So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1531: it's me

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-one chapter is me.

Yang Ming’s heart glimpsed, but then there was a hint of doubts on the face! Originally, Yang Ming thought that it was the dark pile set up by Vyji Rajiv, and he was ready to do it himself at the moment he boarded the ship.

But after thinking about it, I feel that there is no such possibility! After all, if Vichy Rajiv wants to do it, he will start early and will not wait until now. Moreover, in the current situation, does he dare to do it himself?

If you don’t know that you are the killer of the butterfly family, and you didn’t call the old Charles, then you can’t guarantee that Vijay Rajiv will be able to make some supernormal things for a while, but now he Ming knows that Yang Ming is a top killer. Whether it is Yang Ming’s own or Yang Ming’s strong background, it’s not that Vijay Rajiv and a small black eagle can compete. In this case, do some A sensible move, what is the difference between looking for death?

Moreover, although Yang Ming’s eyes did not always stare at the speedboat, when Wei Li Lagif’s men prepared the speedboat, Yang Ming deliberately used the ability to scan the inside of the speedboat and found no abnormalities. And the people who can be inside!

After the speedboat docked at the dock, after the maintenance technicians refueled the speedboat, all the above people left, and until Chen Mengyu and Victoria boarded the ship, no one was on board.

Therefore, Yang Ming can quickly judge that the person who attacked himself at the moment on the ship could not be the person of Vishragiv. This person is not Chen Mengxi or Victoria!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming’s original killings were immediately taken over. Yang Ming was prepared to kill the people who attacked him without mercy. However, after understanding the truth, he was afraid after a while. If he really waited for his own shot, he found that he was attacking Chen Mengyu or Victoria. Even late, even if you want to close your hand, you can't live it completely. The best result is also minor.

Fortunately, Yang Ming stopped the killing in time. For this powerful attack, it was only a dodge, and with a hand to block, it easily resolved the sniper and firmly grasped it. The hand of the attacker.

"Ah!" Victoria suddenly exclaimed, she did not expect that the coming man's skill is so fierce, not only easily escaped her attack, but actually can catch her wrist!

At this moment, Yang Ming also entered the cabin with a flash, and then closed the cabin door.

Victoria saw that he had already been exposed. He could only continue to fight against the scalp. The only chance was this time. If he lost, he would not know when he would wait, and since he had already shown his skill in front of the other side, the other party was sure. It will be a more **** yourself, and it will be impossible to think of an odd victory next time.

Of course, the only thing that makes Victoria strange is that the person who was attacked by himself did not call out for the reinforcements. Instead, he closed the cabin door. Isn't this creating an opportunity for himself? Is he very confident in his skills and thinks he will never be his opponent?

"Victoria, it is me!" Yang Ming saw Victoria continue to attack himself, and whispered.

"You..." Victoria listened to this familiar voice, and looked at Yang Ming with some suspicions, but in Yang Ming's face, he did not see any clues! This is the face of a middle-aged man in his forties. He has no signs of being tolerated. It is a world of difference with his own. There is no similarity, and even his face has changed. These are not Easy capacity can easily be changed!

Just when Victoria was in doubt, Chen Mengxi was surprised to say: "Yang Ming, it is you!" Then, he directly plunged into Yang Ming’s arms, regardless of whether Yang Ming’s face is this or not. Deputy forty years old looks!

Looking at Victoria's suspicious look, and Chen Mengxi's completely different determination, Yang Ming is somewhat confused. Although the homeopathic Chen Meng is in his arms, he has a strange question: "Dream, how are you doing this?" Are you sure?"

"Your voice, your eyes...and the taste of you." Chen Mengyu said without hesitation: "These are unchangeable. I have been with you for so long. For these, I am already familiar with it." So I saw your first sight, heard the first sentence you said, smelled the smell of your body, I can be sure that you are!"

"Is it? Is it so easy for me to be seen? It seems that this is really a failure." Yang Ming smiled and touched his nose, then smacked his face and regained his original Appearance, although Victoria stood aside, eyes staring at Yang Ming without hesitation, but did not see clearly how Yang Ming will be easy to erase, just like a face-changing master is generally fast and fast.

Yang Ming had to admire the woman's intuition and keen sense, his own abilities, Yang Mingxin can already be seamless and vivid, but it was still easily recognized by Chen Mengyan.

And Victoria, but secretly a bit embarrassed, although she also had a certain point before she was Yang Ming! Yang Ming’s voice, and the name of “Victoria” directly, has allowed Victoria to identify Yang Ming’s identity!

Especially Yang Ming’s fierce skill, Victoria is convinced that he can knock down a person without any precautions. There are few people who can overcome himself. Among the people she knows, Yang Ming is one. Wang Xiaoyu is one. Others, really did not meet any opponents.

However, she still hesitated. Compared with Chen Mengxi’s day and night, Victoria still lacks the familiarity with Yang Ming, which has caused her suspicious situation.

"It is not, I am afraid it is an intuition." Chen Mengxi suddenly thought that Victoria is still by his side, and at this moment is definitely not intimate, when he is still in danger, how can he be a child? Chen Mengyan’s face turned red and hurried away from Yang Ming’s arms and said softly.

Yang Ming nodded and could only be attributed to intuition. Otherwise, Yang Ming would feel that his killer did have some failures.

"Now it's okay, let's go back to Songjiang." Yang Ming looked at Victoria and said.

"Black Hawk help?" Victoria looked at Yang Ming strangely, some strange, how could suddenly be fine.

"I talked to their leader, they will not appear in Songjiang again in the future." Yang Ming said: "Now I am going to sail, you two take a break in the cabin, what are you waiting to return to Songjiang!" ”

"I am going to the cockpit with you..." Chen Mengyu just got out of danger, especially seeing Yang Ming, who was far away, and even more reluctant to separate from him, so he volunteered.

"Well, if you are not tired, come together." Yang Ming did not reluctantly, nodded and said.

"I will drive a speedboat, I can help you." Victoria did not know what psychology, the subconscious mouth said.

Yang Ming gave her a look. Originally, Yang Ming also thought about being intimate with Chen Mengxi in the cockpit, but did not expect this woman to join in. However, Yang Ming did not wait for the opening, but Chen Mengxi first spoke: "Well, dream sister, you come together, or you will stay alone in the cabin, it does not mean anything."

Since Chen Mengyu said this, Yang Ming did not say anything. He was grateful to Victoria. After all, when Chen Mengyu was in danger, she could stand up and take the initiative to go into the tiger hole with Chen Mengyu, although there is no dangerous thing. Occurs, things are quickly resolved, but at least you can still see Victoria's loyalty.

But I don't know why, for reasons, Yang Ming always thinks that Victoria seems to have nothing to seduce himself. I don't know if it is Yang Ming's illusion, or Victoria really does not avoid it, and regards himself as his own person...

Thinking of that time in the hotel, Victoria was naked in front of himself wearing clothes, Yang Ming burst into a big bang, but there was a hint of embarrassment in the bottom of my heart.

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