So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1477: Be captive

The first thousand four hundred and seventy seven chapters were shackled

How fast is the speed of the bullet, and how powerful the power is. Wang Qishan believes that even if he can't get the life of Jetson, he can hurt him. After all, the head is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. If Jetson doesn't hide, he will die if he is not dead!

However, what surprised Wang Qishan was that Jetterson did not seem to realize the danger of his position. He did not ask for a shot from Wang Wangshan, letting the bullet hit him in the face!

"boom"! The bullet shot at Jetson's head and made a muffled sound, but it was like a shot on a rubbery rubber. The cockroach suddenly bounced out and fell into the grass in the night. Trace!

If you say that before Wang Qishan was not injured by Jetson, and even surprised that he did not hurt his best, then it is completely shocking!

People, how could it be invulnerable? The bullet hit the head, but it was like a shot on a piece of rubber. It was quick to open it. Is this possible? But the facts happened in front of Wang Qishan, and he could not help but believe it!

Wang Qishan is not ignorant. On the contrary, the most martial arts family has a little understanding of some secret martial arts. What kind of martial arts such as the gold bell iron shirt and the copper arm are also heard, but this kind of knife and gun can not hurt even the firearms. And the slightest effort, Wang Qishan has never heard of it!

Although there are some mysteries that can be used to exercise the body's tenacity, but it is impossible to exercise the realm of invulnerability. It is not a human being. What is the difference between it and the gods?

However, the things in front of me are really so strange. This Jessson is such a person. Not only can the hidden weapon not hurt him, but even the bullets are bounced out by him.

Although Jateson did not suffer half-point damage, but when he saw Wang Qishan dare to shoot him at this moment, his heart was also very angry, but the face was still cold, and his right arm was extended to Wang Qishan.

Wang Qishan knows the strangeness of Jetson, how dare it? Quickly leaping from the ground, the current use of the butterfly family's scholastic butterfly microsteps, barely escaped Jetson's fierce one!

It’s not that Jackson’s martial arts are so brilliant. On the contrary, he has no way to do it. He’s completely stretched out and grabs it. It’s really too fast and too strong. Lushan’s heart is full of horror. If it’s not for himself, he’s afraid that he’s already captured himself.

In the face of such a monster with incompetence and invulnerability, Wang Qishan is really a little odds! At this moment, he has regretted the extreme. If he knows this, he will not come. Even if he is a member of the Lancer family, why not? I blame myself for being too arrogant and reckless, which has caused the current situation.

"Huh--" Wang Qishan just breathed a sigh of relief, and Jetson’s big hand hit him again. This person seems to be completely unaware of the exhaustion, and there is no need to ease the gap between each stroke. One trick, no interval at all! No matter how large the previous move is, it can be recovered very well to continue the next move!

The cold sweat on Wang's forehead fell, this man is the biggest enemy he encountered in his life. This person has no weakness at all. He wants to kill him. Wang Qishan has no confidence at all. He can escape from the ascension. It is already on the top.

Wang Qishan escaped Jitterson's attack with his own subtle pace, but when he dragged on, he eventually inevitably fell to the end of his knees!

Once in the hands of the Lancer family, Wang Qishan did not dare to imagine how the other would treat himself, whether it was like treating God as usual.

However, if you want to escape, it is impossible, because Jetson simply does not give him a chance to breathe. Wang Qishan does not care, where can he find a chance to escape?

The gunshots and the current fighting voices have already attracted a lot of people from the Lancer family. A group of black guards flocked to the side. Wang Qishan is more and more anxious!

Although the people of these guards alone are not their own opponents at all, but there are many people who can't stand each other. Seeing these people surrounded themselves, Wang Shushan's heart is cold, and he knows that he must not run out today.

Even if you can kill some of these people, it will inevitably slow down your escape. Jetson’s stunned guy can easily grab himself behind his own.

"Wang Qishan old thief, you still don't surrender, you can't surrender? Do you want to stay here and stay here?" Ke Weitan is standing on a high platform not far away, using a loudspeaker to scream at Wang Haoshan in the fight.

For the inability to kill Wang Qishan on the spot, Kwetan’s heart is still very uncomfortable. In his view, those who dare to provoke the Lancer family must give them blood lessons and kill them!

However, Thomas has objections. Since he has already let go, let the big lady of the butterfly family marry his grandson, Gud, who became the father-in-law of his grandson, so that Wang Xishan will be killed. If you drop it, it will be inappropriate. It will be completely endless with the butterfly family. It is impossible for your nephew to marry Wang Xiaoyu.

And Laukoff also felt that Wang Qishan should not be killed and the butterfly family was offended! You know, Jetson can't sit in the Lancer family all the year round. This offends the butterfly family. It is equal to a group of killers. Can you still go on this day? Unless everyone in the Lancer family does not go out, they will have to be assassinated by others when they go out.

Although Ke Weitan did not agree, I felt that as long as the butterfly family was completely scared, they were not afraid that they would not yield, but since the two family elders opposed it, then Keweitan could not go it alone.

Although Solitude was the father of Kevitan, he had been studying Thomas and Laukoff all his life, but he also considered it for a long time, but he chose the oyster Wang Qishan. After all, Raukoff said it makes sense, even if he can The family is completely destroyed. Who knows if they still have hidden power?

When Jessson left, the hidden power of the butterfly family came to revenge, that is the death of the Lancer family! Even if the family is beautiful, it is not a fun thing to be targeted by a group of professional killers.

Ke Weitan also fainted for a while, and heard his father analyzed this, and he had to agree with this suggestion. So through the wireless headset, the issue of oysters Wang Qishan was sent to Jessson, and here Kwetan also began to scream at Wang Qishan.

After Wang Yushan listened to Kwetan’s words, he did not want to kill himself. Instead, he wanted to seize himself? However, if Kwetan’s words, Wang Qishan may not believe it, but the current situation, Wang Qishan is his own knowledge of his own affairs, I am afraid that he can not persist for a long time.

In this distraction, Jetson Yi Yu hit the back of Wang Qishan's head, and when he hit him, he stared at Venus, and his feet were imaginary, and he was stunned by Jetterson.

Wang Qishan sighed in his heart, although he was caught, but Wang Qishan did not have any dissatisfaction. The other party was able to seize himself. This is already within the Wang Yushan prep, and the other party is higher than their own strength. Ding a grade.

Wang Qishan also did not do those unnecessary struggles and resistance, but said to Jetson, who liked the eagle to catch the chicken and lifted himself up: "Let me down, I will go."

But Jessson did not hear the general, still holding Wang Qishan, striding in the direction of Ke Weitan, walking on the way, reaching out to search for Wang Qishan, the previous pistols and hidden weapons and other items All of them were searched and thrown aside.

Wang Qishan was still playing for a while. If he could get close contact with Kwetan, he would wait for him to take him as a hostage, and then he would take this Jetterson and let him back, leaving him a way out. However, this idea was quickly broken by Jetson. The things he carried were thrown out, and Wang Qishan also lost the reliance on Kwetan.

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