So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1478: Intimidate

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-eight chapters

Wang Qishan was taken to the front of Ke Weitan. This is the first time that Wang Qishan has been so insulted, but there is no way, the skill is not as good as people. Even if Wang Qishan is angry, he can’t help it.

The backing of the other side is really too strong, so that Wang Qishan can not produce the idea of ​​resistance. Because Wang Qishan understands that he must not be his opponent.

"Wang Qishan, I didn't expect it, I have already released the news. You dare to kill the door alone. Isn't it timid?" Kwetan sneered at Wang Qishan.

"Hey, Kwetan, if you have anything, just say it, don't say that there is nothing." Wang Qishan's mood at the moment is completely calm. If you don't want to escape, you can think of many other things. The thing is: "I admit, your Lancer family this time the Austrian aid is very strong, I am not his opponent, even in our family, no one is his opponent!" Wang Qishan is very frank, since the skill is not as good as people It is better to admit it.

"It seems that you still have some self-knowledge!" Kwetan listened to the words of Wang Haoshan, and the excitement in his heart: "Ha ha ha ha, Wang Qishan, you did not expect that you have today? Be my prisoner, it is refreshing. ?"

It is no wonder that Kwetan will be somewhat smug, which is normal. Before the Lancer family was forced by the butterfly family for so long, it is easy to turn over. How can it be unhappy? Therefore, taking the opportunity to satirize Wang Qishan’s sentence is also a normal thing.

"Kwetan, although I admit that I failed today, I also underestimated the power of your Lancer family. However, if you want to leave my life, I am afraid it is not so easy?" Wang Qishan is not stupid, seeing each other. Without killing himself on the spot, there must be scruples, so that Wang Haoshan is relieved.

"Wang Qishan, what do you think is too naive? I will bring you over, not to kill you, but to let you know, offending our Lancer family!" Ke Weitan saw Wang Haoshan so calm The heart is full of anger.

"If you want to kill me, you can just do it, but I don't think you will kill me." Wang Yishan said faintly: "Although none of our butterfly family can compete with Jetson." The opponent, but I don't believe that Jetson will stay here to protect your Lanser family for a lifetime, not to leave half a step! Otherwise, after I die, the butterfly family's killers will not end with the Lancer family!"

"Don't die?" Ke Weitan saw Wang Qishan so fearless and more angry: "A good one is not dead, I let Jetson cousin destroy the full door of your butterfly family, I see you How can I not die with me!"

"Oh, whatever." Wang Qishan is not afraid at all: "As long as you can find the power of all the butterfly families and the tangled relationship, and destroy them all, then naturally they will sit back and relax. Otherwise, hey, you can Imagine it."

In Wang Shushan’s words, it was obviously full of threats. This made Ke Weitan’s heart startled. He lost his decision to kill Wang Qishan. Otherwise, it would always be a big trouble. Think about it. The feeling of being stared at by a group of killers does not seem to bode well.

However, although I think so in my heart, it is only on the surface that Kwetan does not want to admit: "Do not kill you, just because my cousin is going to marry your daughter, and the two become relatives. How do you do it for you?"

"Hey my daughter?" Wang Qishan sneered aloud: "This is impossible, my daughter is already engaged, you still dismiss this idea."

"How about engagement, isn't you still married?" Keweitan said indifferently: "Wang Xiaoshan, I have time, but your time is not much, you think about it, if your family sees you missing. How will it be done? Hahaha, will your daughter come to the door? However, I don’t mind if I use it to be strong, so you still have to think about it yourself, do you want to be with us? Family turned face!"

"Kwetan, hello!" After Wang Weishan listened to Kwetan's words, his heart was cold, and he disappeared. With Wang Xiaoyu's temper, it is impossible to be willing to give up, and he will definitely come to the door. At that time, as long as this Jeter Sen is here, I will be able to leave Wang Xiaoyan, even Yang Ming. If you want to say that your daughter is not living like Kwetan!

However, letting her marry Gourde is also a million impossible. Wang Qishan really has a dilemma. Think about the owner of his own butterfly family, but it is not coercive and there is no way to do it. It is really a shackle. very.

"Take him first, wait until he wants to understand it!" Ke Weitan knew that Wang Qishan was doing things in his heart at the moment, and did not force him. Anyway, the Lanser family has already gained the upper hand, and it is not Fear of something, let him slowly want to go.

"Yes!" A well-prepared disciple, who ran out to tie Wang Qishan's hands and feet, then carried him down and shut down the Lanser family's own prison.

This prison room was built by the Lancer family to punish the disciples who made the mistakes and shut them up. I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

Jing Xiaoying, Violent Sanli and Xu Xiaobin were anxiously waiting for the news of Liu Meimei in the hotel. The three people didn't have an umbrella when they went out to hang out, sitting in the hotel room and waiting for the phone quietly.

A rush of phone rings, Jing Xiaoyu quickly picked up the phone "Hello, I am Jing Xiaoyu-"

"Jing Jing, I am Liu Meimei." Liu Meimei already knows the plan of Grandpa, so the voice of the speech has become flustered. This time, it is not a good thing to be able to send to Songjiang to work. I am also an opportunity to exercise.

"Liu Director, hello!" Jing Xiaoyu said: "Things, is there any progress?"

"The chairman has decided to re-sign the contract with you, and the person in charge of this cooperation is me, everything about Songjiang, I will be responsible for it later." Liu Meimei said: "You wait for me, I will arrive soon."

"That's great," Jing Xiao said. "Then we are at the hotel, waiting for you."

Half an hour later, Liu Meimei appeared in the hotel. After Jing Xiaoying and others were pleasantly surprised to shake hands, Liu Tsao said something that made everyone laugh: "For some time in the future, I will be with you in Songjiang." However, the directors decided that I would be the general manager of the Songjiang branch and be fully responsible for this cooperation."

Having said that, Liu Meimei seems to have thought of something. Turning around, he apologized to Xu Xiaobin: "Perhaps, if you grab the previous position of Manager Xu, would you have any idea?"

"How come?" Xu Xiaobin shook his head. This time he was able to spend this robbery. He is already satisfied. As for the position of the general manager of the branch office, it is not worth mentioning.

If you let Liu Shumei do it, there is still some enthusiasm for negotiating with the group. If you change yourself, Liu Yannan does not necessarily have to blame himself.

"However, the newly established company will still give you a high-level position." Liu Mei said: "This time things are all made by Liu Jifei, you belong to being innocent, but you also I know who the people behind Liu Jifei are, so I can't change him for the time being. If you are still angry with him, I suggest that you still have to let it go and say it later."

Liu's thrush concealed the grievance between Xu Xiaobin and Liu Jifei, reminding him that if you want to revenge Liu Jifei, don't worry, after all, when Liu Jifei is gaining power, he can't move him.

Others, Liu Meimei is not easy to say, can not say that Liu Yannan may be taken by the father one day, and by that time, it is easy for you to deal with Liu Jifei.

"Liu director, I understand, you can rest assured, I will not trouble the company." Xu Xiaobin smiled bitterly, he also understood that the grudge between himself and Liu Jifei is not a good solution, but now he has no strength to go Revenge Liu Jifei.

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