So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1470: Kill him

The first thousand four hundred and seventy chapters extinguished his door

"This - naturally not!" Thomas and Laucoff were shocked and quickly denied that jokes, who dared to be enemies with the mysterious organization of the center, isn't it looking for death?

"Hey, you believe that you don't believe it. I don't have a relationship with me. I came here completely to face the face of Kevin's cousin. Otherwise, I know you are old?" Jetterson did not care. Said faintly.

"No, we certainly believe in the strength of the center. I believe that after this incident, as long as the center gives us some scientific inventions, it will be enough for our Lanser family to be proud of the peak of the IT world." Thomas is the takeover of the family. It is also said that the dripping water is not exposed. It changed attitude at once.

"I already know about things, but the technology of the center is not something that anyone of you can get involved with. You don't want to think about it." Jetson waved his hand and directly rejected Thomas's proposal.

"This--" Thomas and Laukoff's face suddenly had a disdainful expression. Since you are here, can't give us technical support, what else is it to force? I am very powerful in doing it myself? So what is the use of you?

At the moment, Kwetan is also somewhat guilty. Isn’t Jetson’s cousin ready to help himself? But just now, he also vowed to show his support! Thinking of this, Kwetan asked carefully: "Cousin, you mean..."

"Let it go, let the daughter of the butterfly family marry Goode, then let the Buffon family resume your arms business, and divide the profits by 50%!" Jetson said faintly: "Do this! Everything, I spare them not to die, otherwise, I will destroy them!"

"Ah?" Everyone, including Keweitan, was wide open after listening to Jetson's words, looking at Jitterson like an alien! This guy, the so-called help, is this?

Are you destroying people's homes? Do you have that strength? Although you are the person who comes out of the center, but the mystery of the center is true, but it is impossible to be invincible in the world? You must know that it is the world's first killer family butterfly family known as the assassination, the killer list ranked second! The Buffon family is the top existence of the upper class. It has a hundred years of history. Do you say that the annihilation of the family will be destroyed? Why are you?

Let's not say if you are the opponent of the butterfly family. Even if you move the butterfly family, there may be nothing, but if you move the Buffon family, it may cause the rebound of some small kings or rulers in Europe, Africa, etc. Many of the countries are supported by the Buffon family. If you do this, chances are that the world war will break out!

"I have promised to help you, don't you cooperate?" Jetterson also saw the doubts in the hearts of the people, the sneer in the heart, the weak existence, how can you know, what is the strong?

"Jetson cousin, are we not cooperating, but the butterfly family and the Buffon family are really too strong, we have to irritate them so much, the consequences are unimaginable!" Ke Weitan saw that everyone did not speak, only themselves Said with a careful opening.

If someone else said that Jatson had been angry, but Kwetan said, Jetson did not make any radical reaction, just a faint saying: "What butterfly family, what Buffon family In my eyes, it is the existence of ants, not worth mentioning."

"The arrogance is also the need for capital. You are a god, and you say something vain, is it helping us the Lancer family? I think you want to harm our Lancer family?" Raukoff is somewhat intolerable, he is early It seems that Kwetan is not pleasing to the eye. Just now he was premeditated to get Kwetan off the stage. This is a guy who is a **** of sorrow. He is full of arrogance, and he is extremely unhappy.

"The capital? Hey." Jetson sneered a sneer, slowly stretched out his hand, and hit the front of the conference table in front of him, making a loud noise.

Jetson’s sudden hand made the people in the conference room a big jump, especially Laukoff, who was so angry that the heart was jumping faster. The result was scared by the loud noise, and almost no heart fell off. !

"Clap the table? Is this your strength?" Laughe blushes, sneer sneer: "Who can't make a table? Does it mean that you have strength? I see you - hey?"

When Raukoff’s words were not finished, they were stuck! No one stopped him, but the sight in front of him, let him stunned! Because the conference table in front of it was cracking at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the marble conference table of Nuo Da suddenly became a small piece that was torn apart, shattered and piled up!

A conference table made of the whole piece of marble that was originally strong and sturdy turned into a pile of gravel in a blink of an eye! The people present, all looked at the pile of gravel!

This marble table, under the palm of Jetson, turned into a pile of rotten stones? How can this be? Is this still the scope that manpower can achieve? Even if you take a big hammer and lick it, I am afraid that this solid marble will not become like this?

"Hey!" Jetson sneered again, pulling the wall lamp made of copper next to him, letting the wires on the top of the wire spurt through his body without any influence, Twist the wire, pinch the bronze wall lamp in the hand, and press it hard, the whole copper wall lamp becomes a copper gong!

In the eyes of Laucoff, from the initial disdain and contempt, to the panic and awe, how did this guy do it? Is he a human? Not only is it infinite, it seems that the current can't cause any harm to him?

"Jetson cousin - you, how do you do it?" In the end, it was still familiar with Jewson, and in the eyes of everyone, Kwetan first spoke.

"Ha ha ha ha -" Jetterson laughed wildly, stood up and looked at the people of the Lancer family with a contempt for the world: "How to do it? The ability of the center is far beyond I believe in the imagination of you in these secular worlds! However, since you have asked, then I can tell you, in the eyes of ordinary people, in your words, you can call me the Terminator!"

"Hey! Terminator!"

Kwentan did not expect that his own cousin, who had been going to the end of his life, turned into a terminator that only appeared in movies! What kind of horrible existence is this center?

"Don't say a butterfly family and the Buffon family, it's ten eight, I want to kill them, but it's just a flick!" Jetson said coldly: "Civtan cousin, if it is not our friendship This time, I will definitely not come out. Do you know how much I paid for this time from the center, and let Dr. Benjamin nod?"

Strength is greater than everything! Before, all the people of the Lancer family who were dissatisfied with Jetson, now only worship! That kind of worship of the strong! Because they all know that with the horror power that Jetson showed, it’s really not the butterfly family and the Buffon family. It’s ten more, I’m afraid it’s not his opponent!

Moreover, the most important thing is his identity. The person who comes out of the center, since a person who comes out casually has such a terrible skill, what about the other people in the center?

Pairing with Jetson is tantamount to confronting the center. When the center comes out with several people who have the same strength as Jetson, who can compete with it?

"Jetson cousin! Sorry, it was before me, I even suspected you, I am very embarrassed!" Keweitan said sincerely, he did not hide in the slightest, because his own doubts before him must have been Jeter. Sen noticed that if you lie again, it would be inappropriate.

"It doesn't matter, the friendship between you and my brother, don't say this, rest assured, I will let you become, the Lanser family, the most successful and brilliant owner of all generations!" said Jessson with a big thorn.

However, there is no one who would doubt that Jetterson is talking loudly. After seeing the strength of Jetson with his own eyes, these people all understand that Jetson really has that strength.

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