So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1529: Escape opportunity

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-nine chapters of the opportunity to escape

With the strength of the Blackhawks, the entire terminal is almost under the control of Vyjajiv, and it is no wonder that the Blackhawks can unscrupulously traffic drugs through the docks.

Soon a new motorboat was picked up and docked at the dock. I believe that Vyjajiev had already told me that the motorboat had been carefully and rigorously checked to prevent any problems in the motorboat!

Now, Vyjajiev has not dared to move anything to Yang Ming, and even he is even more afraid of what will happen to Yang Ming! If Yang Ming has an accident now, he can't even tell if he has a mouth. Even the butterfly family and the Charles family would think that he did it. No one will listen to the sophistry.

Therefore, Vishragiv is actually praying for Yang Ming to go back safely. Don't leave any bad pool on the road, so that he will not be connected with him before. To behave at this level is also enough to fail, especially as the godfather of Vaislav, who has never done such a shame in his life.

Since the father took over the power of the Blackhawks, Viktor Rajiv has always been a high-ranking presence, no matter who is in front of him, and this has a lot to do with his other membership.

But today, Vishragiv has to bow his head. When people are under the roof, they will be beheaded without bowing their heads.

"What are they doing?" Chen Mengyu and Victoria were taken to the dock in the middle of the night. No one told them how to deal with them. After the car stopped, there was no movement. Chen Mengyu was naturally anxious.

"I don't know." Victoria shook his head. "But they intend to exchange the people we held in the Songjiang police, but we don't have to worry that they will be bad for us."

"It’s all because I’ve been tired of you, my dream sister,” Chen Mengxi looked at Victoria with some apologies: “They are against my dad, you are being implicated.”

Victoria hesitated a bit. I feel that this is the time for Chen Miaoqi to showdown. It also makes Chen Mengyu have a psychological preparation. If there is a suitable opportunity to escape, I can let Chen Mengyu know in advance and then cooperate with one or two.

Otherwise, the sudden emergence of some unconventional behaviors and actions, Chen Mengyu will certainly have doubts.

Now there is no one in this business car to monitor, it is a good opportunity to talk.

"Miss Chen, I think, some things should be with you, and in this case, there is no need to continue to take advantage of you." Victoria sighed and said.

"Miss Chen?" Chen Mengxi looked a little, and looked at Victoria with amazement: "Dream sister, what are you talking about? How suddenly called me Miss Chen?"

"Miss Chen, don't interrupt me, listen to me." Victoria made a gesture of a little sorrow, and then quickly said: "My true identity is not what I have to rely on Yang Ming's relatives from the mountains. , but a slave fighter trained."

"Ah?" Chen Mengyu listened to Victoria's words and looked at her incredulously: "Slave boxer? What do you mean?"

"My real name is not called Chen Mengxi. Chen Mengyu is just the name that Yang Ming gave me casually. Maybe it is because he likes you too much?" Victoria said that he looked at Chen Mengyu with a smile and smiled. I thought of the situation when I seduce Yang Ming. Yang Ming did not get hooked. I suddenly felt dissatisfied, but I did not show it: "My real name is Victoria. Yang Ming rescued me from the original owner and then took it. Come back here."

"Victoria...Africa..." Victoria’s words brought Chen Mengyu’s impact too much, but she also knew that in this case, Victoria did not have the need to deceive her, so I felt that Victoria’s words were too strange. But still choose to believe: "But, why didn't you tell me before? Do you still lie to me?"

However, Victoria's phrase "maybe because he likes you too much" makes Chen Mengxi's face slightly red, although it is not obvious in the dark, but Chen Mengxi still subconsciously bowed his head.

"Mr. Yang has offended some people. He is afraid that these people will be bad for you, so I will send you to protect you." Victoria said: "I won't tell you before, but also because I am afraid that you will worry if you know."

"Try off some people..." Chen Mengxi suddenly felt that she still didn't understand Yang Ming. From the beginning to the present, she never really knew about Yang Ming. Although, now she feels that she has learned a lot more than before. But it is still the tip of the iceberg.

"I didn't expect that those people didn't come to the door. Instead, the Black Hawks helped people come to the door first." Victoria sighed. "At the time, the people they came to had pistols in their hands. I didn't have everything." Grasping can guarantee that all three of you are not injured, so you can only go back and choose to follow you here."

"Dream sister, you said these words to me at this time, shouldn't you just talk about it?" These shocking news Chen Mengxi has not completely digested, but this is not a good time to digest, Victoria explained a lot to himself at this time. What should be the intention.

Seeing that Chen Mengyu still called himself "the nightmare sister", Victoria did not deliberately correct it again. In the eyes, he traced a fleeting ecstasy, and then said: "Yes, they used to keep us in the basement. I am looking for it. There are no opportunities and ways to escape, but now, it is a good opportunity!"

"Dream sister, you mean, we have a chance to escape tonight?" Chen Mengyu heard a moment of joy.

"It's possible." Chen Mengyu nodded. "They suddenly took us to the dock. According to my analysis, there are only two possibilities."

Chen Mengyan’s eyebrows picked up and seemed to have guessed something: “Dream sister said, are they ready to exchange hostages?”

"This is one of the possibilities." Victoria nodded after admiring it. "In the middle of the night, we took us out of the basement and brought it here. It must be an emergency. If something unexpected happens, it will be like this." Exchange of hostages is naturally one of the possibilities."

"However, with my father's temper, I am afraid this is not possible." Chen Mengxi immediately sighed: "He should not use people to change my security. If you change to an ordinary person, Dad may I will do this, but I am his daughter, and he will not do it if he is reluctant."

Since childhood, Chen Fei has also learned about Chen Fei’s personality and temper, so it is not very likely that his father will send someone to exchange himself.

"Yes, I don't have much hope for this." Victoria nodded. "After all, we were caught only one day. Even if the Blackhawks offered the conditions, the Songjiang police would have to meet and ask for advice from the superior. Making a decision, it takes a cycle, it can't be so fast."

"That's it, but the dream sister, I only thought of this kind of possibility, in addition, they will take us to the dock to do what?" Chen Mengxi thought about it, still did not come up with any answers.

"Since it is not a hostage exchange, what can we do when we bring us to the dock?" Victoria smiled. "What does the terminal do?"

"Boat!" Chen Meng's eyes lit up. Under Victoria's reminder, he quickly thought of this: "They rushed us to the dock, it should be something unexpected. And since it is the dock, then the next One step is probably to take us away from the dock by boat! Otherwise, where the car can walk, why go to the dock?"

"Yes! That's it!" Victoria agreed. "The reason why I first explained the details to you is because, after we got on the boat, it was a good chance to escape!"

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