So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1471: Suddenly strong Lanser family

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-one chapters suddenly strong Lancer family

The arrival of Jessson, for the Lanser family who is already in distress, is like a shot of heart to make the downturn morale rise to an unprecedented height, and the members of the Lancer family instantly become arrogant. The status of Kwetan’s family has become indestructible with the extraordinary hand of Jetson’s show!

Before, Laukoff also tried to pull Kwetan down, but now he wants to be the owner of the Lanser family! In the face of absolute strength, personal gains and losses have become less important. As long as the whole family is up, even if they are only an elder of the family, they will be arrogant in front of outsiders, and will not be worse than the former Lanser family. It will be stronger, this is the benefit of the family's backing!

As long as there is a backing from the center of Jetson, it is difficult for the Lancer family to rise up. Hey, a killer family, what? Those who dare to provoke the "center" are not used much, and a Jetterson can destroy your family!

At this moment, Thomas was really willing to give up the position of the homeowner. Before that, he even dreamed that after waiting for Ke Weitan, he would replace him and restore his homeowner! But now it is no longer needed, because the Lancer family can only lead to unprecedented glory under the leadership of Keweitan!

Whoever is the owner, there will be no advantage of Keweitan! Because Jetson’s help this time is only for his personal relationship with Kevitan, not for the Lancer family, so if you want to maintain a relationship with Jetterson or even the “center”, then you must Ke Weitan came out to work, and this homeowner’s position is not a Kwetan.

That night, Kwetan released a high-profile statement: the butterfly family and the Buffon family are too deceiving, but my Lanser family is not a good bully! Don't think that you are so powerful, you are in the eyes of my Lanser family, but it is not too! Do you still want the life of Goode? That is a big joke!

Now give you a means of atonement, the daughter of your butterfly family, Wang Qishan, still wants to marry Goode can not change, and personally put wine in front of the celebrities in the upper class of Europe, to apologize to the Lanser family, this thing will be Have been with you.

As for the Buffon family, this is our grievance with the butterfly family. What are you involved in? Ok, since you want to participate, you have to pay the price! As long as you restore the qualifications of our Lancer family's arms dealers, increase the supply, and give up 50% of the profits to us, we will never be afraid, we are still partners!

Arrogant! This is simply a lawless arrogance! The hard-line attitude of the Lancer family has made all the high-class families have an inexplicable feeling. Is the Lancer family crazy?

Is this the same few days ago that the family called the soft-shelled egg that should not be called the earth every day? How suddenly became so strong? Actually dare to be right against the two families, and the family is still known as the killer family! The other is the top family Buffon family in the upper class. Do you know that the Buffon family can easily be offended? Do they want to launch a world war?

The arrogance of the Lancer family is not limited to this. Those former Lancer family partners have drawn a line with them after the Lanser family accident. At this time, they were counted by the Lancer family!

The black men of a team rushed out of the Lancer family and went to the companies and shops of the partners who were “forgiveness and ignorance”.

These families, to be true, where is the opponent of the Lancer family? These black people are obviously the cards of the Lancer family. The private guards secretly cultivated in these years, all of them who are very talented, only those who have been forced to refuse to communicate with the Lancer family, are crying and crying. Method!

The fist is the last word, although they were forced by the Buffon family to sever the exchanges with the Lancer family, and did not dare to help when the Lancer family asked for help, but the Lancer family also did not offend. what!

The madness of the Lancer family made them complain, and the Lancer family is now clearly in Liwei. Are you not betraying me? Then you must be punished by no need!

Kvitan was sitting in the conference room of the Lancer family, commanding the secret power of the family. The orders were sent out from his mouth. He felt like a general on the battlefield. He was very fulfilled!

The secret power of this family has not been used since it was trained, but it is intended to be used when the family encounters major dangers. This is the only card of the family, the most powerful hidden force, if not necessary. If you don't, the Lanser family will not expose this power!

This is a former Thomas and a force that Thomas's uncle and father have not driven. However, there is no need to hide now, because now the Lanser family has a stronger backing, this private guard is not worth mentioning in front of the powerful Jetson, so Kwetan will The secret forces were sent out, and there was no objection within the family. They all knew the power of Jetson. Where would they care?

Thinking that he was the first owner to use hidden power, Kwetan was very proud. Hey, this is just a small lesson for those partners who don’t recognize people, so that you will be more eye-catching in the future and recognize who is It is someone you really can't afford!

The unexpected strength of the Lancer family made all the people more and more incomprehensible. Not only was it strong, but it also taught those formerly timid partners. Isn’t the Lanser family beaten? Or, is it that the self-knowledge is not far from the end of the egg, and began to counterattack?

Therefore, many people are watching the development of the situation. They don’t help the Lancer family, and they don’t help the Buffon family and the butterfly family to beat the Lancer family. Unconcerned attitude. However, most people's minds can already be determined. This Lanser family is only the last madness. After madness, it will still be finished.

But even in the final madness, these people dare not provoke the Lancer family. Can you go to see a mad dog? This guy is now clear who sees who bites, who is willing to be a mad revenge for the Lancer family at this time?

However, there are also some people who have intentionally or unintentionally turned to the camp of the Lancer family. Even if they did not publicly support the Lancer family, they secretly began to scream! Because they think that the Lancer family is not a stupid family. It would be possible to say that the former homeowner Thomas had a fight against it. However, the newly changed owner, Ke Weitan, has not been in office for a few days. Going to fight with the Buffon family and the butterfly family, isn't it sick?

Therefore, since the Lancer family dares to do this, there must be some flaws. Maybe the children have found a bigger backing, just as the butterfly family relies on the Buffon family! Otherwise, the Lanser family will not be killed unless the family is crazy!

However, whether you believe it or not, almost everyone knows that something big is going to happen! Because whether the Lanser family has found a big backing, this calm high society will eventually set off a big storm!

This big storm can't be stopped. The big families involved in it are all above the local laws. Even the small countries where they are located are built with their support. So, really When the war is up, maybe a few small countries will participate in it, and it will become a melee.

The butterfly family naturally received the news, and heard the arrogant words from the Lanser family. They were so angry that Wang Haoshan slapped on the coffee table, but this slap was less powerful than Jetson’s. More, the coffee table did not smash, just shivering slightly.

"Lance family, fainted?" Wang Qishan hated the road, looked at the people who passed the letter before, waved his hand: "You go ahead."

"Yes, the owner." Where did the disciples of the butterfly family dare to touch the heart of Wang Qishan? After passing the news, I quickly quit.

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