So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1508: The other party is very arrogant

The first thousand five hundred and eighty chapters are very arrogant

Inside the phone, a lot of things were unclear. Yang Ming did not ask, and hung up the phone. He directly told Hou Zhentao: "Go to the nightmare."

"Yang Ge, I listened to the phone, you said that the nightmare was kidnapped? What happened? Do you want me to tell the brothers to investigate?" Hou Zhenyu also heard from Yang Ming when he called May 7 8 I also know that Chen Mengyu was kidnapped.

"You don't have to wait, let me go and ask the situation and say it." Yang Ming waved his hand: "The father of the nightmare is the director of the police station. The channel of the news is naturally no less than us, so I still have to wait to find out what is going on. "Hou Zhenhao nodded and did not say anything."

Is Chen Mengyu kidnapped? What the **** is going on? Before leaving, but sent Victoria to Chen Mengxi's side, with Victoria's skill, can someone someone kidnap Chen Mengxi in front of her? Still holding the hand of Chen Meng when the Victoria is not ready?

However, all this can only wait for Chen Mengying's family to meet with Lin Yuyun and other people before they can know the truth.

Hearing that Chen Mengyu had an accident, Hou Zhenyu also consciously speeded up the speed. He had several red lights on the road. However, this car belongs to the newly established **** company. Although it is a civilian license, it is a police car system and no one. stop.

The car stopped directly in the downstairs of Chen Meng's home. Yang Ming accidentally discovered that there were many police cars parked here. Although this is the family hospital of the police station, the number of police cars stopped in the yard during the day. It can also indicate that something unusual has happened.

After Hou Zhenyu stopped the car, he said to Yang Ming: "Yang Ge, let me go up, are you waiting for you here?"

"Go up together, you know everyone anyway." Yang Ming thought about it, then said.

Hou Zhenduo nodded, locked the car, and then walked into the unit building of Chen Mengyu's house with Yang Ming. After coming to the floor where Chen Mengyu’s home was located, Yang Ming unexpectedly discovered that the door of Chen Meng’s family was open at the moment. At the door stood two policemen who took the door and saw Yang Ming coming in, a slight glimpse, asked: "Who are you looking for?"

However, immediately, the police saw Hou Zhenzhen behind Yang Ming and quickly said: "Hou, how come you?"

"This is the son-in-law of Chen Bureau, the boyfriend of nightmare." Hou Zhenxiao smiled and introduced Yang Minglai.

Hou Zhenduo and violent San Li often appear in the police station, so the people in the police station basically know him, but not many people know Yang Ming, only the people of the criminal investigation team know, and these two people obviously have not seen Yang Ming before. .

"Oh? It turned out to be Yang Ming, please come in!" These two people apparently heard about Yang Ming, but they have not seen it. When they heard that Yang Ming, they quickly let the body open and let Yang Ming enter the room.

"Where is Chen Shu?" Yang Ming was nervous about the safety of Chen Mengyu, and he did not have the heart to think about what the two men were chilling, but asked directly.

"Chen Bureau is sitting in the bureau, can't come, but the summer team of the criminal investigation team is inside, and the lover of Chen Bureau is also there." The policeman replied quickly.

Yang Ming nodded and quickly walked into the living room. He saw Chen Mu, Xia Xue, Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia and several police officers all looked at the phone on the sofa anxiously, seemingly waiting for something.

"Aunt Chen, how is the nightmare? What is going on?" Yang Ming sat on the sofa opposite Chen's mother and asked quickly.

"Yang Ming, you are coming." Chen Mu saw Yang Ming coming over, barely smiled, and then still worried about the color of his face: "Small aunt was kidnapped..."

"Abducted" Yang Ming glanced at the inside of the living room, but did not find Victoria's figure, so I looked at Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia: "What about Chen Mengxi?" "She and Meng Yujie, together with the culprits took away..." Lin Xiaoyun whispered Said.

