So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1479: Being happy

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-nine chapters are being happy

The car of Liu Thrush is a red Audi a4l, which does not seem arrogant. It is reasonable to say that it is normal to open a sports car with the identity of a rich family like Liu Mei, but from this point it can be seen that Liu Thrush In fact, it is a very low-key person.

"Liu Director, after you left, what about the work on the other side of the group?" Although Jing Xiaoyu felt that he was so awkward, he couldn't help but ask. Looking at the look of Liu Thrush, I am planning to go to Songjiang, and Jiangyan City obviously does not intend to come back, so will it affect her work?

"The finance department was temporarily handed over to my eldest brother Liu Yannan." Liu Meimei smiled slightly: "Although I also serve as the position of financial controller, in fact, there is not much me."

"Ah?" Jing Xiaoyu gave a slight glimpse, but some of them couldn't understand it. How did Liu Meimei look like a bright and dark drop this time? And that Liu Yannan, after being hit a bit, not only did not lose power, but instead was responsible for the Finance Department, what is the ghost inside the Jiangyan Group?

"Do you think that I was so darkened by the Ming Dynasty?" Liu Meimei saw Jing Xiaoyu's reaction, and the heart leader smiled and knew what she was thinking.

"There is indeed this feeling." Jing Xiaoyu did not conceal, nodded honestly.

"My father's decision, I have no way." Liu thrush shrugged: "However, it is not a good thing to come out and exercise."

"It’s also true." When Jing Xiaoyu saw Liu’s thrush, it seemed to have another hidden feeling. It’s not good to ask more questions. In the end, these are all personal matters of the family, and it’s not good to come out and say: “We wish us In the days to come, enjoy cooperation!"

“Happy cooperation!” Liu Tshou smiled and said: “I don’t need to call me Liu’s director anymore. Just call me an eyebrow. We are also people on the same line.”

"Well, then, after the thrush, I will call me a little sister." Jing Xiaoyi happily agreed. The age of the willow thrush should be slightly larger than that of Jing Xiaoyu, so Jing Xiaoyu called it the thrush sister.

"Yes, Xiao Yan, I went to Songjiang, I haven't settled yet. You are the landlord. Find a better hotel for me. Let's pack a room first?" Liu Thrush has no place to live in Songjiang, but this time I went to Songjiang. I have to stay for a long time, so I plan to find a better hotel to stay in a room for a while.

"Hey, when it comes to the hotel, that's easy." Jing Xiaoyu said with a smile: "Songjiang International Hotel is our famous company. I told them to open a private room for you. The cost is even ours.

"Oh? Your company, do you have a hotel industry?" After listening to Jing Xiaoyu's words, Liu's thrush was a slight glimpse. She did not expect that her career in Songjiang was not small, and there were subordinate hotels. When investigating the background of the famous security company, Liu Meimei did not see any enterprises under the security company?

When Jing Xiaoyu saw the expression of Liu Meimei, she knew that it was the investigation of the background and asset structure of the famous security company before Liu Meimei. Then she smiled and explained: "The eyebrows sister, in fact, we are famous for security companies and famous entertainment development. Ltd. is a set of two management companies. Because of the special nature of the security company, it must be affiliated with the police, so there is no connection with Mingyang Entertainment.

"This is the case!" Liu Meimei listened to Jing Xiaoyu's explanation and looked at it. It seems that he underestimated the strength of the other party. "Since you are the host, then I am welcome!"

"Dangdang." Jing Xiaoyu does not want Liu Yemei to be too talented. After all, for a long time, both of them are partnerships.

Jiangyan Group, from the moment when Liu Meimei went to Songjiang, the wind direction changed. Many people who were waiting to see each other fell to the camp of Liu Yuannan.

Liu Meimei was ups and downs, and Liu Yannan was improperly employed, but he still took over the power of the company's finance department. This had to be said to have gone beyond many people's expectations.

