So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1509: Chen Mengxi’s identity

The identity of the first thousand five hundred and ninety-nine chapters of Chen Mengxi

"Are you afraid that I am not good for him?" Yang Ming sighed after listening to Xia Xue's words: "He did not make a mistake, how can I blame him on his head? It is just a black eagle, it is very arrogant. what?"

Yang Ming knows that Xia Xue is scrupulous about his special identity and special ability. If the mysterious investigation bureau is really involved, then the captain of the king will become the victim of the mysterious investigation bureau in order to calm the anger of Yang Ming. So Xia Xuecai said this to Yang Ming.

But where is Yang Ming's right and wrong? This thing, the captain of the king did not make a mistake, and even Chen Fei, it is impossible for the daughter to make an order to release the drug dealer.

Therefore, Yang Ming did not have any resentment against the captain of the king. It was against the so-called black eagle gang. The heart has already given them the mark of death. Yang Ming’s murder has already started, since the gang is the wife of the king of the killer. The idea, then no matter how strong his local power is, he must be prepared to bear the anger of Yang Ming.

"As long as you don't make any irrational moves, you can do it." Xia Xue sighed: "I have contacted my brother about this matter. When necessary, they will also get involved."

"Before those words, I am afraid that Xia Bingyan will let you convey it to me?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and immediately guessed it. With Xia Xue’s current position, it is difficult to say the words before, after all, summer. Snow is not the police chief. The criminal investigation team and the anti-drug team are originally two systems of ***. Therefore, the only thing that can say these things is that Xia Bingyi is.

"You guessed it?" Xia Xue was a little surprised. She did not expect Yang Ming to guess the truth in her three words.

"I heard that you mentioned your brother, I thought about it." Yang Ming smiled faintly: "Talk about other things you are looking for."

"Do you know that I have other things to look for?" This time, Xia Xue was even more surprised. She did not expect Yang Ming to say that she had another purpose.

"Probably about Chen Mengxi?" Yang Ming sighed and knew that the identity of this person could not be stopped. He picked up the disposable paper cup at the table and poured himself a glass of water. He planned to talk to Xia Xue about the origin of Chen Mengyu. .

"Yes, this is the person..." Xia Xue nodded. "I suspect that this person has a problem and may have some connection with the Blackhawks!"

"Oh..." Yang Minggang sipped a sip of water and sprayed it out like this. He almost shot on Xia Xue’s face, made it all over the floor, and then coughed up...

"Yang Ming, what's wrong with you?" Xia Xue was shocked and didn't understand why Yang Ming had such a big reaction. Is it too strong?

"Chen Mengyu...has there a problem? Is there a connection with the Blackhawks?" After Yang Ming gasped a few breaths, he said with a little bit of laughter: "How is this possible?"

"I asked Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun, this Chen Mengyu claimed to be a distant relative of Chen Mengxi, but according to my investigation, Chen Mengyu did not have such a distant relative, and I also asked the Chen Bureau, and he did not know that such a relative exists. In this way, the identity of Chen Mengyu is very suspicious. Her name is so similar to Chen Mengxi, and Chen did not have such a relative. The purpose of her approaching Chen Mengyu remains to be suspected, although I don’t know how she is. I won the letter from Chen Mengyu, but the identity of this person is absolutely fake!" Xia Xue said in a positive color: "And I also checked the identity of Chen Mengyu through the intranet, and found suspicious things! That is the file of Chen Mengyu, from childhood Up to now, it is a very vague growth experience, almost no mention of her previous things, and her ID number, which was just generated in Jingshan in recent months, I also asked the Jingshan police station about Chen Mengxi’s thing, but I don’t know why, Jingshan Police Bureau refused to answer questions about Chen Mengyu. Some people Jingshan police station and also to help people Blackhawk collusion in together! I am going to bring this to my brother, so that he faced from the Jingshan police station to settle things Chen Mengxi investigation ...... "

Xia Xue said his thoughts in one breath, Yang Ming did not interrupt her, but after listening to her, she smiled and said: "Xia Xue, about Chen Mengxi, you don't have to investigate again, this person There is no problem, and her identity is also handled by Jingshan police. I use the name of the investigation bureau, so it is normal for Jingshan police to refuse to resume anything about Chen Mengxi..."

