So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1472: Go to the door

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-two chapters go to the door

"It seems that I have to go to the Lancer family in person. Originally, I wanted to give them a few days to buffer them. I didn't expect to have no action in these days. This Lanser family has to get in the way!" Wang Qishan will The message from the intelligence department at home was told by Yang Ming, Lao Buffeng and others.

"Slow!" Yang Ming waved his hand and stopped saying: "This thing, something unusual? It's a bit strange!"

Old Buffon also nodded. This guy is an old man. "Master, I also think that there must be a demon when things go wrong. This Lanser family has eaten the ambition of the leopard, dare to clamor for the two of us together? Is he not afraid of our union? Revenge?"

As Yang Ming and Lao Buffon said, Wang Qishan’s original angry heart suddenly calmed down, frowning and convinced: “Yes, the Lanser family only has contradictions with our butterfly family, as for the contradiction with the Buffon family. It is because of the contradiction between us. As long as the contradiction between us is resolved, the contradiction of the Buffon family is naturally solved, so he suddenly fired at the two families. It is almost unimaginable, the Lancer family. Why did you do this?"

"They, will it be a bluff?" Wang Weishui suddenly asked: "Now, the Lanser family is obviously at a disadvantage, there is no room for turning over again. We have to ask for the fate of Goode, but Buffon The family is the only way to break the Lancer family. As a result, the Lancer family has no way to live. Can they be the last madness? Pretend to be very sure, then let us take the initiative to swear. ”

"This is possible, but it is also there!" After listening to Wang Weishui, Wang Qishan thought deeply that he was nod. "The explanation for weak water is reasonable and reasonable, and it is more in line with the current situation."

"Old Buffon, is there any news on your side?" Yang Ming was also made by the people of the Lancer family, and could not understand the true intentions of the other party.

"In the preliminary investigation, the Lanser family did not have any agreements and contacts with any other big family during this time. Did he really find a backing, I am not sure, but there seems to be no evidence to show this. "Old Buffon said: "Further news, we must continue to inquire into the intelligence department of our Buffon family."

"In this case, I think that the 80% of the Lancer family wants the last madness. If they are unsuccessful, they will become a benevolent person, so they should not be afraid of them!" Wang Songshan said: "I wanted to put them a horse, but now it seems that Or go find them in person! It saves an excuse!"

"Uncle Wang, I think, I still have to wait for the first class." Yang Ming said, "I always feel that this thing reveals a trace of unusual taste. It is necessary to say that Thomas is the owner. After all, after all, Goode is his relatives and grandsons. He is not willing to hand over Goode, to resist with us, and finally it is possible to mad. But the key issue is that the current owner is Kwetan, not Thomas! He is The newly-elected family owner, who has not enjoyed any substantial benefits in the home position, has provoked the banner and resisted us for the grandson of Thomas. Is this not a problem?"

"Yang Ming, although you said this, it makes sense, but it may not be right. I think, you are still too cautious!" Wang Qishan did not care about waving his hand.

"Be careful, no big mistakes!" Yang Ming said: "Some things, be careful, it's better than care."

"You are not like the character of a young man?" Wang Qishan did not agree: "I have decided, I will leave for a while, go to the Lancer family, and I will personally see them for a while, to see what they are playing for me. !"

"This -" Yang Ming looked a little embarrassed and looked at Wang Xiaoyan around him: "Hey, what do you think of you?"

"I naturally think that what you said makes sense, but my father has made up his mind, I am afraid it is not so easy to change." Wang Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, it seems that he is very understanding of Wang Qishan's character.

After listening to Wang Xiaoxuan’s words, Yang Ming knew that Wang Qishan had made a decision, and then advised that it was useless. He sighed and said: “Well, if that’s the case, then Wang Shushu, you should be careful, after you go. If there is something wrong, we will withdraw it. We will take a long-term plan and never rush."

"I naturally know this." Wang Qishan smiled and said: "When are you a coward? I want to know that when I was young, I was no less than your master's top killer. I also had countless missions myself. It’s much more than going to a Lanser family! If I really found out what kind of reinforcements the Lanser family has, I have to come back and give you a ventilating letter. How can I rush?”

When Yang Ming listened to Wang Qishan, he suddenly came back to realize that Wang Qishan was also a super killer! It is only his current status that Yang Ming subconsciously ignores this point. Now I think about it. It is impossible to make a surprise with Wang Haoshan’s killer skill. Even if I can’t shoot it, there is no problem with the whole body.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming said: "Well, then I will not say anything more, Uncle Wang, keep in touch with the family at any time."

"No problem, need help, I will naturally open it to you." Wang Qishan said: "This time, I will go there myself, and I will not bring my family's disciples. It is more convenient to be alone. If I really found out. What is unusual, I can guarantee that I will quickly retreat."

This is the end of the matter, Yang Ming will not say anything, but in the heart, but always feel a sense of something wrong, but his terrible sixth sense, but only for the dangers he encountered, The dangers faced by others are not so spiritual. Yang Ming can't find a way to control, but can only helplessly give up.

But think about it, Wang Qishan's skill should be no less than himself. Even if it is not good, it is not a big problem to retreat the whole body. This is to let go of your heart.

After dinner, Wang Qishan drifted away from the butterfly family. Fang Tian did not trust his old friend and planned to accompany him to go with him. However, Wang Qishan tried his best to stop it. The reason was that he and Wang Weixue were newly married. How can it be separated so quickly?

As a result, the old face of Fang Tian and Wang Weishui at the same time was red, but there was no rebuttal. Although the two did not hold a wedding or a wedding, they both agreed with each other. For them, they will not go to the so-called ritual nature!

Their apprentices and prostitutes are getting married. If the two old guys are going to have a wedding together, they will be too late to marry their juniors. How can this be married?

As for Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoxuan, it is naturally impossible to accompany them. After all, the old Buffon and Mrs. Buffon are still in the family. The two of them are directed at Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu. It is not the case that Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu are leaving at this moment. The other family disciples, if not with the belt, simply add a burden.

If Wang Qishan can go to the first level of Goode, then it is superfluous to go to a disciple. If Wang Qishan finds that the Lanser family has another strong support, then it is easy to expose himself to a disciple, and he has to retreat to find a way. It is even more troublesome to keep this disciple.

"I always have a bad feeling, but I don't know..." Looking at Wang Beishan's back, Yang Ming sighed deeply: "Although I know that Uncle Wang's skill is gone, nothing will happen. However, the reaction of the Lancer family is really strange."

"Don't worry..." Wang Xiaoyu comfortably held Yang Ming's hand: "Dad, he used to be the family's first killer, and there will be nothing."

"I hope so, otherwise, don't worry if his Lanser family has any support, they will die." Yang Ming said faintly, but there is an unquestionable strength in the tone.

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