Originally, Liu Yannan was a person who was fascinated at the moment. Once Liu Chengnan succeeded in the upper position, he would definitely have a big cleansing inside the company. At that time, it was a good opportunity for these people to be in the upper position.

And those who are not a family of Liu Yannan, at this moment everyone is in danger, thinking about whether it is going to fall to the camp of Liu Yannan. For a time, Liu Yuannan’s right to speak in Jiangyan Group suddenly rose to a considerable height. Even the younger brother Liu Yan, who had never dealt with Liu Yannan before, was also far from the front.

On the board of directors, Liu Yuannan gradually gained the right to speak. Even Liu Zhi, who is the president, has to pay attention to his son's opinion in many cases! Because, along the old man, Liu Jiang seems to be playing a strange phenomenon! Most of the suggestions put forward by Liu Yannan are reasonable and unreasonable. Liu Jiang has basically opened a green light along the old man!

This unusual signal has made many people who are still hesitant to start preparing for the team's direction -

Songjiang, a new **** company was formally established. It was invested by the famous security company 150 million, accounting for 51% of the shares. Jiangyan City Jiangyan Group invested 120 million yuan, plus the initial stage of the company. Personnel training, accounting for 49%.

It seems that the Jiangyan Group seems to be a big bargain, but this is also a well-thought-out decision after the study of Jing Xiaoyu and Violent Sanli. The turn of the matter is all about the Liu Mei, and if it is not Liu Mei, it may still be deadlocked. . Therefore, Jing Xiaoyu does not mind eating a little loss to Liu Meimei.

Moreover, although the famous security company has a dominant position in the newly established company, it has never carried out a similar business. The initial operation and **** team relied on the recruitment and training of Jiangyan Group.

The newly established company was named Mingjiang Escort Co., Ltd., with Jing Xiaoying as the executive president, Xu Xiaobin as the executive vice president, Liu Meimei as the director of the funder, and the chairman of the board of directors.

On the Jiangyan Group, although Liu Yannan is now in the limelight, there is no branch office on the Songjiang side. For the loan arbitrage team submitted by Liu Meimei and the request for loaning some trainers, Liu Biannan is very refreshing. The reply was approved.

I don't know because he thinks that Liu Meimei is no longer able to pose any threat to him, or because Liu Jiang is still along with his father. He dare not do too much. In short, everything is safe. There is a riverside group in Songjiang. Branch office, everything goes smoothly.

This made Xu Xiaobin, who was still worried about it, breathe a sigh of relief. He originally thought about whether he would leave the group for a while and temporarily avoid the limelight. After all, Liu Jifei failed to succeed in the deputy director of the finance department, also because of Xu Xiaobin. thing.

Although Liu Jifei is not in the upper position, it is still the red man in front of Liu Yannan, so Xu Xiaobin is afraid that this guy will retaliate against himself. However, it seems that Liu Jifei seems to have disappeared from the public. He has never appeared in public, nor has he taken any trouble with Liu’s hand.

Including his own position as the executive vice president of the Mingjiang **** company, Liu Biannan did not say a little bit of unwillingness, etc. This is to make Xu Xiaobin wonder, is this Liu Yannan really forgotten things, I am too lazy to care about this little person?

In short, all this is developing in a good direction, and Jing Xiaoyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. In the case that Yang Ming was not at home, he independently completed this single cooperative business. Although there have been many twists and turns during the period, I almost fell into a big trap set by the other party, but fortunately, it is still in the end!

Otherwise, even if Yang Ming does not say anything, Jing Xiaoyu will not feel good in his heart. Now, this matter is completely solved by its own strength. If you want to come, Yang Ming can also look at himself with his own eyes?

Sitting in the spacious and bright office, Jing Xiaoying narcissistically looked at himself in the screen of the mobile phone, finally, not a vase. He can also help his career. However, there is still a big gap between him and his woman who can't live without him. It seems that he still needs to work hard!

I hope that I can do it myself. One day, when Yang Ming really discovered that he could not lack himself, Jing Xiaoyu knew that it was his true happiness.

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