I want to come, Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia's identity, Chen Mu knows well, Xia Xue is also very clear, but other people present, they are regarded as a good friend of Chen Mengxi, and did not think much.

"Aunt Chen, what is going on in the end? Why do you want to kidnap your nightmare?" Yang Ming heard that even Victoria was taken together, and suddenly he suddenly stunned.

Victoria’s skill Yang Ming is very clear. Although there is no such thing as Wang Xiaoying’s powerful, but the decision is almost the same, and the other party can take her and Chen Mengyu together, or the other party’s masters are numerous, even if there is no Victoria, but the number is also absolute. The advantages. Or, the other party has a gun firearm, Victoria can't compete with it.

"Or let Xia Xue tell you about it." Chen Mian's eyes were sour, and could not help but shed tears:

Still not my family, I don’t have to be a director, who can’t do it well? He went to do it, and he also provoked a big drug lord. This is good, and my daughter has been taken away by others as a slogan..."

Great drug lord? Yang Ming originally faintly guessed whether Chen Mengxi’s kidnapping was related to the behind-the-scenes boss or the center that had just enemies. After all, he had just been provoked the center and Chen Mengyu was kidnapped. Is this too coincidental?

However, it is not possible to think about it carefully. Can the center go to China to kidnap a Chen Mengyu? It is better to do it directly to the butterfly family. Now I heard that Chen Muyi said that the person who kidnapped Chen Mengyu and the boss behind the scenes had little contact with the center before they let go of their hearts.

Toadstools, in the eyes of ordinary people, should be super horrible, but in Yang Ming’s eyes, it’s really nothing. The Lancer family of the arms of the big family, Yang Ming said that the extinction was extinguished. Could it be afraid of a drug dealer? Only now, we must figure out the reason for the matter.

"Yang Ming, you and I come here, some words, I want to ask you alone." Xia Xue is also trying to ask Yang Ming, since Chen Mu let her and Yang Ming say that Chen Mengxi was kidnapped, Xia Xue also I did not give up and asked Yang Mingjin to talk about it in the house.

Yang Ming nodded, and the vagueness was also refined. Perhaps Xia Xue wanted to ask himself about Chen Mengxi.

After entering the room, Xia Xue locked the door with his hand, and then looked positive: "Yang Ming, this thing is not wanted to see anyone. Our urgent task is to find a way to save the nightmare. As for this matter. How is it caused, don't pursue it, can you?"

Xia Xue’s words made Yang Mingwei do a glimpse. He thought that Xia Xue would ask Chen Mengxi’s things when he entered the door, but he did not expect to say such things.

"Xia Xue, the time you know I am not short, the relationship has always been good, you have no head - no tail, what exactly does it mean?" Yang Ming is really inexplicable: "If you have anything, you can't just say it." Already?"

"In fact, the reason why the nightmare was used as the Japanese standard by the drug lords is also because the captain of the police team of our police anti-drug team is bent on it." Xia Xue sighed and said.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?" Yang Ming frowned and asked.

"The captain of the king seized four Russian drug dealers this time and seized a considerable amount of heroin." Xia Xue explained: "However, one of the drug dealers is the first big gang black eagle near Russia's border with China. Helping the only son, Nicholas Sevich, the other person’s blatant call to pressure our Songjiang police, let us put Nicholas Sevich back, don’t make any regrets, but where the captain will be threatened by them So, one refused the other's proposal.

Unexpectedly, the practice of Captain Wang has angered the Blackhawks, so the Blackhawks helped to release words. If we don’t put their young masters back safely for three days, we must look good..."

"What do you mean, Chen Mengxi's kidnapping is related to the Blackhawks?" After listening to Xia Xue's words, Yang Ming frowned deeply.

"Yes, just this morning, the Blackhawks sent us a fax, so we must put Nicholas Sevich back. Otherwise, I will tear the ticket." Xia Xuedao: "So, I don't want you to anger at Captain Wang. After all, he is also dedicated to the public..."

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