So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1540: Conversation on the plane

The first thousand five hundred and forty chapters of the conversation on the plane

"It is reasonable to say that we should go at night. After all, when I was a child, I grew up together and played together. But today, there is a special situation at home. Yang Ming is here too. Is it bad to go?" Chen Fei thought. I want to say.

"I think so too, but the rich cousin said that the seven will come tonight, I am not very good to refuse." Chen Fangyu explained in some embarrassment.

"Is the Seven Lords coming?" Chen Fei didn't talk after listening to Chen Fangyu's words. He said, "If you don't, let's go to the night, don't go bad, nightmare, stay with you at home." Yang Ming?"

"Also..." Chen Mengyu’s face was not red, and he couldn’t help but think of the night when his father was in a car accident. Yang Ming accompanied him to live in his home. It was Chen Mengyu’s first time with Yang Ming in his own home. This time, it will be the second time. Only now the relationship between the two is more intimate than the original.

Several people were saying this, the phone ringing again rang, and Chen Fangyu walked over and picked up the phone: "Hey, hello, who to look for?"

"Big sister, it is me, you are rich brother!" The voice of Chen Zhifu came from the phone: "How is it, have you discussed with Chen Fei brother?"

"Well, I just said to my old man Chen, Lao Chen said that since the Seven Lords are coming, we naturally have to go," Chen Fangyu said: "What time is it at night?"

"At six o'clock in the evening, at the Songjiang International Hotel, the entire sixth floor has been wrapped up by us. When you and Chen Fei brothers come directly, you can call me. If you can't find it, call me again!" Listening to Chen Fangyu and Chen Fei will come, and said with pleasure.

"Well, that's good, then we will pass by on time!" Chen Fangyu agreed.

"Right, don't forget to bring your little nightmare. I haven't seen it for a long time. I didn't come to see my uncle when I was admitted to college. I didn't give her a meal ticket!" Chen Zhifu said with a smile. .

Chen Jiacun has a custom, that is, whose children are admitted to the university, the folks in the village will give the children a gift, called the meal ticket money, but Chen Feigang was promoted by the director, it is not good to go to the banquet, saves people being said It is an opportunity to take advantage of the benefits, so Chen Mengyu was admitted to the university and was not promoted in Chenjia Village.

However, like Chen Zhifu, who has a head and face, Chen Jiacun has a college student. He will pay for the meal. If he can’t give it, he himself will feel that his face is not good. In his opinion, he is a successful person who subsidizes the village. The student, that is a kind of honor, a kind of glory, so Chen Mengxiu admitted to college, he must give money for the meal.

"Small cockroach..." Chen Fangyu suddenly hesitated. Chen Mengyu had just returned home from the robbers. Chen Mu didn't want to toss him any more, but since Chen Zhifu proposed it, there are still some bad rejections.

"The seven masters also want to see the children, and the children of the same age of our family also go, and together will definitely not be lonely!" Chen Zhifu said: "Just say so, big sister, I will go again Someone is calling."

"Okay..." Chen Fangyu had no choice but to agree.

"What's wrong?" Chen Feiyu asked some helpless smiles, Chen Fei asked.

"Get rich, cousin, we have to go with our family, I still can't refuse." Chen Fangyu smiled bitterly: "I thought about Xiaoxiao just going home, tossing enough, taking a rest, I didn't expect to have a meal. ”

"This way, let's go together." Chen Fei sighed and said: "Exactly, Yang Ming also went over together, to see the seven grandfather, we have a boyfriend in the nightmare!"

"Dad--" Chen Mengyu was a little embarrassed...


A 319 first class flight to the East China Sea Airport, sitting in a pair of father and son. They are Chen Zhiye and Chen Xiaolong and his father and son who returned to Songjiang from the south.

When Chen Zhiye’s wife was unable to eat because he was away from home, he left him and his children and a rich man to run away. The father and son were left together, so Chen Zhiye was particularly fond of his son Chen Xiaolong.

After he mixed up in the South, he took his son from Songjiang, but I heard that when his son was transferred to school, he was reluctant to be separated from a favorite female student.

At that time, Chen Zhiye didn't take it seriously. When he was chatting with his son these years, he realized that his son had always liked Chen Fei's daughter, Chen Mengxi. It was thought that Chen Xiaolong's mind would fade after so many years. It’s gone. I did not expect that Chen Xiaolong was excited when he heard that he was going back to Songjiang.

How can Chen Zhiye not understand his son's mind? I didn't think that my son was infatuated. For so many years, I still remembered a girl! However, Chen Zhiye did not say that his son did not, because he felt that his son is very much like himself. For many years, although he has money and status, he has never forgotten his ex-wife and hopes that his ex-wife will change his mind one day.

How do you blame yourself for your son?

"Do you still think about the daughter of Chen Fei's family?" Chen Zhiye glanced at the son with a look of excitement, and asked some helplessly.

"Ah?" Chen Xiaolong said: "I, how can I?"

"Is it? I guess wrong. I originally intended to let the Seven Masters give you a chance. If so, then forget it!"

"Other!" Chen Xiaolong was shocked and quickly said: "Dad, you - how do you know?"

"Knoko is like a father, I still don't know what you want?" Chen Zhiye sighed: "I don't know what you think in your head before, so you know that you like a girl!"

Chen Xiaolong suddenly showed his face and bowed his head: "Dad, are you kidding me, I..."

"Okay, what is your mind, I don't know?" Chen Zhiye said: "Now you have studied at university, and you will inherit my career in the future. It is not too early for you to fall in love. Dad will help this time. Help you!"

“Really?!” Chen Xiaolong heard his father’s words and immediately said: “Dad, thank you so much! You are so good!”

"I just called your uncle and asked him to invite Chen Fei's family and marry him. He must let Chen Fei bring his daughter," Chen Zhiye said with a smile. "Is this happy?"

"Oh..." Chen Xiaolong opened his mouth and thought that he could meet his dream lover at night, and suddenly smiled.

Looking at his son's happy silly, Chen Zhiye shook his head. In his opinion, Chen Fei’s daughter was not able to match her son. He is worth 500 million now. His son must inherit his own career. At that time, what kind of woman is not looking for? How do you still remember a high school classmate?

However, after the call to the eldest brother Chen Zhifu, I heard that Chen Fei has been promoted to the director of the Songjiang City Police Department. Chen Fangyu is also a middle-level cadre of the state-owned enterprise. This is reluctant to think that it is fairly good, and he intends to help his son.

Of course, although Chen Fei is the director of the Songjiang Police Station, Chen Zhiye seems to have little help to him. After all, his career is in the South, not the North. In the north, there is little support for his career. He wanted to find a girl in the South to tell his son.

Just because of Chen Xiaolong’s love, Chen Zhiye has no way. Since his son likes it, then everything depends on his son. Anyway, he relies on Keck’s big backer, and Keck immediately becomes the heir to the big family. Keck became the owner of the big family, and did he still have no social relationship?

"At that time, I have to find a way to transfer the girl to the South to learn the economics. I can be the helper of your career in the future." Chen Zhiye thought about it: "However, if she wants that material, To be just a vase, then I can't agree with her to enter our house!"

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