So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1476: Life-saving strike

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-six chapters

Goode quickly pointed out the identity of Wang Qishan, and he was afraid of being disadvantaged to himself! Goode is very aware of Wang Qishan’s hatred towards himself. He wants to take his own neck! I hope Uncle Jetson can quickly win the battle of Wang Qishan.

"Oh? Goode, do you know him? He is the owner of the butterfly family?" Jetson’s expressionless face showed a mocking expression: "I am really afraid of death. It seems to be a big fish!" ”

Wang Qishan has been waiting for an opportunity to escape, but there is no chance. Jessson’s attention has always been focused on him, so Wang Qishan must find a way to transfer Jatson’s attention, otherwise, if it is too long Time, the elite of the Lancer family were brought in, then Wang Qishan really lost the best time to escape.

At this time, the opportunity is coming! I didn't expect to help myself or Goode! Goode suddenly woke up at this time, and pointed to his own yelling, but successfully transferred Jitterson's attention!

And Wang Qishan, also heard a message from Goode’s words, that is, the man named Jetson in front of him, and is the cousin of Keweitan. Since there are two clues before and after, then investigate It is also convenient. I believe that as long as I want to check it, the identity of this person will not become any secret.

Wang Qishan smiled. After Jetson asked the sentence, a handful of hidden weapon was thrown out in the direction of Jetson. Of course, he also gave Gourde two sons!

Wang Qishan firmly believes that even if Jateson wants to grasp himself, it is impossible to ignore the safety of Goode. Since he can live in the house of Goode, he is responsible for the protection of Goode.

"Hey, the insects are tricky! Where to go!" Jetson didn't even manage the hidden weapon that was shot in his direction. Instead, he grabbed the ancient German and gave him to his back. He left the hidden weapon cast by Wang Qishan. Hit on his own body.

Wang Qishan sneered in his heart, did not stop, turned and jumped out of the window. Even if you are a big master, such a big care will eventually suffer, my hidden weapon, can you pick it up? Don't you know that the butterfly family is known for assassination? This concealer is topped with poison. You seem to have nothing to do with the hidden weapon, but hey...

Since you are looking for death yourself, then you can't blame me. Wang Qishan did not look back at all, because in his view, Jatson has become a dead person, actually to physically pick up his own hidden weapon, this is not looking for death?

The reason why Wang Qishan was so determined was because Wang Yushan had observed it before entering the room! Jetterson or Goode, all wearing ordinary pajamas, there is no other clothes in the neck, the skin exposed from the neck can confirm this, so the hidden weapon shot by Wang Qishan, you can It was tied to Jetson's body, and the poison on the hidden weapon saw **** seals. Even if Jetson saved Goode, he himself was finished.

As soon as Jetson is finished, the Lanser family will lose the backing. If you want to take away the life of Goode, it is just that the bag is simple, so Wang Qishan is so simple.

However, when Wang Qishan just jumped downstairs, he felt that something was wrong! Because the wind behind me is coming, someone is catching up! Who caught up?

Wang Qishan did not look back, but quickly fled according to the route he had found before. No matter who was chasing after him, Wang Qishan did not want to tremble, but the violent drink behind him changed the idea of ​​Wang Qishan. .

"The owner of the butterfly family, the original mouse is also so greedy and fearful of death!" Jetson’s voice came from behind: "Several broken weapons, still want to hurt me? You can too afford to see yourself!"

Wang Qishan was shocked! He had made a variety of assumptions before, and the person who followed him behind him might have been ambushing around the Goode Villa before, but he never thought it would be Jetson! Was he not hit by his own hidden weapon? Why are you still so alive and kicking like nothing? This is too strange, right?

However, before Wang Qishan had enough time to think about it, he felt that the distance between the person behind him and his own had already reached a very small point. Wang Qishan never dared to neglect, and quickly turned around and did not look at it. Kicked out quickly!

This foot is fierce, and concentrates on the whole strength of Wang Qishan's body, so as to strike it. Otherwise, this person behind him is really incomprehensible. Wang Qishan is a headache. He should have listened to Yang Ming’s advice and waited. It will be changed again!

I didn't expect that I was rushing over, but I was really ambushed by the Lancer family.

"Hey!" Wang Qishan smashed a real foot, just kicked in the belly of Jetson! Wang Qishan suddenly rejoiced, the strength of this foot, he is very clear, squatting on the human body, not to die must also smash the intestines, can make people instantly lose their fighting ability!

Wang Qishan didn't think that his luck was so good. He turned his hand and kicked the target with a casual foot. This character is simply too broke out? However, Wang Qishan has not waited for the happiness, the next scene, let him close his mouth, his face suddenly filled with incredible!

It was not wrong for Jetson to kick him in the abdomen, but the strength of this foot, not only failed to take Jetson a step back, even the waist did not bend! This is not only the case, but Jetson still maintains a forward-looking state. It seems that he did not notice this foot. He continued to fly forward and directly flew Wang Qishan to the top and fell to the ground!

Is this... still human? Is this guy practicing what is the copper head and the iron arm is not bad? After I was kicked by myself, I couldn’t get anything to fly!

In the heart of Wang Qishan, for the first time, there was a sense of fear! From the time I saw Jitterson to escape, although Wang Qishan was a little nervous, but definitely not to the point of fear! I am the owner of the elegant butterfly family. What can I be afraid of?

But now, Wang Qishan is really a little scared! The skill of this guy named Jetson seems very strange! His previous hidden weapon hit him. He didn't seem to have anything at all. From the pajamas he was wearing, it was indeed the clothes cut by the hidden weapon, but there was no blood at all. This shows that the hidden weapon is basically Did not cause any damage to him!

The same is true of my own foot! Even if he used the strength of his whole body, he couldn't get Jetterson any more, but he was thrown out by the top of him.

Looking at the Jetsson who had not been hurt a little bit, he walked over to himself and Wang Yushan’s heart crossed a hint of gloom! This person is really a master, and he can't see him at all. This person's effort is too strange. The speed of running is obviously faster than himself. He wants to run away and decides to run away from him!

Biting his teeth, Wang Qishan’s heart quickly made a decision, and took a small pistol from his waist, aiming at Jeter’s flying!

Before Wang Qishan had not used a gun but a knife and a hidden weapon, it was also because Wang Qishan was afraid of disturbing other people in the Lancer family, but now, it is a time to save his life. Wang Qishan can’t control so much, or solve the problem first. Let's talk about this big trouble. This person is not dead. I am sure I can't run today!

"Hey!" Wang Qishan pointed at Jitterson and pulled the trigger. The bullets slammed into the night sky and screamed at Jetson's head!

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