So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1541: Banquet appointment

The first thousand five hundred and forty-one chapters of the banquet

Yang Ming made a phone call to his family. He had just returned from Europe. He wanted to go home to see it, but he did not expect that Chen Mengxi was kidnapped. He ran to Russia without a break and brought Chen Mengyu back.

I told my parents before that I originally returned to China yesterday. As a result, because of Chen Mengxi’s business, I have not had time to say hello to my parents. Later, I wanted to give my parents a call to report a peace, but she was put on hold because of the water in the phone.

I planned to have dinner at Chen Mengyu's house for a while, and went home with Chen Mengxi to see my parents, but I didn't expect Chen Fei to go out to eat at night and bring myself and Chen Mengyu, so Yang Ming first gave his father a fight. Phone calls.

"Hey, how are you?" Yang Dahai was in a meeting. He saw the phone number of Chen Meng's family on the phone. Hesitated or picked up the phone and made a slight gesture to others.

Although Yang Dahai is the chairman of the board, in order to restrain others, he also took the lead in rejecting the phone when he held the meeting. Only this call was made from Chen Mengyu’s home, and Yang Dahai eventually picked up.

Yesterday, it was the day when Yang Ming came back, but I heard that Yang Ming just came back and went to Russia to save Chen Mengyu. This made Yang Dahai feel scared and gratified!

The shock is that Yang Ming’s courage is really too big. If he is alone, he dares to go to the old gang of the gang. Isn’t he afraid to throw his life there? But the good news is that he feels that Yang Ming’s practice is reckless, but it is a manly act that has a role to play!

Yang Dahai is a straightforward person. If he was not at the beginning, he couldn’t make a big fuss with his eldest brother Yang Dashan. Although, in the recent period, Yang Dahai has been the chairman of the board, he has changed a little and has become more sleek, but the straightforwardness in his bones has not changed.

Therefore, he was particularly pleased that Yang Ming could stand up at this time. If Yang Ming did not care or just sighed at home, Yang Dahai would feel that he did not act as a man.

This is also the case when Yang Ming had the incident of Lin Yuyun. Although Yang Dahai was somewhat annoyed, but after knowing the truth and after Yang Mingyong took responsibility, he did not blame Yang Ming.

Chen Mengyu was kidnapped. There is no one in the society who knows it. Chen Fei is not willing to make troubles in the city. However, Yang Haifang said that he is a dreaming old man. Chen Mengyu had an accident. Chen Feili should inform Yang Dahai.

So at this time Chen Fei suddenly called, and Yang Hai thought that it was about Chen Mengxi, so he picked up the phone when he was in the meeting.

Even if it is not Chen Mengxi's business, it should be about Yang Ming.

"Dad, it is me." Yang Ming said: "I am at nightmare."

"Yang Ming? How is your kid going? The courage is quite big, where are you now... Oh, you are at the nightmare..." Yang Dahai heard Yang Ming’s voice, and suddenly he was happy, worried inside. I put it down at once, and I was speechless when I was excited: "Yang Ming, are you coming back, or have you not gone?"

"Dad, do you know?" Yang Ming was shocked and looked at Chen Fei. He didn't want to tell Yang Dahai about these things, lest he be worried about it, but now he seems to know Then there is no need to hide anything.

"Of course I know!" Yang Dahai snorted: "Your boy is now **** his wings, and he doesn't discuss things with his family. He started to make his own ideas. Well, let's not say this, are you coming back? Didn't go? What happened to the nightmare?"

"The nightmare is very good, I have been brought back by me..." Yang Ming said with a smile: "Dad, I am not afraid of your worry, so I have not told you before... I am waiting for me to come back, everything is safe. Tell you again."

"I am afraid that I am worried? You are not more worried about you?" Yang Dahai said: "You are now learning to play first?"

"Oh..." Yang Ming’s blame on his father can only be laughed at. Although Yang Ming feels that his father’s fears are no longer necessary, he has not raised any objections. After all, no matter how big he is, he is in the father. The eyes are always a child.

