmed it: "Senior brother, how can we excuse Master and Master to meet us personally?"

"Yeah, isn't this killing our two disciples?" Old Buffon determined that the people in front were Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu, and suddenly they were shocked. They quickly yelled at the driver driving in front: "Parking, hurry to stop !"

The driver didn't know why the owner would suddenly drive himself to stop, but he didn't dare to neglect. He quickly stopped the car. Some doubts turned around and asked: "Homeowner, the butterfly castle in front, how suddenly we are Parking?"

"Ask so much to do? Open your car!" Lao Buffeng was anxious at this moment. The driver asked him again here, and he was angry and yelled at him. The driver was shocked and suddenly bowed his head. Yes, what the owner did, then what can he do? Quickly shut up, dare not say a word.

The old Buffon quickly opened the door and pulled Mrs. Buffon to the car: "Sister, Master and the teacher are standing, how can we ride the car? Isn't that a big rebellion, disrespectful to Master?"

"Yeah, fortunately, we found it early, otherwise it can be..." Mrs. Buffon thought it was a nod. She now understands why the old Buffon was so respectful to Yang Ming, a master who was much smaller than them! Because this Master is indeed a strange person, teaching himself and the old Buffon's exercises is simply a magical power. After practicing, the whole person is much younger, and the body is full of vitality!

It is difficult to buy youth in a thousand dollars. How can the old Buffon and Madame Buffon, who have reached the end of their late years, not respect the Yang Ming from the heart?

Wang Qishan is standing at the top of the group. He is preparing to warmly welcome the people of the Buffon family to visit the Butterfly Fort, but he did not expect that the Buffon family’s car has not yet arrived at the Butterfly Fort. There are mountain roads hundreds of meters away!

What is this? Did the people of the Buffon family suddenly become dissatisfied with the butterfly family, otherwise how could they suddenly stop when they arrived at the door?

"What happened to the people of the Buffon family?" Wang Qishan asked strangely.

In fact, he asked this question is also equal to Bai asked, the side of the king weak water, Fang Tianhao, or Mu Butler, do not know why the Buffon family people stop halfway.

Even Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan don’t know how old Bufeng’s car stopped at half? What does it mean?

"It won't be... their car is broken?" Wang Xiaoyu said it was amazing.

car broke down? Wang Qishan and Wang Weichui, Fang Tian, ​​and Mu Guanjia are all quirky expressions. The Buffon family's cars are all specially made. Where are they so easy to break?

Moreover, this bad is too sudden? Why are there any warnings? It’s also a coincidence that it’s broken at the door of Butterfly Fort’s house.

But to say other reasons, these people really can't think of it! It’s impossible to say that the people of the Buffon family don’t want to be a guest. How can they still go back to the door?

The only possibility, I am afraid, is that Wang Xiaoyu said, the car is broken. Although this reason is very nonsense, it is also the most likely.

Wang Qishan was guessing what was going on, and he saw the off-road car door of the Buffon family not far away. Two people from above, one man and one woman, got off the bus and ran to the direction of Butterfly Fort. !

Is it really a broken car? Wang Qishan suddenly had an impulsive impulse. If the car is broken, why are the people on the bus coming off? This still... really let Wang Xiaoyu guess?

Thinking of this, Wang Qishan did not dare to neglect, although I don’t know if the two people who got off the bus were the main owners, but since the other party is a butterfly family, Wang Qishan would not dare to neglect and quickly meet the man and woman. Going over.

"Hello, from the guests of the Buffon family, the monk is the owner of the butterfly family, Wang Qishan!" When Wang Haoshan was about to walk to the old Buffon and Mrs. Buffon, he said: "I have your car broken. Do you need help?"

"Car? Fault?" Both Old Buffon and Mrs. Buffon were a glimpse. They looked back at their car strangely, then looked at Wang Haoshan, and he knew that he had misunderstood.

"The car is not faulty," Lao Buffeng waved his hand. Although he knew the butterfly family, he also heard of Wang Qishan, but he did not know what Wang Qishan and Yang Ming had. This time he came, he came to Yang Ming. As for Wang Qishan, it is not important.

Old Buffon also didn't want to delay the time. He had already seen Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoying standing in a group of people. He thought that he would quickly rush to Yang Ming to ask for sin. How can there be feelings and Wang Qishan explaining this? So just perfunctory: "Wang Jiazhu, hello, I am the Buffon family patriarch Buffon, this is my wife, well, there are things to say later, I have very important things to do now, sorry. Go, leave first!"

The old Buffon of the Buffon family? And Mrs. Buffon? When this words came out, Wang Yanshan suddenly opened his eyes! No wonder, after leaving, Wang Qishan felt that these two are familiar!

Although Wang Qishan does not participate in some regular gatherings of the upper class, it does not mean that he does not know the owners of these top-class families in the upper class! Especially those who have high exposure rates such as old Buffon and Mrs. Buffon!

Before, Wang Qishan did not think about this. In his opinion, people who look at Yang Ming, even those who are the Buffon family, will not be those who are too high. How can those people know Yang Ming? What? Therefore, he never thought that this person was actually the patriarch of the Buffon family and the wife of the patriarch!

It was not until the old Buffon introduced himself that Wang Qishan suddenly came to realize that the image of the old Buffon in the impression was compared with the people in front of him, and it was confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it.

The patriarch of the Buffon family, actually came to the butterfly family as a guest? What a shocking news! I am afraid that once this news is heard, the status of the butterfly family will be pushed to an unprecedented height!

The Buffon family is already the top of the upper class, but the patriarch Buffon is rarely a high-profile visit to some families, because they are all visiting the old Buffon. How can the old Buffon personally visit others?

And the old Buffon appeared in the butterfly family, which is equivalent to giving Wang Qishan a big face! Let Wang Qishan be surprised and happy! However, it is even more suspicious, Yang Ming, the person who knows is actually the patriarch of the Buffon family?

However, it is not waiting for what Wang Qishan said. The old Buffon has turned around and left his words. He does not even say a word with him. Even so, Wang Qishan does not dare to say half a word. On the contrary, Lao Buffeng had been able to explain a few words to him before, and he had already given Wang Haoshan a big face. If he changed to other people, Lao Buffeng had to do something urgent. Where would there be time to explain this?

However, when the old Buffon just arrived at the butterfly family, what are the important things to do? Not only Wang Qishan wondered, even Wang Weishan, Fang Tian and Mu Guanjia next to Wang Qishan were like this. Several people just followed Wang Qishan, so the dialogue between Wang Qishan and Lao Buffeng was clear. Both monks and monks are puzzled.

Turning around in the direction of the old Buffon, I saw a scene that made people in the place, very shocking!

I saw the old Buffon pulling the lady's quick step and even running to the front of Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu, and said nothing: "Master, Shi Niang-"

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