So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1498: Good news

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-eight chapters

Ai Luozhen, the butterfly family.

Since Yang Ming left, everyone has fallen into a faint mourning atmosphere.

When Wang Qishan left, everyone was still as usual, but this time it was different, because Wang Qishan could already be sure that he was trapped in the Lancer family, and Yang Ming was going to rescue him!

Fang Tian, ​​Wang Weishui, and Mu Guanjia are still sitting in the conference room, but now there is another Wang Xiaoyan. A few people, including lunch and dinner, were sent by the servants in the family. They just ate a few mouthfuls and everyone had no thoughts.

For Yang Ming's strength, Fang Tian and Wang Xiaoyu are very familiar. Although Yang Ming is more confident, but his confidence is not great, because after all, Wang Qishan has been captured, and Yang Ming is still good to go?

Although Wang Xiaoying was worried about her father's safety, she also did not want Yang Ming to have an accident. She did not want Yang Ming to go, but Yang Ming's mind was decided. She could only silently wish Yang Ming to return safely.

"Hey, we have eaten a few things, so you haven't eaten anything from noon to now. This can't be done, don't starve the body!" Wang Weishui looked worriedly at the prostitute and advised.

"I am not hungry." Wang Xiaoqiang smiled a little and said: "You eat, without his news, I can't eat anything..."

Wang Wei Shui sighed and no longer persuaded. In fact, she did not have any deep feelings for Yang Ming, but she also worried about the worried look of Fang Tian and Wang Xiaoying.

The weak water of the king is very clear. This is the proud disciple of his own lover Fang Tian. He is also the lover of his own niece. If Yang Ming is in trouble, these two people will not be happy, so for these two people, Wang Weishui also remembers Yang Ming came.

Mu Guanjia and Wang Weishui's mind are almost the same, more concerned about the safety of Wang Qishan, but for Missy, Mu Butler still hopes that Yang Ming can be safe.

"Is there any news yet?" Mu Butler pressed the button on the caller's call and asked the disciples responsible for the intelligence on duty.

"Not yet." The disciple on duty said: "Our people are already in the vicinity of the Ai Luozhen highway. As soon as the grandfather's car comes over, we will report it immediately."

Mu Butler sighed, the butterfly family did not arrange anyone in the Lancer family's power, so it is almost impossible to get the information there, only waiting at the highway.

"Let's wait," Mu Guanjia smiled at Wang Xiaoxiao, who was disappointed. "Let's watch TV for a while, soothe nervous emotions."

"What's good about TV..." Wang Xiaoyan shook his head and said that he was not interested.

Fang Tian and Wang Weishui are also indifferent, and obviously have no interest in this.

However, in order to adjust the current tense atmosphere, Mu Butler has turned the TV on, and there is a TV series in it, but obviously everyone is not in the mood to see it.

"The following is an important news. The Lanser family in Wuting Town has a major explosion at 22 o'clock tonight, causing many deaths. The number of deaths and the cause of the explosion are yet to be investigated."

Lancer family! When the people in the conference room heard the words of the Lancer family, they immediately came to the spirit and looked at the TV in the same time. When they heard the explosion of the Lancer family, they were shocked!

Because everyone is not stupid, the subconscious mind thinks that this explosion must have a relationship with Yang Ming, but I don’t know, is Yang Ming and Wang Qishan safe under such a major explosion?

"Yang Ming started, I don't know if I will rescue Wang Laotou, and I managed to escape from that place..." Fang Tian's eyes stared at the TV screen, hoping to see something from it.

"I hope Yang Ming can return safely..." Wang Weishui said.

"Dangdang--" There was a rush of knocking at the door of the conference room that interrupted everyone's arguments.

Mu Butler frowned, who is going to knock at this time? Even if there are things in the door, the disciples and servants will use the intercom system to report first, and they will not knock at the door so rashly.

"Who is it?" Mu Butler asked.

