So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1500: center

The first thousand five hundred chapter center

"Dr., Jessson lost contact with the central computer!" A researcher wearing blue sterile overalls and glasses anxiously pushed the door of Dr. Benjamin's office and said in a hurry.

"Lost contact? What happened? Lex?" Dr. Benjamin was also somewhat dissatisfied with the fact that his assistant suddenly broke into the room to disturb his work, but he was shocked when he heard his words and asked quickly.

"Five fifteen minutes ago, the terminal system inside Jateson's body suddenly broke the signal connection with the central computer," the researcher named Lex explained: "At the beginning, I thought it was a communication failure, and there was no Careful, I tried to reconnect, but after a few connections, I didn’t succeed. I realized that something seemed to be unexpected. So I opened the GPS positioning system and looked for Jitterson’s position, but it was unexpected. Found that gps can not be located, can not find the gps chip in Jetson's body!"

“Trying to contact Jeter’s call?” Dr. Benjamin, after listening to Lex’s words, couldn’t help but frown.

"Trying, the other party did not respond!" Lex replied: "Dr., did Jessson escape the chip after removing the chip inside the body?"

"No." Dr. Benjamin waved his hand: "Since a central robot escape event three years ago, I changed the structure inside their body and solidified the gps chip and communication terminal chip together. Inside the central processor, unless the central processor is destroyed, you can't disable any of the two chips alone! Once the central processor is destroyed, the whole robot except the brain, other parts of the body They are not controlled, and they will stop the work of the nutrient supply system and cause brain death."

"So, it's not that Jetson himself broke off the connection with the central computer?" Lex asked in confusion.

"Yes, the secret of this central processor, Jetson is also very clear, he will not do this stupid thing equivalent to suicide, it must be a problem in other links." Dr. Benjamin said affirmatively.

"Is it going to be a problem with the central processor itself?" Lex asked.

"There is this possibility, but the current situation is not the case. In addition to a main central processing unit, Jetson has a spare processor. After the main processor has a problem, the standby processor will automatically take over. The function of the main processor, so even if there is a problem with the main processor, we can contact Jetson as well. There is almost no possibility that the two processors have problems at the same time," said Dr. Benjamin.

"You ask the intelligence department to investigate what the Lanser family is!" Dr. Benjamin naturally knows where Jetterson is going, and handles some private matters before performing the task. It is also acquiescence to Dr. Benjamin.

"Yes, Ph.D., let me investigate." Lex nodded and quickly got out of Dr. Benjamin's office.

Dr. Benjamin, after Lex left, his brow was locked tighter! Jetterson is a robot he designed and built by himself. No one knows Jetterson's strength better than him! This is the latest technology product, which has a significant improvement over the previous generation of robots. This is the success of Dr. Benjamin after the failure of many experiments. And Jetson suddenly lost contact, and Dr. Benjamin’s heart suddenly had an ominous premonition.

As he said before, the possibility of simultaneous problems with the two central processors is almost zero, so that Jessson either cuts off the connection with the central computer by a unique means, or is already ruined.

Thinking of the possibility that Jatson may have been destroyed, Dr. Benjamin’s mouth twitched! This is his hard work for many years! Although it is said that there is technology in the hands, it is not impossible to manufacture some such robots, but because the manufactured components are too scarce and expensive, the manufacturing process is very complicated, and it is not how much you want to do. Except for a finished product of Jetterson, the others are some semi-finished products. Even if they are assembled into finished products, debugging takes a lot of effort.

"Dr., Lancer family, was annihilated!" Lex quickly returned to the lab and came to Dr. Benjamin's office, and was shocked.

"What?" Dr. Benjamin was shocked when he heard Lex's words: "Is it destroyed? What do you mean?"

"Just tonight, around 22 o'clock, the Lancer family had an accidental explosion. All members of the Lancer family were killed. Although it was an official news, it was an accident, but our own channel has already Understood, this is a man-made accident, it should be done by the butterfly family," Lex explained.

"Man-made? Killing the family? So, under the protection of Jetson, the Lancer family still has not escaped the fate of being destroyed?" Dr. Benjamin’s face instantly became gloomy: "And Jetson, too In this explosion..."

"There is this possibility..." Lex said with a wry smile: "Dr., but the intelligence department said that Jetterson's body was not found."

"There is no body..." Dr. Benjamin’s eyes suddenly passed a glimmer of hope, but quickly dimmed again: "Maybe, it has been discovered by the people of the butterfly family, and it is possible to take the body away." ""

"Butterfly family?" Lex had a stern color on his face: "Dr., are we going to give them some color to look at? People who dare to move our center!"

“The people in the center?” Dr. Benjamin sneered aloud: “Lex, don’t be too arrogant, what about the center? Outside, the name of our center is not scary! Moreover, since the butterfly family has a counter The power of Terson, we rushed to take the shot, not asking for it?"

Lexton was shocked and suddenly woke up. Yes, since the butterfly family can kill a Jetterson, then the center is no longer an enemy. It is indeed unwise.

At this moment, Yang Ming did not know that the center had already targeted the butterfly family. Before that, he thought that he did not know what he was doing, and that Jederson was killed. The center would not be able to do it in a short time. Find your head right away.

Because Yang Ming thought that Jessson came out privately for the Lanser family, and he did it through the center. The center did not know his whereabouts. So even if Jetson is dead, the center finds that he is missing. It is impossible to know that Jitterson died in the Lancer family in a short time, but he did not expect that Dr. Benjamin knew about Jetterson’s whereabouts. .

"The butterfly family, which was not in the eyes before, has to pay attention to it now!" Dr. Benjamin reached out to open a pager on the computer screen and started calling the Falcon.

"Dr., what is the matter?" The "Falcon" far away from China heard the voice of the call, and quickly took out the handheld computer. Seeing that the doctor called himself, he replied quickly.

"Falcon, Jetson has some problems, life and death are unknown, can't help you, can't help you, the action on your side, let it go." Dr. Benjamin sighed and sent a message.

"What! Mr. Jatson has a problem?" The Falcon was shocked, but his eyes showed a lot of disappointment.

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