So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1511: Instant spike

The first thousand five hundred and eleventh chapter instant spike

Yang Ming looked at the screaming bald man with a smile, his hands clasped together, standing in the same place, but the sardonic smile can express his meaning without talking.

"Wait--" A man who never spoke, but like the heads of these people, waved his hand and stopped the act of the bald man.

"Hey brother, this kid..." The bald man seemed to be somewhat unconvinced, and he had to start, suddenly stopped by the glasses man, and his heart was very uncomfortable, but he could not help but obey the glasses man.

"Blur, don't talk first!" The unscrupulous voice of the man who called the brother of the brother made the bald man close his mouth immediately. It seems that this brother is the small leader of these people.

Yang Ming’s heart also made a quick plan, and everyone else killed it. This “Geng Ge” stayed for a while, and maybe he knew nothing less than the white man upstairs. Yang Ming’s reason for this is because he is afraid that if the white man does not speak Chinese, it will be hard to communicate. Although Yang Ming’s ability can see other people’s ideas regardless of nationality, he cannot guarantee white men. I just thought that Chen Mengxi’s things were seen by him.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?" My brother helped the glasses on the face, and looked up and down Yang Ming carefully. The voice asked coldly, but although he stopped the bald man, he Yang Ming’s gesture is condescending, and a pair of winning vouchers are in the grip.

Yang Ming feels that this elder brother is a character. Before he started, he also knew that he was listening to the other party's details. It was just too unobtrusive. If he died, he would dare to talk to himself with such an attitude. It is really too long.

"Who am I, you don't need to know." Yang Ming said faintly: "As for the purpose of coming here, I was supposed to send you five roads, but it seems that you are a small leader, maybe some use, then I will For the time being, let's take your life and send them four on the road."

"Grass you, little sister-in-law, what do you mean? You are not afraid to flash your tongue when you are talking loudly? When Laozi comes out, you are still going to kindergarten!" After the bald head listened to Yang Ming’s words, suddenly I was so angry that I didn’t care about my previous brother’s words. I jumped out again and started to raise my arms with Yang Ming.

My brother waved his hand and gestured to the bald man. He then squinted at Yang Ming and said, "I will finally ask you again, who are you, come here, what purpose! If you don't want to say If you are so sorry, no matter what background you have, no matter who you are behind, I don’t know who you are, you can only stay today."

My brother is a striking person, not a coward who is a bald-headed man. I saw Yang Ming’s face is very different. It’s not like the people in the border city, nor have you ever heard of any gang with Yang Ming’s number one! And watching Yang Ming's dressing up, it is like the second generation of the official or the second generation, the text is quiet, but the tone is full of enthusiasm, although the Golden Eagle is the biggest gang in Bianhai, but it does not want to sin against this. At the beginning, he thought that Yang Ming was the son of a certain family. He saw more movies in his home, and he took advantage of the background of his parents. He didn’t know the height of the sky, and he went to the Golden Eagle to help the headquarters to install and force himself. Vanity.

If this is the case, then the elder brother is very upset, but he does not dare to offend these people too much. The families of these sons are not able to be awkward! Therefore, my brother thought that when I asked Yang Ming's background, I would call his family and pick them up. They could also sell people a face, saying that there is no benefit in the future.

However, it seems that Yang Ming is not going to say that he has any background. In this case, my brother also made a fuss. Since you don’t say it, then I am confused and will leave you directly here. When the body was thrown into the sea, no one was able to find out why you didn't have it, and it was over.

"Do you want to find out my background?" Yang Ming was also mixed in the society at the beginning. How could he not know what his brother thought? However, Yang Ming did not put him in his eyes. He smiled indifferently: "However, let you down, my family is not in the city of Binhai. There is no such powerful relatives and friends in the sea market here, and, I It’s a person coming here.”

"Well?" After listening to Yang Ming’s words, this time it’s his turn to be amazed, and he’s a little touched by Yang Ming’s meaning! Yang Ming’s words clearly show that he has no background in Bianhai City and he is still coming alone. There is no Austrian aid. So, don’t you tell yourself, you will kill me, and no one will find you. trouble!

Is this guy stupid? Still what? How else can you say such a thing? Or is this kid deliberately saying this, but what is the left hand?

"How? This is scared? I am afraid that I have any conspiracy?" Yang Ming saw the hesitation of his brother, and he showed a satirical smile on his face: "However, I am afraid that you are disappointed, although I am talking about this person. The sentence is not necessarily true, but for people like you who are generally ants, I really have no time to lie to you, it is a waste of brain cells."

The expression of my brother was suddenly a little cloudy, and Yang Ming was not in a hurry, looking at him with sarcasm.

My brother hesitated and repeatedly, finally made up his mind, waved his hand and said: "Do it, get rid of him."

"Well, my brother!" The bald man had long been intolerable. Under the command of his brother, he suddenly jumped out and picked up his fist and yelled at Yang Ming’s temple: "Bunny scorpion, let you and Laozi is pretending to be a scorpion, and Laozi will let you know what is loaded with the Thunder today!"

"Is it?" Yang Ming did not care about the fists of the bald head, and smiled lightly: "Where is Ray? Why didn't I see it?"

"You fucking..." The bald man was said by Yang Ming, more annoyed, unconsciously speeding up the strength and speed of his fist, and screaming, but he did not finish the sentence, but the voice was awkward. Then, the eyes were raised, and even the shackles did not scream. The whole body crashed into the ground, and lost breath in the blink of an eye. It became a corpse, but one hand still kept a fist, from the ground. Standing up, just like a scam, it is terrible.

"You guys are together!" My brother didn't think that the bald man had lost his life. After all, it was incredible. He just saw Yang Ming casually moving, and the bald man fell to the ground, so he Of course, I think Yang Ming used what means to faint the bald man. "This kid has some evil doors. If you pay attention, the bald head will suffer a dark loss!"

Others, at the same time, did not think that the bald man was still dead at the moment, so although the stranger Yang Ming how to get rid of the bald man, but did not think much, still smirked to Yang Ming Wai, just after The reminder of my brother, these three people are more cautious, and they are releasing what Yang Ming is going to do.

"Kid, if you know each other, you will be stunned. Although we don't know what method you used, you will faint the bald head, but don't think that the same method can be used on us!" Knife screamed and warned: "And So many of us, if you get fainted again, you can't stun us all at the same time, so don't force us to be rude to you!"

"Yes? You are still welcome." Yang Ming said faintly: "I am thinking about it, but I think, but in my opinion, it is easier to send you three people on the road than to get rid of it."

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame us - oh?!" The knife and the face have not finished, they feel that the throat is itchy, and then, a scream is made in the scorpion, and then the whole person's body is Pour it down, exactly the same as the bald man before, after falling to the ground, it will not move!

The remaining two people saw the knife face falling to the ground, and suddenly their face changed, they were about to make a response, but suddenly they felt a numbness, and then the whole person lost consciousness, in painlessness. , I entered the palace of death...

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