So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1510: I am coming to check in

The first thousand five hundred and ten chapters I came to check

"Their goal is Chen Mengyu? How did Chen Mengxi go with him?" Yang Ming was surprised. Why did the other person even take Chen Mengyu together?

"Chen Mengxi said that she is Chen Mengyu's cousin. The other person probably thinks that if she catches Chen Mengxi, it is a lot more chips. Maybe she can exchange more people when she arrives?" Xia Xue guessed. Before she judged that Chen Mengxi was the other person's person, so Chen Mohan did not show any surprise when he followed the other side, but now, rethinking this matter, Chen Mengxi's purpose is very obvious, I am afraid it is not assured that Chen Mengxi himself, and When she went with her, there was also a kind of care, and at a crucial moment, it might be impossible to escape.

Yang Ming nodded. "It seems that Chen Mengxi is deliberate. Perhaps, this time, whether she can save Chen Mengyu depends on her... I don't know if she left me some clues?"

"Would you like to participate in this matter?" Xia Xue suddenly noticed Yang Ming's intentions. It seems that Yang Ming is ready to help the Black Hawks. Otherwise, Yang Ming cannot say so.

"Nothing reform, I am really ready to do it." Yang Ming did not hide in the slightest, coldly said: "Since you dare to move my woman, they should think about the consequences of doing so."

Xia Xue heard Yang Ming’s firm tone and sighed: “I can’t stop you anymore. My brother also expected you to be like this. He told me to tell you, be careful, if it’s really not your own strength. If you do something, contact him in time, he will send someone to intervene."

"Do not worry, I understand." Yang Ming smiled lightly.

In a small town on the border between China and Russia, a young man dressed in sportswear, wearing a ski cap and carrying a travel bag behind him appeared here.

Young people are like a harmless and awkward college student. Naturally, no one has any special attention to him. Although there are very few students coming to this season, it is not without.

The young man came to the dock of a port, his eyes fell not far away, a two-story building hanging on the plaque of "Golden Eagle Logistics", with a sardonic expression on his mouth.

Golden Eagle, Black Hawk, but some connections, thought that if you change a word, you can cross the sea?

This young man is naturally Yang Ming who came here. Before Yang Ming’s departure, the Blackhawks gave the Songjiang police three days to consider, but three days, enough Yang Ming to do something.

After seeing the secret with Chen Fei, Yang Ming went directly to the night, Yang Ming’s headquarters, directly found the violent Sanli, let him inspect the unsuccessful visit to the Russian Black Hawks in the domestic sphere of influence, in addition, Sun Sanshu of the East China Sea went to the phone and asked him to help investigate this matter.

These things may be hidden for ordinary people Panels, but for the people on the Tao, it is not very difficult, even faster than the police intelligence, which is also a lot of police seekers as their own The reason for the source of intelligence.

The people on the Tao always have some special intelligence channels that are not known to others. With the status of today and today, they quickly inquired about the power of the Blackhawks in the country.

Although the violent Sanli has been bleached and does not contaminate drugs, it does not mean that the small gangs in the out-of-town county are not contaminated with these things, and the violent three-strength opening, which dare not honestly answer?

Business lunch, the company has been paying a business in the sea, and a small squad, the eagle, and the company's logistics service. Behind Golden Eagle Logistics is controlled by the largest gang of Golden Eagles in Bianhai City.

This Golden Eagle gang is actually a branch of the Blackhawks. The original person in charge is the head of the Blackhawks, Nicholas Sevich.

Logistics? It is a good cover to the scorpion! Yang Ming slammed his mouth. I don't know if Chen Mengyu was being held in the vicinity at this moment, or has already passed through, and was taken to Russia. If it is in Russia, it is really difficult to do.

Yang Ming walked into Jinying Logistics and saw several men gambling around in a circle. Several of them had deep scar marks on their faces, which made people look like they were not good people.

When Yang Ming came in, several people looked up at Yang Ming and then lowered their heads to continue playing cards. Only one bald man spoke to Yang Ming: "Do you want to check things?"

"Yes, I checked some things." Yang Ming said faintly, the eyes had already inquired about the situation in the two buildings. On the first floor, there are only five men sitting around the table to gamble, and on the second floor, there is a white man who is holding two yellow women who are laughing at what they want. This person should be the leader of the Golden Eagle. It is. Although the status may be under Nicholas Sevich, it seems that he should be temporarily responsible for this.

As a result, these five people have nothing to leave, and what they want to know, just ask the white man.

"What is checked in? Take a list on that table and fill it out, then take the things to me." After listening to Yang Ming’s intentions, the bald man lowered his head again and said to the table next to him. Keep playing cards.

"You don't have to fill in the list, it doesn't work." Yang Ming said faintly: "And things are here."

"What do you mean?" The bald man looked up inexplicably again and swept his eyes in front of Yang Ming. He didn't see anything. He suddenly wondered: "What? Where is the thing?"

"Isn't something on your body?" Yang Ming smiled and smiled at the bald man.

"I am? What are you talking about?" The bald man frowned, and if he hadn’t looked at Yang Ming’s demeanor, he was already angry.

"Yeah, what I want to check in is your life. You are responsible for helping me to ship it to hell." Yang Ming smiled and closed the door to logistics.

"What the **** are you looking for?" After the bald man listened to Yang Ming’s words, if he didn’t know that Yang Ming was coming to trouble, that’s the brain’s problem, but in his opinion, Yang Ming’s brain had problems. However, a college student who is alone is dare to come to find something, is simply looking for death.

"You see it?" Yang Ming smiled, not paying attention to the expression of the man's angry.

"Is it yours, I see you are alive and tired? Dare to come here to play a few brothers, you do not inquire about what is here, here is the headquarters of the Golden Eagle!" Another knife man will also be in the hands As soon as the card was still standing up, he pointed to Yang Mingda.

“Here is the headquarters of Golden Eagle?” Yang Ming was speechless. He still wanted to ask if it was the headquarters of Golden Eagle before they died. The result was not waiting for him to ask. This guy said it himself. Save a lot of tongues: "Great, since I am sure, let me send you on the road!"

"A few brothers, this kid is estimated to be stupid?" Before that, the bald man looked at Yang Ming with a look like a fool. The five people on his side, the other one, and dare to be arrogant here, that is not What is the head sick?

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