"Have you brought your nightmare back?" Yang Dahai finished Yang Ming and thought about the whole point of the matter. Yang Ming just said that he brought Chen Mengyu back. How did he bring it back?

"Well... this thing, let's talk about it later," Yang Ming smiled and looked at Chen Fei. Chen Fei also smiled apologetically. He also understood that Yang Ming could not tell Yang Dahai some things. But since Yang Dahai knew this thing, Yang Ming could not help but explain it, so it became a trouble. He didn't think so much at the time. Now, when he sees Yang Ming's embarrassment, he is a little embarrassed.

"Dad, for a while, Chen Shu will take me and my nightmare to go out for a party. I was going to take a nightmare to see it, but I am afraid I can't. If it is too late tonight, I will have to go home tomorrow. Yang Ming first abducted the previous topic and said.

"Oh? Going out at night? Since it is Lao Chen who wants to take you out, it is natural, but after you go home, you have to tell me in detail, how did you bring Chen Mengyu back?" I am very puzzled, how does the son do this thing that looks like the police are very difficult to do.

At the beginning, Chen Fei was also guilty of this for a long time. As a result, Yang Ming went to a trip and solved it? Although Yang Dahai gradually learned that his son is definitely not an ordinary person, but this is too unexpected, right?

"Okay, sure!" Yang Ming quickly promised, but my heart was figuring out how to explain to Dad. Yang Ming was really reluctant to deceive him. Since the high school, he had been fighting with King Kong and the bicycle was smashed. On the other hand, after Yang Ming told her parents about a lie, she felt that she was not feeling well, so Yang Ming did not want to deceive her parents.

However, the king of the killer is also something that cannot be said. If it is not possible at that time, he can only pick the identity of the mysterious investigation bureau and say that he can believe it.

Yang Ming hung up the phone. Some helplessly looked at Chen Fei, screaming at Chen Mengxi and Chen Fangyu, and whispered: "Chen Shu, you can really find something for me. Now my dad and I are asking for non-stop. I am a bit skeptical about me!"

"I didn't think so much at the beginning!" Chen Fei shrugged helplessly: "I can't do it. You can selectively talk about the mysterious investigation bureau to the old Yang brother. Anyway, this is not necessary." a system of confidentiality for family members."

"It can only be like this." Yang Ming nodded.


Chen Fei’s level, naturally, has a special car to go to work, but to participate in this kind of private party, there is no need to use the bus, the family is not without other cars, so that people who see the impact on Chen Fei will be very bad.

Yang Ming’s car stopped at the downstairs, and Chen Fei did not need to find another car.

Beforehand, Yang Ming had already let Victoria go back to the hotel. Originally, Yang Ming and Victoria had some words to say, but because of Chen Fei’s dinner at night, he had to let Victoria leave.

In theory, Victoria is Yang Ming’s “slave,” so Victoria’s orders are all obeyed by Yang Ming. Only this time, when Yang Ming called, he felt that although Victoria did not hesitate to agree to his request, it seemed to have a hint of emotion in it.

“Where to go?” Yang Ming sat in the driver's seat, while Chen Mengxi was sitting in the co-pilot. Chen Fei and Chen Fangyu sat in the back of the car.

"Songjiang International Hotel." Chen Fei snorted and sneered at Yang Ming. "It's your industry..."

Yang Ming listened to Chen Fei’s words and showed a strange expression on his face: “Does Chen Shu want to vanity for a while?”

"Look at it and say," Chen Shu did not speak, but Chen said: "If Chen Zhiye does not brag, then there is nothing. If you brag, you can't let him run."

"Don't talk nonsense." Chen Fei pulled the sleeve of Chen Fangyu and said.

"Where is there a mess?" Chen Mu took a moment and said: "I just analyzed it carefully before I realized why the big cousin who is getting rich is going to take a couple of them. We are in front of the couple. Chen Jiacun is the most promising. Now, Chen Zhiye is back, and Chen Zhifu’s cousin naturally wants to compare it with us!”

"Which people can do this? Not all relatives, have a meal together, there are so many thoughts?" Chen Fei was very angry and waved his hand, indicating that Chen Fangyu should not guess.

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