So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1530: Two female schemes

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-three chapters two female tricks

"Going on the boat to escape? Dream sister, are you going to take the boat?" Chen Mengyu asked in surprise.

"It is not difficult to take the boat, and they can't put too many people on the boat." Victoria said: "I haven't exposed my skills from beginning to end. The other side should have no embankment, it should be easier to succeed. of!"

"But the dream sister, when we were taken out of the basement and got on the bus, isn't it a good opportunity to escape? At that time, it would be easier for two people to look at us." Chen Mengyu suddenly thought of the situation before. Some strange questions.

“It’s not difficult to escape before, but where can we go?” Victoria showed a bitter smile: “Miss Chen, here is the town of Metrona, the nest of the Blackhawks, and the two of us even Russian. I won’t say, where can I go? I’m afraid I haven’t gone far, I’ve been caught back, but I’m going to be a snake!”

"That's also true, but I neglected this!" Chen Mengxi smiled embarrassedly: "After we took the boat, should we have the confidence to run away?"

"There is a natural grasp, but it is only 50%!" Victoria sighed. "But even if it fails, there will be no loss. The worst result is that it will be caught again. They will not be able to It’s hard for us. The other side’s squabbling of the squad is counting on us to exchange the people in the hands of the Songjiang police. Naturally, we are not allowed to make any mistakes. Before we exchange them, we are all safe. Even if we rush to escape, they can only After chasing, I dare not attack us with weapons, which is why I intend to fight."

"I hope it can be successful! Is there anything I need to help me?" After listening to Victoria's analysis, Chen Mengyu was relieved.

"Not yet, I will talk to you in advance, that is, I am afraid that you will be too surprised when you arrive." Victoria smiled. "However, it is irrelevant to relax some moods. Even if we fail, there is nothing, and there is no chance to go back. I believe that after Mr. Yang came back, I found that we were missing. It is impossible to sit back and look for us. I will definitely come to us. I have been obsessed with the Blackhawks and made an obvious mark near the basement where we are being held. After Mr. Yang saw it, he would come to rescue us."

"Yang Ming? He is more powerful than you?" Chen Mengxi vaguely felt that Yang Ming should be a bit more powerful than Victoria's professional black boxer. Otherwise, how could Victoria use it for him?

"Oh," Victoria smiled. "I don't think I look down on the Blackhawks. If Mr. Yang comes, they are not only asking for mercy, I am afraid there are not many people left!"

Chen Mengxi’s lips moved, and finally she didn’t ask anything any more. She was already aware that Yang Ming’s body still had a lot of secrets, but she didn’t want to know this through Victoria’s mouth, even if she wanted to know, Personally ask Yang Ming to do it.

"Don't say anything...their people are coming!" Hearing the faint footsteps outside the car, Victoria made a squeaking gesture and quietly said to Chen Mengxi.

Chen Mengyu nodded and his face was replaced with a serious expression. The car glass is stuck, and you can't see the outside situation, so you can't judge who the other party is.

"Hey--" The door of the business car was opened, and two black men wearing sunglasses stood in front of the door, the two men who were responsible for monitoring and guarding Chen Mengxi and Victoria.

They received the order of the secretary of Vyji Rajiv, and asked the two ladies to go on board. Although they did not know what Vyla Rajiv meant, they did not dare to move again. The performance was also unusually polite: "Two young ladies. Please get off, the boat is ready, come on board with us!"

After that, a black man led the way in front, after a pad, with Chen Mengyu and Victoria, went to a speedboat on the edge of the dock.

Victoria and Chen Mengyu also noticed the attitude of the two black people, but they did not think much about it. After all, it was urgent, and the other party may not want to make extra money, so it was so low-key.

"Two please go on board!" came to a speedboat that looked very luxurious, and the black man said to Chen Mengxi and Victoria.

Chen Mengyu and Victoria did not say much. The two men went on board and entered the cabin. However, the strange thing was that the two black men did not follow in. Instead, they sent them to the boat and turned and left. This makes Chen Mengxi and Victoria somewhat inexplicable.

Chen Mengyu and Victoria were sitting in the cabin. They watched the two black men not go on board but left. They suddenly had some doubts: "Dream sister, how did they go?"

"I don't know, who knows what they are trying to do?" Victoria frowned. He glanced at the cabin and found that there was no one inside. That is to say, on this ship, there are two people left by Victoria and Chen Mengxi! Just don't know if there is someone in the cockpit?

"What should we do now?" Chen Mengyu asked.

"Wait a minute, I am afraid that some people will come to the ship for a while. After the speedboat sails out of the dock, we will take the boat again and the success rate will be larger. Otherwise, we will sail off now, it is estimated that we have not waited. When I drove out of the dock, I was caught by the ship next to it." Victoria hesitated and said: "I will lie in the back of the cabin door after a while. When someone gets on the boat, I will accidentally hold him and wait in the cabin. Inside, waiting for the boat to sail, I will find a way to go to the cockpit to kill the ship."

"Okay," Chen Mengyu nodded, sitting quietly in the cabin, intending to attract the attention of the people. "How do I need to cooperate?"

"A moment later you kneel in the cabin chair, pretend to be asleep, attracting the attention of the people, and then I am a maneuver," Victoria said.


"Mr. Li, the speedboat is ready, and the two Missy, they are all on the boat. You see?" After hearing the secretary's return, Villeragiv said carefully to Yang Ming.

"Yes, the efficiency is OK, it is not until five o'clock, it seems that you really care!" Yang Ming nodded, his face showed a satisfied smile.

In fact, Yang Ming is far away from the business car where Chen Mengyu is located, but because of the power, he watched them safely on the boat before letting go of their hearts.

"Then, there will be no more Mr. Li in the next, and since Mr. Li has something, then he will send Mr. Li to leave." Wei Wei Lajifu did not hesitate to claim to be "below" for Yang Ming!

He is very respectful to the steward of the Charles family, not to mention Yang Ming, who is higher than them! Viktor Rajiv is a man of current zeal, knowing that he has no strength to incite Yang Ming, and that he may not be able to recover the shame that he suffered in his life. Vyjajiev also accepts his life and feels indifferent.

Yang Ming nodded and looked at Wei Wei Laifufu with a smile and said: "Remember what I said, you will not take the initiative to find me in the future, and I have no intention to take the initiative to find you."

"Mr. Li please rest assured that it is not the kind of person who has no eyes, the kind of self-destructive gang's future, and will not do it under!" Weiqi Lajifu is afraid that Yang Ming does not believe, and he has repeatedly promised: "Right, Mr. Li, is it enough to send a sailor to sail at your helm?"

"No, the speedboat I can drive myself." Yang Ming has learned this knowledge for a long time. There is no need for others to sail, and Yang Ming does not want third-party people to be present.

"Well, then I wish Mr. Li a smooth sailing. In this sea area, I don't dare to say that if you encounter a patrol boat on our side, you can just report the name under it." Said.

Yang Ming did not pay any attention to Vyjajiv, but waved his hand and turned to the speedboat.

Seeing Chen Mengyu soon, Yang Ming’s mood is very exciting, but he can’t turn his face back in front of these people, so he can only maintain the appearance of Li Muyi and lift his legs to board the speedboat.

However, at the same time that Yang Ming entered the cabin at the forefoot, a fierce wind rushed toward Yang Ming!

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