So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1499: Douglas family reaction

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-nine chapters of the Douglas family reaction

In the eyes of everyone, it is very difficult to settle things. Old Buffon has solved it with an understatement. It is conceivable that the influence of Lao Buffon in the locality is large.

Fang Tian couldn’t help but move. This Yang Ming’s disciples, who seem to be usually collected, are so dedicated! Fang Tian secretly said that Yang Ming’s luck is good.

"Although I haven't got the specific news from Yang Ming and my brother, I heard the news from Mr. Lao Buffeng. I want to come and they have left safely. Are we all ready to hold a celebration feast to celebrate the return of the little heroes?" After hearing the news that Yang Ming and his brother had nothing to do, the water was loose and looked at the people still sitting in the conference room, so he suggested.

"This is a good idea!" Mu Butler nodded in favor: "Just, Yang Ming and his family have not yet contacted the family, and some of them are not practical!"

After Wang Xiaoyu heard it, he thought it was. After all, with the exact news, it can be confirmed that Yang Ming is really nothing. What he sees now is just performance.

On the road, Wang Qishan couldn't help but feel the excitement in his heart and called the family. The phone was just connected, and someone was picking up there.

"Hey? Is it the owner?" Mu Guanjia is worried about the exact news without Wang Qishan and Yang Ming. Here, Wang Qishan’s phone came in.

"Mu Guanjia, I have nothing to do with Yang Ming. On the way back, give us some delicious food. I haven't had a good meal for a few days!" Wang Qishan said with ease.

"Okay, my homeowner, I am telling the servants to prepare, I can get the news that you are returning safely. It’s great!" Mu Guan’s look swept away before the haze, joyfully said.

"Yang Ming is okay?" Wang Xiaoyu couldn't hear the voice inside the phone. He only listened to the words of the housekeeper. The phone was called by his father, but he was safe, but without Yang Ming's news, Wang Xiaoyan was naturally anxious.

"Oh, hey, come on the phone, I will tell the servants to prepare the dishes and welcome the return of the family." Mu Guanjia saw Wang Xiaoyu's anxious look, smiled and handed the phone to Wang Xiaoyu.

"Hey, Dad? How are you?" Wang Xiaoyu took the call. I am embarrassed to ask Yang Ming's safety directly. Although I know that my father is definitely not doing anything, I still care about it.

"I? Of course!" Wang Xiaoshan said with a narrow smile: "Hey, how do you care about Dad coming? I just heard it, you only care about Yang Ming's safety?"

Wang Xiaoyan didn't expect his father to hear what he had just said. He suddenly turned red and said: "I don't know if you have nothing, so I asked Yang Ming."

"Yang Ming, he is driving, very good," Wang Xiaoshan said with a smile: "Do you want to talk to him?"

"Then don't need it... wait until you come back." Hearing that Yang Ming was driving, Wang Xiaoyu did not say anything more. After all, safety is still the first.

Shortly after hanging up the phone, the disciples of the butterfly family came to inform, and the Douglas family came!

"The people of the Douglas family are coming?" Mu Guanjia listened to the disciple's report and gave a slight glimpse: "How did they come?"

"Maybe I also got the news from the Lancer family. Come here to show it?" Fang Tian chuckled: "Gude is dead, but the other party will never be a sinner if the other party does not Stupid words."

"This is also true." Mu Butler agreed: "Then ask the people of the Douglas family to come in, I have to see what they are doing."

In the reception hall of Butterfly Fort, a man in his fifties wearing a black suit sat down on the sofa and saw the housekeeper and other people coming in. He quickly stood up and said: "Mu Guanjia-" And locked his eyes on Wang Weishui’s body: "This is always the sister of the royal family?"

Wang Wei Shui nodded slightly, and did not answer, but sitting on the side of the path, but the Mu Butler knows the identity of the coming person: "Elder Genna? I don't know if you came to us at this time, what are you doing?"

Genna is the chief elder of the Douglas family and is the brother of the current owner. After the Lanser family was destroyed, the Douglas family received the news the first time!

