So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1545: Reject red envelope

The first thousand five hundred and forty-five chapters rejected the red envelope

"Get rich to you, you will take it." Chen Fangyu had already heard Chen Zhifu mention this matter in the phone, so Chen Mengxi refused at this moment.

"Thank you for your uncle." Since the mother said so, Chen Mengyu had to take over the red envelope that Chen Zhifu handed over. He came to the house and was heavy and did not know how much money there was. Chen Mengyu is also not easy to open on the spot to see, knowing that there is a lot of money inside, not willing to owe this person, but at this moment it is even worse to return directly, only to be included in the carry-on bag.

When Chen Mengyu took over the red envelope, Yang Ming glanced at it with his power, and suddenly frowned! There is only about 10,000 yuan in this red envelope, and a thick stack! Yang Ming does not believe that Chen Zhifu has given so many rice tickets to every child who goes to school. This is 10,000 yuan. It is enough to spend more than a year if you eat purely. If you want to eat a school, you can only eat school canteens. Four years of meal tickets are enough!

Although Chen Zhifu is a distant relative of Chen Mengxi, but after all, it is not a real relative. What did it mean when he gave so much money at this time?

If it is said to give Chen Fei a bribe, Yang Ming does not believe it. Since Chen Zhifu grew up with Chen Fei, it is impossible to know what kind of person Chen Fei is. How could he take his bribe?

Moreover, such a person like Chen Fei, even if it does not give him any benefit, everyone is a relative, the help is not too much, so this way, there is a trace of unusual taste in this matter.

There is only one possibility left, that is, Chen Zhifu’s money is originally directed at Chen Mengyu and also wants to give Chen Mengxi. As for the reason, Yang Ming did not know for the time being. If it was because of Chen Xiaolong, Yang Ming did not quite believe it. It has been almost four years since then. Will Chen Xiaolong still be indifferent?

But no matter what, such a number of red envelopes, although not worth mentioning in Yang Ming, but enough 5000 yuan is enough to sentence, who knows what Chen Zhifu's idea, do you have good intentions? Will it bring trouble to Chen Fei?

Thinking of this, Yang Ming directly reached out to prevent Chen Mengxi from putting the red envelope into the bag. He took the red envelope in his hand and directly pushed it into the hands of Chen Zhifu: "Tofu, the amount of money is too big, where? Is it a meal ticket? We can't accept it."

Chen Zhifu saw Yang Ming before, but he didn't care. He thought it was Chen Fei or Chen Fangyu's driver. Like Chen Fei or Chen Fangyu, it is not a rare thing to go out with a driver, so even if you see Yang Ming, you will never think that Yang Ming will be Chen Mengxi’s boyfriend.

However, Yang Ming suddenly opened his mouth at this time. Chen Zhifu immediately realized that he had misunderstood Yang Ming’s identity. This person’s identity should not be the driver of Chen Fei or Chen Fangyu!

But even so, Chen Zhifu's face was still smashed down. In his view, even if Yang Ming is Chen Fei's relatives, the adult has not spoken yet. He has to speak first. This is simply not educated and not polite!

So Chen Zhifu looked at Yang Ming with a cold eye and sighed: "This red envelope is for Chen Mengxi, isn't it for you? Chen Fei brother, who is this child? Is it so polite?"

Chen Fei did not expect that Yang Ming would suddenly stop Chen Mengyu from collecting red packets. He was a bit embarrassed. However, with his understanding of Yang Ming, Yang Ming is definitely not the kind of person who has nothing to do with it. This must have his purpose and deep meaning. At this time, it is still difficult to know what to say.

"I am Chen Mengxi's boyfriend," Yang Ming did not want Chen Fei to do it. He simply introduced himself: "I am not rude, but you have a red envelope inside, and you have a minimum of 10,000 yuan. Is this still a meal ticket? If you give a thousand two thousand, that's about the same, but this is too much?"

" do you know?" Chen Zhifu’s face was stagnation, and he did not expect Yang Ming to directly say the amount in the red envelope! You know, in order to send out this 10,000 yuan to Chen Mengxi, he has already racked his brain! Deliberately found a gift shop to buy a small gift box to make a red envelope to make a package, so even if Chen Mengxi had doubts in his hand, would not think that the gift box contained so much money! Because from the outside of the gift box, this is a small gift box, how much money can not be read.