"It's me, old Buffon, there is important news, open the door." Old Buffon's voice came from outside the door, and seemed to be excited.

Hearing the old Buffon’s voice, Mu’s wrinkled brow slowly loosened and stood up to open the door of the conference room. Old Buffon immediately rushed in: “There is good news!”

"What?" Everyone was a glimpse, and then looked at the old Buffon with a look of anticipation. Everyone knows that after Yang Ming left, although old Buffon did not come to the conference room, he has been privately concerned about Yang Ming’s safety. He kept on the phone in the living room.

Wang Xiaoxuan knew that he was also worried about Yang Ming’s affairs. He told him to come to the conference room and wait for the news. However, the old Buffon refused the good intention of Wang Xiaoying because he thought that the butterfly family might say something to avoid, he was next to an outsider. not convenient.

For the attitude of the old Buffon, Wang Xiaoyu is very pleased. I feel that Yang Ming really did not accept this apprentice. From his attitude towards Yang Ming, he should be really respectful of Yang Ming.

"Old Buffon, is there any good news?" Wang Xiaoyu knew that the old Buffon was not the one who had no intention of opening the river, so the first one calmed down and asked.

"Shi Niang, Shizu--" Lao Buffeng once said hello to the people in the house, "I have already got the exact news from the Wuting Town Police Station. The bodies found in the Lancer family are not strange. The body is there, so..."

"That is, Yang Ming and his father are all safe and sound?" Wang Xiaoyu immediately realized what he had heard after the words of Lao Buffeng, and he had a touch of excitement and joy in his eyes.

"Oh, it should be like this!" Lao Buffeng said with a smile: "My mother, my master is too powerful, and actually gave the Lancer family to the genocide! The police in Wuting Town have confirmed the identity of the deceased, all They are all inside the Lancer family. They have their homeowners Kwetan, the elders Thomas, Solitude, Laukoff, and the juniors of all the families. It’s really nothing left, all dead, haha!”

"What? All dead?" Wang Xiaoyu looked up in horror, looking at the old Buffon incredulously, it seems that some do not believe this fact.

"Destroyed?" Fang Tian is also almost **** sitting on the ground! He is very clear about Yang Ming's strength, although it is not worse than Wang Haoshan, but it should not be stronger than Wang Qishan, but Yang Mingyi shot, actually gave the Lanser family to destroy the family? This is too shocking?

"Yeah, it is Master, it is more powerful than Wang Shizu. This Lanser family has been wiped out since then!" Lao Buffeng is a Chinese-style passer. The Chinese language is very good. He learned a new word "to force" and used it all the time.

Since there are no Yang Ming and Wang Qishan in the body of the Lanser family, and they have been destroyed, it can be 100% determined that Yang Ming did, and Yang Ming and Wang Qishan have been safely out of danger. Everyone is relieved, but they are relieved. All face each other!

Indeed, as old Buffon said, Yang Ming is too powerful, really a super fierce person, directly destroying people's homes.

However, the people present were all from the killer. For the family of the Lancer family, there was no sympathy. This is the unspoken rule of the weak meat. Since you have the ability to find things, you have to be found. Thought preparation.

"Is the matter a bit too big?" After the excitement, Mu Butler regained his calmness: "Although Yang Ming and his family can't leave any evidence, but to say the grievances of our butterfly family and the Lancer family, this is Things that are well known to the upper class, I am afraid that the police will have to suspect that we will come up sooner or later?"

When the housekeeper said, the people in the conference room suddenly fell into meditation. Indeed, although the butterfly family is a killer family, it belongs to the existence of the local law. However, this time it is too big, not killing one or two people. It is a family that has been destroyed. If other families are ruined and pressured by the police, then the butterfly family will not be better.

"Is there anything to worry about?" After listening to the words of the housekeeper, Lao Buffeng smiled slightly. "Please rest assured, I have already greeted the police. This matter has been characterized as an accident. No one will find Master and the Butterfly family in trouble."

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