"What? Originally, this Chen Mengyu was arranged by Chen Mengxi?" Xia Xue listened to Yang Ming's words suddenly, and then he said incredibly: "Who is this person?"

"She is actually a bodyguard I invited to Chen Mengyu..." Yang Ming also said: "You also know that because of the investigation bureau, I was guilty of the right elder, and I am It’s impossible to stay with Chen Mengyu from time to time, especially after a while, I have to go to Yunnan Miaojiang with you, so I have to be careless, so I invited a person to protect Chen Mengyu, but no I thought that even she was taken together."

"It turned out that she was the bodyguard you invited!" Xia Xue suddenly showed a frustrated look: "I originally wanted to use this Chen Mengyu as a breakthrough in the whole thing, but now it seems that I got the wrong direction. Up..."

"You talk about it in detail, is it going through the end?" Yang Ming is very worried about the safety of Chen Mengxi, but now it seems that if the other party wants to take Chen Fei as a hostage, and in exchange for the safe return of Nicholas Sevich, it is not It will really start with Chen Mengyu.

However, there are many night dreams. Who knows that after repeatedly rejecting the Black Hawks’ proposal, will the other party be angry and make some irrational things? At that time, even if Yang Ming sent the Black Eagle to hell, he could not compensate for the regrets caused by the whole thing.

Therefore, Yang Ming must first figure out the beginning and end of the matter, and then make plans for the next step, saying no, this time I have to go to the Russian border and personally solve the Black Hawk help.

"As I said before, Captain Wang took people who had captured Nicholas Sevic’s drug gang and seized a lot of heroin, but no one thought that this Nicholas Sevich was actually a small gang of Russian big gang Blackhawks. Moreover, the Black Hawks have a lot of power on the Russian border, and the local government can't help them, which is why they have no fear." Xia Xue began to introduce the Black Hawks in detail: "Although, after knowing this thing, We also expect that the other party may make something that is not good for us because of anger, but what we did not expect is that they will target Chen Mengxi, which makes us feel unprepared."

“What was the specific situation at the time?” Yang Ming asked.

"At the time, Chen Mengxi, Chen Mengyu, Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia had just left school. When they left the school, they were stopped by several black people who came face to face. According to Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia, although the other party wears sunglasses and a cap, but from the point of view of skin color, it should be It’s a yellow race, not a white race, so we suspect that this should be the Chinese under the black eagle’s help.” Xia Xue said: “Since the other party is drug trafficking in the country, it will inevitably receive some local people’s hands. This is also The reason why the other party can take away Chen Mengyu so smoothly is that on our side, there is a response from the other side."

"Well, this is for sure," Yang Ming did not have much accident after listening: "Chen Mengyu and Chen Mengyu were directly taken away at the time?"

Yang Ming’s only doubt is that Chen Mengxi’s skill is no worse than Wang Xiaoyu. Under such circumstances, how does the other party take away Chen Mengxi’s?

"According to Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia after the incident, there were only four people at the time, saying that there was something to look for in Chen Mengyu, and Chen Mengxi was immediately alert, as if he was about to shoot, but suddenly stopped again," Xia Xue said. "We later analyzed that Chen Mengxi or Chen Mengyu should have discovered that the other party holds a gun. In the absence of the ability to preserve the safety of Chen Mengqi, Chen Mengyu chose to compromise. However, the most we analyzed at the time was that Chen Mengxi was the other party’s internal response. One, but it seems impossible now..."

Xia Xueyu smiled twice, thinking about it because her previous thoughts were wrong and some self-deprecating.

Yang Ming nodded, and only this possibility, will make Victoria, that is, Chen Mengxi, not act rashly. Victoria is a woman with a sense of proportion. Without absolute certainty, I would rather compromise and find another opportunity.

At that time, if four people had guns, and Victoria could not kill all four at once, it would inevitably cause some of them to shoot and hurt Chen Mengyu or Lin Yiyun, Zhou Jiajia, etc., so the temporary compromise was It is a wise choice.

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