Because the Douglas family and the Lancer family belong to the in-law relationship, there are several good servants in the Lancer family. After the Lancer family accident, the Douglas family also received the death of Goode, which made the Douglas family The homeowner is angry, but feels deep fear and powerlessness!

If only Goode had an accident, then the Douglas family said that they would also go to the Butterfly family to discuss it, but the Lancer family was directly destroyed by the family, which made the Douglas family have no intention of rebelling!

He asked himself that the Douglas family is not stronger than the Lancer family. On the contrary, it is much worse. Even the Lansell family can easily be eliminated. So what does a Douglas family think?

Therefore, even if you want to take revenge, it is impossible. Before absolute strength, everything is a cloud. Although his son died in white, the Douglas owner did not dare to complain at all. Who makes people stronger than themselves?

This thing, I am afraid I can only swallow my teeth and swallow my teeth. However, when he was swallowed up, the great elder Genna suggested that he should hurry up to show up with the butterfly family and have a relationship with the Lancer family.

After all, the fuse of the whole thing is caused by Goode. Although Goode is the grandson of Thomas, and the Lancer family is in the first place, in the final analysis, Goode is a person of the Douglas family!

After the butterfly family destroyed the Lancer family, it is difficult to prevent the spearhead from pointing to the Douglas family. One is also extinct, and the two are the same. I am afraid that the time will be the death of the Douglas family!

The Douglas homeowner who was angry with his son’s death was reminded by Genna, and he was not irritated. If you carefully ponder it, it is indeed the case. If the butterfly family really comes back, what is the Douglas family? ?

However, let a family owner who had just been killed by others take the initiative to show up with the butterfly family. This is why Douglas’s owner can’t do it. He is afraid that when he arrives, he will break the big thing.

Thus, the great elder Genna represented the Douglas family and came to visit the butterfly family.

"Oh, Mu Butler, don't know the king's family, is it at home?" Genna asked politely.

"Home Owner?" Mu Butler's face was cold and gloomy: "Where is the owner of the house, will the Genna elders not know?"

"This--" Genna didn't think that the housekeeper would be so direct, and he did not mercilessly return a sentence. This made Ghana, who was ready to sing a few words and then choose the purpose, some chaos, but Genna is not a human being. When the old man became fine and slightly indulged, he said: "If you don't care about the housekeeper, the previous things are indeed too much for the little 侄古德."

"Why, Elder Gener, so to speak, are you coming to the teacher to ask for sin?" Mu Butler asked coldly.

"Don't dare?" Genna smiled bitterly, and it seems that this housekeeper is really difficult to match! "Goode, he can't live, he is all self-satisfied, and our Douglas family has already decided to go, to avoid the identity of the first heir in the Good family, and to evict the Douglas family forever, so the life and death of Goode, There is nothing to do with our Douglas family!"

After the housekeeper listened to the sneer in the heart, everyone died, only to say these words, this ancient virtue is also unlucky, so soon became a deserted child. However, he was able to sin himself for himself, and if he died, he would be dead.

I thought so in my heart, but the butler on the face did not say anything: "Is it true? I was thinking about the death of Goode, how to explain it to your Douglas family. It seems that there is no need to explain it now."

Genna smiled a bit and smiled. "This is exactly the case. As long as the king's family is all well, I will be relieved. Since the owner is not at home, please ask the housekeeper to convey the position of our Douglas family!"

"Oh? What position?" Mu Butler knows well, but knows why.

"Our Douglas family and the butterfly family coexist in the town of Airo. We will not do anything to undermine the friendship between the two parties. This time it is the behavior of individuals in private, but we still have to say sorry, such things will not be in the future. It happened again!" Genna said abruptly.

"Well, if you are an elder of Genna, I will pass it on to the owner. Please rest assured." Mu Butler nodded and responded.

"So, then let's leave before you, don't bother you." Genna saw that his purpose had been reached, and he stayed short, and got up and prepared to leave.

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