So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1469: People from the center

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-seven chapters from the center

The Lancer family, just on the face of the patriarch's Kwetan, has no expression of excitement and joy! Because of the Lancer family, it has been unprecedentedly the most severe blow in history!

The only hope of Keweitan is that the cousin, who entered the "center", but he used the unique contact method that Jetson gave him, and sent out a distress signal. However, he waited for three days. Without a message, Kwetan was somewhat desperate. Did his cousin abandon himself or did he not receive his own message?

Compared with Thomas and Laukoff, Solitude is also anxious. After all, Ke Weitan is his son. If this family's affairs cannot be solved satisfactorily, then Keweitan must become a step just stepping down. Patriarch.

"Don't you want to destroy my Lanser family?" Kwetan looked at the family meeting, and those members of the Lancer family who were originally arrogant and arrogant, couldn't help but see a bitter, tears: "What else do you have?" ?"

"The way?" Raukoff snorted: "Kivetan scorpion, you are now the patriarch of the family, what is what you said, you still ask us if there is any way?"

"You--" Kwetan was already sorrowful and angry, and he was so angry that he was so angry that he said: "Three uncles, what do you mean by this? Are you not a member of the Lancer family? You are willing Watching our family go to destruction?"

"At the beginning, it was the scorpion that you vowed to say that you can keep the old virtues and be able to keep the family from being lost. We only unanimously recommend you to be the owner of this family," Laukoff said without hesitation: "After that, you I also said that I want to give up Goode. Well, you are the patriarch. We all listen to you. I also voted for giving up Gude. The methods are already there. What do you want me to think? I see, or directly De's neck is headed by the butterfly family."

"You--" Why didn't Kwetan give up Gour? However, Thomas clearly disagreed, and he could not operate at all! Don't look at Thomas's position as the homeowner at the moment, but the cronies in the family have not disappeared. It can be said that half of the Norse Lancer family directly obeyed Thomas, which allowed Kwetan to go. Start?

Ke Weitan felt that what he was doing was really a shackle. When he took office, he did not wait to enjoy the pleasure. He was almost completely mentally broken by these things.

Seeing that my family’s industry has suddenly become a bubble, I went to visit a family that had a close business relationship with the Lancer family. However, people did not even give the opportunity to meet Kevin, and directly let Keweitan eat closed doors. !

No matter how Kwetan puts out the feelings and friendships of the previous two, the people will not be moved at all, and they will offend the Buffon family. Who can help? Isn't this a good thing? So, in this way, the Lancer family is completely turned into an ant on a hot pot, without any hope and dependence.

And the only Celebrity cousin who can bring the science and technology pillar to the Lancer family, but no news, which makes the Lancer family who still think that Kvitan is better than them, they are starting to move!

In particular, Laukoff, he believes that Keweitan is painting a big cake. In fact, there is no strength. What is Jeter’s cousin is just an excuse. Now that he is in the upper position, the cousin has not appeared. This made Raukoff even more angry, convinced that he can be more decent than Keweitan as a homeowner.

"Kwetan, since you can't keep Goude, you can't bring any benefits and benefits to the family. Then I see you still abdicating to let the sage?" Laukoff smiled coldly, his eyes staring at the keweitan like a snake. "I see, even if Thomas is the home of the two brothers, is it stronger than you?"

Laukoff has missed the best opportunity. He exposed his ambitions too early, but he failed because of the different numbers of Keweitan. Now he wants to be in the upper position again. I am afraid it is impossible.

Even if Kwetan is abdicated, the upper one can only be Thomas, and he has no hope. This makes Laukoff hate the scorpion of Kwetan! If it weren't for him, I am afraid that the previous one would be himself.

Therefore, Laukoff also made up his mind. Since he can't get on the position, he can't make Kwetan better. The best way is to let Thomas re-up, so no one can take advantage of it.

Thomas is originally the owner of the family, and you are not only halfway through the road, but go on.

"Who said that my cousin can't keep Gude? Who said that he can't bring benefits and benefits to the family?" A cold and ethereal voice drifted into the conference room of the Lancer family. The sound was like far away. The land is generally chilling, but there is a feeling of being close at hand.

"Jetson cousin! It's you!" After hearing this voice, Kwetan didn't feel as chilly as everyone else, but suddenly overjoyed and screamed: "Jetson cousin, I will Know that you won't care about me!"

"Civtan cousin, you have been caring for me, my cousin is in my heart, but when you are, I am jessed with a jail!" A tall figure quietly drifted into the conference room. Even the people present did not know how this person came in! It’s just like the legendary cornice!

"Jetson cousin, what kind of kung fu are you! It's amazing!" Keweitan exclaimed, and some incredible people looked at him! You know, the Lanser family is now in distress, but the defense is also the most rigorous moment, because the Lancer family is guarding the butterfly family every time every second, so no matter the family or the family. In addition, there are a lot of children who are guarding.

And such a person, but silent, in the absence of any child's return, quietly appeared in the conference room, which made all members of the Lancer family in the audience amazed!

This only shows a possibility, that is, when Jetson entered the conference room, he did not cause any guardian children to be alert. They did not even find out that there was already a person inside the family!

If this person is not Jetterson, but an enemy, then the consequences will be unimaginable! Fortunately, he is not! However, this has caused the absolute fear of several people present in Thomas! Since Jetson can come in, then the people of the butterfly family are good at assassination. Wouldn't it be worse than Jetson?

"I received your message, I flew over the day and night, but the center is far away from here. I didn't come late? Kevin's cousin?" Jetson did not use the right eye to see Lan. The rest of the family, but sitting on the chair opposite Kwetan.

Fly over? This flying in Jessson's discourse is obviously understood by everyone as being by plane, and does not associate with other meanings.

"Of course not too late!" Keweitan said quickly: "Jetson cousin, I am now the current owner of the Lancer family. Our Lanser family has encountered unprecedented troubles and has already told you in the message. Can you help me?"

"Trouble?" Jetson sneered, but the words were full of contempt and disdain: "This is also trouble?"

When Jetson said this, the whole audience was amazed. Both Laukoff and Thomas were secretly saying that Jatson was too arrogant. Even if you are a central person, you may not know the strength of the Buffon family. In your eyes, it is not trouble?

"What? You don't believe me?" Jetson's gaze shot on Thomas and Laukoff, and crossed the faces of the rest of the conference room, and finally settled here in Kevita.

"I naturally believe in cousin!" Ke Weitan said quickly, I don't know why, this time my cousin came back, it was completely different from before. Hey, there is a kind of cold temperament that can't be said, it makes people feel like it is Drop into the hail.

Jitterson nodded with satisfaction and looked at Thomas and Laucoff and others: "What about you? Don't you believe in the strength of the center?"

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