"If you get a gift box, but the gift box can have multiple? A little estimation, you can know." Yang Ming said faintly: "If not, take a look?"

Chen Zhifu was annoyed in his heart, and he was stunned by Yang Ming. He didn’t think that Chen Mengyu actually had a boyfriend. She just had a freshman year.

Before, his brother Chen Zhiye called and called the surname, saying that his nephew Chen Xiaolong liked Chen Fei's daughter Chen Mengyu, letting himself prepare for the first step.

Although Chen Zhifu does not understand how Chen Xiaolong likes Chen Mengxi, even if two people were former classmates, this has not been seen for several years? How can there be any feelings and thoughts? But since the younger brother said so, Chen Zhifu can only help this.

In his view, although Chen Fei is a director, but the position is not lifelong, retired, it is no different from ordinary people, and the younger brother is a billionaire, the future industry should also let Chen Xiaolong inherit, so First, Chen Mengyu is a high climber of his nephew Chen Xiaolong!

Chen Zhi is full of objection, but his brother nodded. What more is he doing? Just do your best! Therefore, Chen Zhifu made every effort to let Chen Fei bring Chen Mengxi to attend the evening banquet, and also prepared 10,000 yuan for the meal ticket. If you want to come here, it is also for the wife. It is nothing.

And in Chen Zhifu's view, which woman does not love money? I showed my financial strength in front of Chen Mengyu. At that time, the pursuit of Xunzi can save a lot of effort.

Therefore, Chen Zhifu was so generous, otherwise he would change to the ordinary Chenjiacun children. Chen Zhifu would give a thousand dollars to the most. Where would he give so much?

If he is not afraid that Chen Mengyu will not accept so much, he wants to give 50,000 yuan directly. He will use his money to stun Chen Mengyu, and let his nephew hold the beauty of the night!

However, his wonderful plan suddenly changed! In his plan, Chen Mengxi is a single person. How did this come out of a boyfriend?

It’s not that Chen Zhifu feels that Chen Mengxi should not have a boyfriend. He feels that even if he has a boyfriend, he just met when he was in college, and he is not likely to bring this family gathering occasion. At that time, under the money offensive of himself and Xunzi, I am not afraid of Chen Mengxi's unchanging heart. What do the college boyfriends count?

It’s just that he never thought that Chen Mengxi would bring his boyfriend, and it seems that he has seen Chen Fei and Chen Fangyu, and they have also defaulted their relationship, and it looks very harmonious!

This makes Chen Zhifu somehow do not know how to be good! Chen Fei’s tutor should be very strict. How can I agree that Chen Mengyu has made a boyfriend so early?

But even if he has any more ideas, he can't say it at the moment. Since Yang Ming can appear here, together with Chen Fei and Chen Fangyu, it means that Chen Fei and Chen Fangyu have already admitted Yang Ming's identity. I said here. It’s a bit wrong, it’s a bit wrong.

"How to give the child so much money?" I heard that there are tens of thousands of yuan in the red envelope. Chen Fei’s heart was also shocked. He quickly said: "Get rich, this is a bit too much, even if you give a meal ticket, one thousand two thousand At the end of the day, what do children do with so much money?"

"This..." Chen Zhifu had made a gift box red envelope before, but he was afraid that a single red envelope would cost so much. He was afraid that Chen Fei would directly refuse it. Now that he has been pointed out by Yang Ming, he has no way. Continue to give it hard, the heart is angry, but the face can only continue to smile: "I am thinking about relatives, huh, huh, if there are too many, then a thousand!"

Chen Zhifu said, took out his wallet from his pocket and counted a thousand pieces in it and handed it to Chen Mengxi: "Give, is this going back?"

Chen Mengxi hesitated for a moment, took the money over, and said "thank you" before he was taken in the bag.

Before that red envelope was thrown into his own bag by Chen Zhifu, and looked at Yang Ming with a hateful look. He thought that for a while he really wanted to humiliate you, this little rabbit, and let you know.

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